It's been a little over a week and Sesshomaru refused to leave his mates' side. He was the owner of his company so he could as he pleased. He was so depressed at what he did to his beloved onna. He made sure no one disturbed them unless he called for them.

He was sitting at her side holding her hand. He knew she will be in a great deal of pain when she wakes. He thanked all the Kamis' above that he mated her making her demon. If she was human she would have died instantly.

His head snapped up hearing her groan. She was waking up.

Kagome laid there in pain as she slowly came back to reality. Her eyes began to open as her memories flooded back into then tears began to shed.

'Why' she thought remembering what took place. Her eyes opened completely and she was immediately struck with fear. There next to her was the man she thought loved him staring down at her with love, concern, heartbreak, and worry evident in his golden pools.

"Kagome" she heard him say. She could hear the hurt and self hate in his voice but she couldn't bring herself to care, she was terrified.

Sesshomaru could smell the fear radiating off his beautiful wife and mate and it made his heart ache knowing he deserved her reaction.

"I am greatly sorry love. I was not in my rights state of mind and I am deeply sincerely sorry for what I caused you" he said sincerely letting a tear escape, but what she said next made him want to die.

"No it is my fault my Lord. I did not heed your words and disobeyed, but I promise to never defy my Lord again" she said quietly trying not shed tears in front of him fearing that he may see her even weaker then she already is.

"Kagome no please do not say such lies. You did nothing wrong to deserve such a punishment" he begged holding her hand to his heart. It was racing like hell.

She tried getting up but she went down feeling the pain take over 10 fold.

"No my Lord I will do it. I wish not to bother you with such a trivial burden as walking" Kagome said.

She would make sure never to anger him like she did the other night. They may live in the present but she remembered how all the other Ladies acted with their Lords back in feudal terms. They were the care takers of their pups, care taker of the house, and they were to be seen and never heard unless instructed by their mates'.

Sesshomaru watched in agony when she rejected his help, determined not to anger him.

"No it is of no burden to this one" he said quietly reaching for her gently.

He hated himself. As soon as he made contact with her, her fear increased, but this wasn't about him and his feelings. He will dedicate all eternity to getting his mate back.

Kagome felt so helpless and undeserving knowing she will need help till she regains her strength.

He carried her to their private bathroom. He held her gently in one arm and used the other to fill their tub with water. He sat her in gently.

"Thank You My Lord, but I will do the rest I do not wish to take you away from your work" she said softly reaching for the soap but was stopped when he grabbed her wrist but it wasn't rough just gentle enough to make her cease her advances.

His head hung low in shame knowing his mate was terrified to even have him touch her let alone bathing her. That was one of their favorite activities together.

"No" he whispered softly. She could see the tears falling.

"No please do not use my title" he knew what she was doing.

She was trying to become one of the other Ladies. She was trying to act like her title but that's not what he wanted. He wanted his Kagome back. The carefree, happy, opinionated, selfless, stubborn, caring, warm mate back. He didn't want some clone who aimed to please their partner. If he wanted some woman that didn't have a thought of their own then he would have mated one of the thousands of demonesses that threw themselves at him constantly.

"I took time off from work to be with you and help whenever need be. I do not mind at all love. I want to do this. Please let me help" he said softly looking down at the ground.

"As you wish my—I mean Sesshomaru" she said quietly letting a tear escape her. She tried to wipe it away before it fell but Sesshomaru softly took her face in his hand and softly kissed it away. Everything was quiet as he bathed her. He would try to make conversation but she would only say things that she thought he would want to hear.

He took her out and dried her off before dressing her. He called for one of the servants to bring breakfast up.

They sat together in their chambers and ate quietly.

Sesshomaru feared that he most likely lost his mate for good to the empty woman beside him but no matter how long it takes he will get his Kagome back even if it kills him.

They finished and Sesshomaru took her out the garden in the back.

They sat in the gazebo under the shade and watched as their two youngest pups played.

Sakura and Tenshi were twins.

Sakura has Sesshomarus' hair but with black tips. She had his crescent moon and a single magenta stripe on both cheeks. She was more of a free spirit like her mother but always thought things through like her father.

Tenshi had her mothers' hair but silver streaks. She also bared the symbol of his house and had stripes like her sister. But unlike her sister she had her mothers' beautiful blue eyes. She was more of the shy but laid back type.

'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT' Sesshomaru growled at his beast. If it wasn't for him he wouldn't be in this situation.

'Beast wants to speak with mate' his beast asked quietly.


'Please master beast will make everything better' his beast really missed their mate. It hurt even him at seeing what has happened because of him.

Sesshomaru sat their thinking it over. He knows he will never let that damn thing take control again especially around his mate and pups.

'Please mate must know beast is greatly sorry' his beats begged.

'You will have no more than 5 minutes with her nor will you take over. I will be very much aware of what is going on and if she as so much as shies away you will be locked up not ever getting the feel of our mate again. Am I understood' it was not a bargain but an order.

'Yes Master' his beats whimpered.

"Mate" his beats said. His heart ached seeing her jump in terror. She was never afraid of him before even when he used to kill her for traveling with his brother.

"Mate" he purred softly slowly reaching out for her and gently grasped her hand bringing it to his cheek.

'Oh no' Kagome thought petrified seeing that his beats was back 'what did I do this time' she thought as the tears began to over flow making her sob uncontrollably.

"Mate" his beats purred again leaning into her palm "beast is sorry for his behavior and taking anger out on mate. Beast feels terrible for what he did" he said sincerely.

"Beast was not upset with mate but with Kagura" he admitted. After she began to calm down a little he began to explain to her he was so angry from the beginning to end and made sure to include that never in his life would he have done what he did to her and that he is sincerely and beyond sorry.

By know he was on one knee looking up at her from her seat on the bench.

"Beast loves mate greatly. Mate is the best thing to ever happen to me and master. Mate loves us for us and not for wealth or title. Mate blessed us with great pups and love. Beast and master misses mate smile, laugh, care and touch. Beast and master wishes for old mate back" he pleaded. Though it was the beast speaking tears began to show from his eyes.

"Please bring mate back to us" were his last words before going back to his cage letting Sesshomaru take over.

"Kagome" he said softly.

"I..I" she sobbed "I love you and your beast and I forgive you" she cried jumping into his arms with whatever strength she could muster up.

Sesshomaru held her close as he let her cry into his chest.

"Shhh" he soothed softly gently rubbing her back "I love you Kagome and I am greatly sorry for the pain"

"Let's just forget please" she said softly calming down "Let's just put it behind us" she whispered. Before he could agree she kissed his lips softly but it was filled with so much emotion.

He held her close and lovingly never wanting to let go.

"I love you my beautiful mate" he whispered brushing his lips across her.

"I love you too my loving mate"