Man had his head been hurting a lot lately. No thanks to two certain otaku's, Erica and Walker. Mainly Erica… "Nene Dotachin!"

"Don't call me that!" Kadota grumbled rubbing his temples as another migraine started.

"Do you think that Shizuo and Izaya have been secretly meeting at love hotels lately? A fellow fan of mine say's that she saw Shizuo and Izaya heading into a love hotel separately. First it was Izaya then ten minutes later it was Shizuo! Nyhaaaa! This is so exciting!"

Kadota just sighed as he rubbed his temples more; he needed to go see Shinra about this. "Togusa, mind taking me to a friends place?"

Tougusa put down his Ruri Magazine and nodded as he started up the van. Kadota sighed as he leaned back in his seat. Trying to tune out Erica's rantings and Walker's comments. 'I really need to get away from these two' he jumped when his phone vibrated in his pocket. 'That bastard changed my text tone on purpose, he knows it tickles.' Kadota flipped his phone up and read his text:

Dotachin we are meeting here tonight! Why don't you wear something sexy? A thong would nice, or maybe you could where that present I gave last week. See you later.


Kadota glared at the text, there was no way he was going to where that thing. Kadota looked up as the van came to a stop in front of Shinra's apartment complex. He hopped out of the van, and came to the driver's side. "You can go head and leave me here I'll be fine."

"You sure man?" Togusa asked

"Yeah I'll be fine!" Kadota waved as they drove off

"Nene Yumachin… you think Dotachin is meeting someone?" Erica bounced around

"Who could Kadota-san possibly be meeting with?"

"That's what I want to know!" Erica squealed

"Hey! That's only that doctors place idiots!" Togusa yelled

"Oh pooh" Erica pouted; now knowing Kadota didn't have a secret lover.

Kadota knocked on Shinra's door and was greeted by said doctor. "Kadota-san come in… need a patch up?" Shinra stepped a side for his high school friend to come through.

"Actually I was wondering if you had anything to help with these headaches I have been having. Or tell me what a good brand of aspirin would be." Kadota sat down on the couch.

"Hhmm… headaches huh?" Shinra tapped his chin. "Would it be stress related?"

"More like irritating related" Kadota sighed "those two have been going on none stop on topics for two weeks straight."

"Ah, I see…" Shinra tapped his chin again then snapped his fingers "I have just the thing, be right back." Shinra went towards the back to his office and opened a box. "This would be a good chance to test this out." He held up the bottle, and made his way back to the living room and handed the bottle to Kadota.

"What are these?" Kadota looked at the bottle

"It's a guaranteed good brand of painkillers!" Shinra smiled. Kadota knew that smile.

"You made these didn't you?"

"Now Kadota-san I know my home made products haven't been well… successful."

"Yeah… like that lotion you had me try in our second year of high school."

"Ah yes, but thing of this way you don't have any unnecessary body hair."

"Yeah… not mention my slightly sensitive skin now."

"That's besides the point Kadota-san these have been tested thoroughly, and are guaranteed to work without side effects. Please trust me on this and if anything goes wrong, or you're more ticklish than you are know."

"Thanks to that lotion."

"Please just report to me." Shinra sighed

"Fine… can I have some water please?" Kadota sighed in defeat, his head really hurt.

Shinra handed him a glass of water "Just two pills every six hours or later."

"Gotcha" Kadota popped two of the purple pills in his mouth, and drank some water. "Thanks Shinra… I better get going." Kadota made his way towards the door.

"Remember Kadota-san; let me know immediately if anything strange happens."

"Oh I will, maybe with a punch or two." Kadota shut the door behind him as he left.

"Please tell me nothing is going to happen… I don't want to be killed." Shinra pleaded with any god that would listen to his plea.

Kadota was making his way to a certain destination it was currently 8:30 pm. As he stopped in front of a hotel called Luvly Red. Honestly why pick this place, he walked inside.

Erica and Walker poked there heads out from a newspaper they were hiding behind. "Why is Dotachin here? Oh well this proves that Izaya and Shizuo have been meeting each other at love hotels cause here comes Shizuo." Erica squealed as said blonde walked through the hotel doors. Twenty minutes earlier Erica and Walker had caught Izaya walking in the hotel and decided to stake it out.

"I can't believe they actually have this kind of relation ship?"

"This is just great… but still why is Dotachin here?"