Shizuo was staring at the ultra sound picture that Shinra had given them two weeks ago. The baby looked like an alien you see in movies. Currently he and Kadota were on the couch in Kadota's apartment. Kadota was sound asleep, on top of him. Shizuo laid the photo back on the table. When the door bell rang, Kadota groaned as he sat up. "Hold it I'll answer it, you go back to sleep." Shizuo kissed the brunettes for head, and went towards the door.

"Oh Shizu-chan you're here…." Izaya sighed as he was greeted by the blonde man

"Like I want to see you either Izaya-kun." Shizuo snorted as Izaya strode past him.

"So how is or lovely wife… is he taking a nap." Izaya slipped his shoes off.

"Yeah… he's been asleep since I got here." Shizuo walked back in the living room with Izaya skipping behind him. "Here…" He passed Izaya the picture of the baby.

Izaya looked at it grinned "my how small it is, its' strange."

"What is?" Shizuo sat down in front of the couch.

"Well, the theory of man, and the creation of life scientifically." Izaya sat down in the chair. "To think we look like aliens ourselves, when we are created. How do we not know that the generations of man started with a meteor hitting the earth. With an alien race living on it and they chose this planet as their new home. Did we really evolve from monkeys, or are we from a higher genetic race?"

"Who knows science suggest that they are always right, but in some cases they are wrong, like now." Shizuo looked at Kadota. "They say only women have the requirements to reproduce."

"Yes, if they new about this than their would be uproar… and they would probably confiscate everything. Shinra's product, all of his data and probably even Dotachin and the baby."

"Over my dead body, if Shinra leaks this to any one… I'm gonna…."

"Calm down Shizu-chan… I have already advised Shinra to be careful with his research." Izaya smiled

Shizuo twitched at that smile… Izaya definitely threatened Shinra with something. Kadota groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Well hello my sleeping beauty." Izaya smiled as Kadota turned to see who else, besides Shizuo, was in the room.

"Izaya when did you get here… did you see the picture?" Kadota yawned

"Yes… and I hope he or she makes cute faces like you do." Izaya walked over and sat behind Kadota on the couch.

"I'm not cute…"

"Hhhmm I think you are…" Izaya licked the shell of the brunette's ear.

"Oi! Quit!" Kadota blushed. He would have scooted up if Shizuo wasn't in front of him between his legs.

"Don't be shy Dotachin…"

Kadota would have responded, if Shizuo wasn't kissing him at the moment. Izaya opted for letting his hands roam underneath Kadota's shirt. Kadota grunted and broke the kiss as Izaya pinched his nipples.

"Stop! Not there…" Kadota whimpered, his nipples were still sensitive.

"Poor Dotachin… are they still fragile." Izaya kissed his neck. Shizuo moved Izaya's hand from the left nipple and licked and sucked on it gently. Izaya opted to move to the front and suck on the other." You might as well practice this more Dotachin… who knows you may have to breast feed."

"Hah… like…th-ha-at… would happen… aahnnn…" Kadota shivered as he felt someone's hand got underneath his boxers. Caressing his member lightly. "Wait you two… at least… hah… on the bed." Kadota was soon lifted off the couch and carried to his bedroom.

"I'm pitching tonight Shizu-chan." Izaya smirked

Shizuo snorted as he stripped from the waste up. As Izaya stripped down to his boxers and Kadota just tossed his t-shirt. Shizuo placed himself towards the head of the bed resting his back on the headboard. Watching as Izaya kissed Kadota passionately, while grinding his growing bulge against the others. Kadota groaned at the pleasurable friction Izaya was creating, and arched his back as hand slithered under his shorts. Kadota gasped as he felt something hot against his shorts, as Izaya sucked on his erection through the fabric. Izaya hummed a tune as he used his teeth to pull down Dotachin's shorts. "Already leaking pre-cum are we Dotachin, your shorts are wet." Izaya kissed the head of Kadota's member, before licking and sucking on it.

Kadota curled his toes and ran his finger through Izaya hair as the informant devoured him. Izaya bobbed his head up and down as he held Kadota's thighs firmly. "Iz-ah-ya" Kadota came in Izaya's mouth arching his back. Izaya sucked Kadota dry and started to suck on his own fingers. Kadota rolled over and stared at Shizuo. Shizuo was slowly rubbing his erection as watched the two. Kadota crawled towards him moving the blondes hand out the way, so he could gingerly lick it. Kadota gasped as he felt Izaya's fingers penetrate his entrance.

Kadota tried his best to focus on continuing with giving Shizuo a blow job, but as usual Izaya and Shizuo keep throwing him off. While Izaya stretched his hole and pumped his member. Shizuo was teasing his nipples, which made Kadota nearly keel over with pleasure. Shizuo groaned as Kadota sucked and moaned around his shaft. Sending pleasurable vibrations through his body. Kadota bobbed his head up and down, and grazed his teeth along to the tip. He groaned as Izaya entered him slowly.

"Dotachin… you're so tight." Izaya panted as he kissed Kadota's back.

Shizuo had a hand entangled in the brunette's hair as he deep throated him. Izaya started to set a rhythm causing Kadota to nearly gag with each thrust. Izaya pulled out to flip Kadota over, and began his rhythm again, picking up the pace. Shizuo leaned over to kiss Kadota while he continued where he left off.

"Dotachin… clamping… me to tight… I'm gonna…" Izaya moaned as he came inside Kadota. Kadota and Shizuo moaned in each others mouths as the both came. Kadota breathed heavily as him and Shizuo broke their kiss. Izaya kiss the brunettes chest leaving a hickie by his navel. Izaya pulled out and laid beside Kadota. "It's good to pitch once in a while" Izaya sighed in the after glow.

"Don't get cocky Izaya-kun." Shizuo laid next to Kadota the opposite way. The three of them stayed silent like that for moment. Until Izaya's phone rang.

"Well it seems my next client is ready." Izaya sat up and dressed himself. Shizuo sat up too and zipped himself back up.

"Honestly flea don't you take a day off… it's Sunday for crying out loud."

"Well unlike you Shizuo my job has some odd hours." Izaya pulled his shirt over his head.

"Come on you two don't start arguing over nothing." Kadota pulled on a new pair of shorts and plopped back down on the bed. Izaya placed himself in between his legs, wrapping his arms around his waist. He kiss Kadota's belly.

"You be good in there while I'm gone." Izaya got up and kissed Kadota good bye and was out the bedroom door. Soon they heard the front door open and close.

Shizuo grunted as he crossed his arms. "So he actually does of a heart."


"What I'm just saying… I mean this is the first time I've seen this side of him." Shizuo plopped back down on the bed.

"This is true… it's almost kind of cute." Kadota chuckled as he got up to pull his shirt on. He climbed in the bed; it was time for another nap. Shziuo slowly got up and tip toed out the room shutting the door quietly.

"Well better go to the store and get some food, he'll be hungry when wakes up." Shizuo look at the ultra sound picture again. "Grow up healthy little guy… or gal… hm this will be kind of hard if you were girl so…." Shizuo clapped his hands together… "Please be a boy… please be a boy… please be a boy." He chanted his prayer in hopes that it would be a boy, and be his child.

BGL: Since you have reached the end of this chapter I give cookies for giving this story your time. Please review!

Erika: I can't wait for Dotachin's baby belly!

BGL: Me Neither!