Poisoned From Within

By Bashfulglowfly

Chapter One

The four Senshi stood around the bed of their slumbering princess.

Even though they were in a tower high above the ground, they could hear the screams of the people, the tolling of the bells and the floor was vibrating beneath their feet.

"Are you sure?" asked Mercury.

"Do we have to do this?" Asked Jupiter.

"Do we have a choice?" Replied Mars.

"There is no choice." Said Venus. She pulled a dagger from her sub-space pocket.


Endymion came running into Serenity's rooms. "Sere! Sere! We won! We defeat…" He stopped at the entrance to Serenity's bedroom.

The Shitennou entered Serenity's suite and were surprised at the tone of voice that came from their prince. It was of a small child in pained disbelief. "Serenity?"

"SERENITY!" That scream came from a man who's beating heart had been ripped from his chest.

They sprinted for the bedroom door and stopped in shock at the horrific scene before them.

Scarlet blood sprayed grotesquely across the once pristinely white comforter. The bodies of Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury were sprawled across the floor as if they had slid off the sides of the bed. Daggers with their personal marks were buried in their hearts.

Endymion was on the blood-soaked bed cradling Serenity to his chest, rocking her back and forth. His hand became covered in blood as he smoothed back her blood-drenched golden hair. It was obvious that her throat had been cut. "Sere. Sere. We won. We defeated Beryl and her demon, Metallia. We won. My beautiful Serenity. Open your eyes, darling. Wake up my love. Sere? Sere?"

Zoicite and Jadeite were on the floor, holding each other and screaming out their grief.

Nephrite collapsed to his knees, tears rolling down his face. "Why? Why?"

Kunzite tried to choke back the sobs but the most stoic of the Shitennou broke down. He knew that Endymion had gone mad by the murder of his beloved Serenity and he knew that his own heart would never be whole again.

"Serenity? Sweetheart? Where are you?"

Kunzite turned and tried to stop Queen Serenity from entering the room.

He was too late.

Queen Serenity took one look.

Time seemed to freeze.

Then a scream of anguish tore from Queen Serenity's throat.

A young girl in a purple and white fuku appeared in the room along with the Ginzuishou.

The last thing Kunzite saw was Endymion looking at Queen Serenity. He gave a sad smile, pulled Serenity closer then kissed her cold lips.

The world went white.