Wow. It's been forever guys.

I'm so sorry. I've been going through a lot lately.. Being as though my boyfriend broke up with me and then my girlfriend cheating on me, I didn't really feel like doing anything for the past month or two involving anything creative. I've been creating a bunch of small stories though but I don't think they're worth anything so I don't know if I want to post them or not.

Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. The next update will hopefully come by sooner than this one.

Hope you guys like..!

The Past, 10 Years Ago

"Lily..?" A low, but gentle voice called out her name. It ever so faint, and it was like it wasn't even there.

"Lily...?" It said again, growing a little louder. Some emotion were starting to show, such as concern and sorrow.


"H-huh? What?" The young girl spoke out in a startled awakening. She looked all over; her serene and white surroundings, her clothing, and most importantly: the strange people around her. Rapists! was the first thing coming to her small, 9 year old mind. "W-who are you guys?!" She said to a distant direction, aiming at the man in white cloak and two people who looked almost like herself but bigger with an exception of the woman being slightly smaller than the man compartment.

"Masuda Lily, I am your doctor today and I'll be here to tell you what happened." He finally introduced himself but he didn't even bother to tell her his names since he carried around a stethoscope with his name card ID clipped onto it. "Now don't worry about anything, you'll be fine."

"I-I don't get it! Wh-what's going on here?!" The little blonde girl cried out once more, her hands clasping up to her slightly charred hair. Her head was in a whizzling whir of a headache, it seemed as though the room around her was starting to spin.

"Honey, please calm down. This nice man is trying to help you." The eldest woman of the room said while her arms reached out to give young Lily a hug in attempt to cope her comfortably. She caressed the back of her hair, the crispy noise agitating Lily's headache even more by the second.

"H-Honey?! Who the heck are you guys?!" Lily practically smacked her mother's hands away, not wanting to be hugged by a total stranger. She looked over at what seemed to be another stranger but was actually her father. He looked down at her, his eyes fulls of concern and deep worry. His eyebrows furrowed, he then looked back over to the doctor's clipboard for the analysis completed for his daughter's brain trauma.

"We're your parents... Sweetheart, do you know who we are?" The woman recoiled back her hand, rubbing the red mark tenderly. The look in her eyes were a mix of shock and terror- horrified that there was a high chance of the "unknown symptom".

"No; that's why I asked. Duh!" Lily barked then crossed her arms in a frustrated fit, laying back on the comfortable hospital pillow, "I'm no honey either." Her father didn't look like he enjoyed Lily's rude behaviour just by the scornful look on his face, but yet he was still worried about his only daughter.

"Her personality hasn't changed a bit but her memory has been shocked deeply due to the ceiling collapsing on top of her cranium." The doctor spoke as he writes down some unknown things onto her clipboard located in front of her bed," Other doctors says she's lucky to even be alive. She's got some minor burns alongside her arms and dominant "chest" area due to the chemical explosion."

Being as Lily was, she took offense of how he called it the chest and not the breast area. She believed the doctor was mocking her due to the lacking of fleshy orbs. Subconsciously thinking back to all the gallons of milk she's chugged and numerous exercises she's tried, the idea of him trying to offend her seemed all reasonable.

"Hey, watch it bub! I can hear you; my ears haven't been burnt off yet!" protested Lily with a rather adorably amusing scowl. This was definitely strange; first you wake up in a hospital bed then you find out these complete strangers are your parents, and then the doctor had the nerve to insult a girl's boobs! The NERVE!

"My apologies Miss." the doctor spoke in monotone, not seeming to give a care to the young girl's retaliation to help. He turned back to Lily's parents giving a remorseful look," I'm sorry for what happened. I don't know when she'll be able to gain back all her memories but for now, I'm afraid all we can do is to give your daughter some antibiotics for the smoke in her lungs and some cream for her burns."

"Oh doctor!" Lily's mother wailed," What can we do to save Lily's memories?!"

The doctor shook his head, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry... I guess all I can really say is you have to start over."

"Wait wait wait.. why does she remember her language and her name and personality? How come she doesn't remember people? Isn't this like a movie, it's too cliche; are we being set up?" Lily's father obviously wanted to believe this was a prank, he was too scared of losing his only daughter. Lily looked up at the chatting three and rubbed the sore spot on her head. A spike of pain shot through her head when she reached the center of all the pain. "Ouch!" she murmured under her breathe, causing her mother to stir with worry.

"No sir, this is serious. Doctors found that she was hit pretty hard on her crown-"

"Well I can see that!" the father retorted angrily, now Lily saw where she got her rather hot tempered personality from. It's almost funny how calm her mother was compared to her father; their personalities contrasted but they suited each other in the best of ways.

"Please." the doctor coughed to clear his throat," We're doing our best. But all the advice I can give you is to start over."

"I suppose our move to Tokyo is convenient to the situation, yes?" The mother chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood but only to be returned with a harsh glare from her husband. Even the doctor and Lily looked appalled.

The shaggy, blonde haired husband soon lightened his stare and soothed his nerves, showing a great amount of tension relief from his shoulders," If this is the best we can do... Then I guess the new life in Tokyo will help set Lily straight." (Later on Lily's father graciously accepted the fact that Lily was bisexual so his phrase from now seemed rather ironic.)

"How long will Lily be in the hospital, Doctor?" Lily's mom said as she was taking a seat beside her daughter, holding her small, tender hands softly in her womanly ones. Lily's nerves, too, relaxed under her mother's touch. It must have been a motherly thing that only a caring, loving one can do.

"She will be able to check out this Saturday. Visiting hours are from 4 PM to 8 PM and is allowed Monday through Saturday. Sunday is from 2 PM to 7 PM. You can feel free to come visit your daughter anytime you please, only as long as your check in at the front counter." Throughout the whole chat, this was the first time the doctor smiled warmly. Maybe because he was exiting the room to leave the family tend to the amnesia problem when he finishes his lecture on the hospital's rules.

As the door shut, Lily's mother was the first to speak. "Honey," she spoke to Lily's father," We move this Saturday... do you think Lily's in good condition to travel that far? She'll be fresh out of the hospital and I'm afraid she'll get car sickness."

"Now dear, she's subjected to amnesia, not the chicken pox." He was a very serious man but his laugh were like ringing bells to Lily's ears, it was no wonder her mother married him. He loved his family and even though he's serious, he cares a lot more than beneaths the eye. "She's a Masuda! She can handle a few hours in the car; the house will be ready to move into when we get there."

"You're right..." She turned over to Lily, her middle-aged thumbs were grooving over her youngen's smaller hands. "Now Lily, you're gonna have to be a good girl, okay? Be strong her mommy, alright?"

"Ugh! I'm not five years old, I can take care of myself... wait.. I'm not 5, am I?" Lily cocked her head to the side, getting a meek smile from her dad and a brighter one from her mom. Something told her that she was the jokester type, for she loved the feeling of making others laugh. She giggled alongside her parents.

"Haha.. No darling, you're in the middle of 4th grade and you're about to turn 10 pretty soon." Her mom laughed softly. "We'll visit you everyday, and when it turns Saturday, we'll pick you up as soon as possible so we can 'start over' in your new life!"

"Yes.. err.. mom." Lily spoke timidly, the very unusual stranger called mom vibe must have been getting to her. With that, her mom kissed her forehead and her father walked over beside Lily and held onto her free right hand.

"Be tough for daddy, alright?" He said, kissing her forehead on top of her mother's kiss mark. They bid their farewells and took their time walking out the door. Lily's mother cried when they got out, Lily had heard and her father tried to comfort her the best he could.

Now the silence of the hospital is her enemy...

During the whole week, Lily's parents have been visiting her all the hours possible and almost have been nearly kicked out due to the constant reminders of "it's time for you two to leave". Of course, they would laugh it out in the end with the doctors and laughed about it again on the next day.

When Saturday approached, the young blonde girl sat impatiently in her white blanketed hospital bed for her parents to arrive. Truth be told, they got there just on the mark and checked Lily out.

As they walked out of Lily's room and down the hallways, her mother handed her some extra clothing. "You've been on that same, fragility nightgown for days now (the outfit was outrageous! It's like if you barely move, people would catch glimpse of your butt from all angles! The doctors here must have been perverts or something). It's time for you to change back into your usual attire." Lily took her clothes obediently and walked off into the bathroom down the hallway. Her mother and father stood close by the door and waited for her daughter to come out.

"What the-?!" Lily exclaimed when she saw herself in the bathroom mirror. Her bangs were messy from pulling over her nightgown and slipping on her "shirt" and when she had removed her slightly crisp trousers to change, the blonde girl had realized she had no pants to change into. "Mom!" She ran out the bathroom to look for her parents sitting nearby.

"Yes, dear-? Oh my goodness, you look to PRECIOUS~!" Her mother went into a full cuteness overload attack, running over in an awkward pace and squeezing her daughter's cheeks. "You look so adorable in that dress!"

"I hate it."

"I know but you never wore them before and I thought you would start liking them in your new life in Tokyo!" Her mother continued her explanation, really failing at this point. Lily did not seem very amused at her mom's trick; a beginner can never deceive the master, as they say.

"Get me some pants." Lily's words were cold and serious as the icy tundra of the Arctic but her parents have yet to see that.

"Why? You look so cute in that sundress, sweetheart." The father jumped into the conversation, also starting to gently ruffle up her unusually long bangs, also careful not to touch any burnt and or injured cranium area.

As her parents walked to the front counter and checked her out of the hospital, Lily walked over to the front exit and tapped her foot impatiently to get the public humiliation done and over with. Checking out was quick and when they all exited the front lobby, Lily's dad pointed to their car- nothing bad, just a Japanese branded car that looked like a slick sportscar. Behind it was a giant moving truck

"I feel vulnerable and exposed." Lily blushed and trotted off into the car where no human being besides her parents would ever see her in a frilly, "stupid" dress- as she referred to in her head. "Never again do you ever try to pull a fast one on me." Finally the small blonde cursed under her breathe but loud enough to catch her parent's attention.

"But hon-" Her mother was about to protest again and talk about how adorable and eye catching her daughter looked to her but Lily was anything but jolly with the idea of frilly skirts and dresses.

"No. Never speak of this to anyone."


The drive wasn't that bad, the sightseeing was terrific compared to the lonesome and tired silence lingering within the family car. Nothing really caught Lily's eye inside the car except the cute, "lucky" babble headed cat on the dashboard. It was like the outside scenery accompanied her; she seldom felt lonesome looking up at the city lights and the deep dark sky filled with millions and millions of stars.

It was beautiful, Lily would say to herself over as if she was a broken recorder. Her parents heard her say it to herself repeatitively but they didn't mind much of it and pointed out some constellations out with her, in fact. They were nice parents, Lily came to a conclusion. There was one thing that Lily was now for sure of: she loved stars. They was so distant but up close they were warm. The vast and cold place of space protects the stars in their place and only few can actually see their true natural beauty.

"Mom?" Lily spoke, not leaving the sight of a precious, bright red star she had kept her eyes on for quite some time now. It seemed strong and powerful- but yet let off a warm glow, hazy and nearly intertwining with a golden star next to it.

It seemed ironic; it's like Lily had seen it before somewhere ago... but that was nearly impossible since she had recently gotten out of a coma and was diagnosed with a severe case of amnesia.

"Yes, dear?" She turned her head to the side, peering back through her side door mirror. Her mother smiled softly when she saw her daughter yawn, not to mention in a cute sundress as well.

"Do I own a telescope?" The blonde girl hadn't dared turn her head away from the red star, she was afraid she would lose it if her eyes went away for a half second.

"Why yes, you do, actually... But you never use it unless it's for science projects." her mother explained, turning back to the road map in her hands while pointing out some roads and exits to turn to with Lily's father.

"Oh.. okay. I just wanted to know if I had one, that's all." Lily started to think to herself for the longest of time. It looks as though the stars brought out her psychological side; it seemed strange how supposedly her "before amnesia" self wasn't into stars. Maybe she was, but how could she have ever known that?

That thought of it nearly frightened her. To think: not knowing a thing about your life before and starting a new one finding out new interests you never had in one before. Truly remarkable and yet so terribly frightening, she thought in her head again. This could lead into more possibilities- what else was she into that she may of liked and or hated? What changes can occur; can she really be the Lily that expect her to be from before?

"We're here!" Her father rejoiced as he parked the family car into the fresh, solid, asphalt pavement driveway. The moving van was close behind, Lily's mother had noticed with her eyes, clearly visible that she had lost a few hours of sleep. Lily, though, tossed and turned from her seat and out into the new house driveway. Her eyes still glued to the red star, she'd already forgotten that she was in a silly dress.

It took a while and being about 1 AM in the morning, the movers were quite as to set up all the furniture in the household. The household wasn't a bad of a place either; a medium sized house with a basement (no upstairs) that was equipped with 3 bedrooms including a master bedroom, 2 bathrooms and a master's bathroom, a luxurious and spacious kitchen connecting to the living room and sun room deck practically begging Lily to come out and go stargazing.

Unfortunately, her little body couldn't withstand the weariness of the late night drive and almost by instinct ran up to the front door, opened it, and ran up to find her preselected room ready with her bed. There were no decorations in yet, no telescope her mother spoke of, no bookshelf she believed to have, no stuffed animals; nothing. Just a cushiony bed for now in the corner of the room. Immediately, she jumped onto the bed and kicked off her shoes (her parents probably were going to make a big fuss about not bringing shoes in the house later).

Before she slid her eyelids down though, she turned to her window beside her bed.

She got up and pulled back the silky, golden curtains.

There she was; her red star.

"Goodnight, my little red star..."

"Today's a big day for you so I need you to be tough for mommy, alright?" Her mother fixed the yellow bangs in front of her daughter's hair and fixing every small creasing error in her t-shirt and jeans. As if there was any left to fix, this was the second time her mom came out to do something involving Lily's perfect clothing. "It's hard being a transfer student in the middle of the year so try to make a good impression on others. Maybe they'll like you!"

"Moooommm!" Lily groaned and rolled her eyes. Her hands came up to fix, or rather, re-mess up her hair to the state it was before her mom got a hold of it. The elderly woman stood there for a few seconds but then bent over to give her daughter a small peck on the cheek.

"Good luck in school" she whispered," You'll make lots of friends."

"Ugh! Moooommm!" Lily pouted and whined, the exact reaction her mother expected out of her. Oh, they grow up so fast. That was the last moment they shared with each other before school started, the bell rang and the blonde went into the office to sign in as the new student. Before her mother let her take off though, she blew a kiss to her daughter, earning a loud and obnoxious "I'm 10, mom!" from the annoyed Lily.

Once in the boring looking office, a staff walked out of their cooped up box room and looked at Lily as if she was from a different planet. Just in time too, Lily was just about to ask for an escort to her new classroom. The fact that the teacher lady was staring was already rude but poking Lily's hair bangs seemed even more impolite; coming from an office worker from a school as well, known for their vast knowledge and leadership to lead the school.

Already Lily had an idea of what the school would be like: a typical elementary where all the kids are labeled, there's the bullies, the nerds, the geeks, then socially awkward, and then the troublemakers. When she walked into the classroom she was assigned to, all the kids stopped working on their projects and looked up at the strange sight. It wasn't everyday when you see a blonde with such weird bangs. The attention was already getting to Lily and she just bolted to the middle of the classroom where the teacher was and hid behind him.

"Oh my, are you our new student?" His accent was a very soft Swedish, he must have been a retired professor by the looks of his wrinkles and PhD hanging up on the cream-coloured cynderblock foundation wall nearby. Lily just nodded her head and he grabbed a hold of her small, tender hands. He whistled once and as if by magic, everyone looked up at him and gave nothing less than 100% attention. From Lily's perspective, she believed this teacher man had them all brainwashed and she must remember to ask him of his secrets for later in life.

"Everyone! May I have your attention, please?" This teacher, apparently by the name of "Mr. Al", gingerly pushed the small blonde with weird hair in front of him and he crouched down to meet her height. "This is our new student..." He gestured Lily to give them her name.

"O-oh! Ah.. Masuda Lily, at your service!" She did a dramatic bow to enhance the first impression on the little 4th graders. Unfortunately, she accidentally hit her head into the teacher's noggin given that she couldn't see. Maybe she should consider a haircut soon, after all. The kids laughed and never before has Lily felt so...

Alive? Shouldn't she feel embarrassed; isn't this what you're supposed to feel when you do something extremely stupid in front of the whole class: embarrassment and extreme shyness? No, apparently not according to the amazing feeling Lily was experiencing. This was no other, the feeling of making others laugh was something she could get used to.

'Maybe this is a clue!' She rejoiced in her head, jumping up like Mario and punching the air in pure victory. Again, the kids laughed at her antics and clapped for the wonderful first impression. It sure wasn't like this everyday, not at all. The teacher even seemed impressed, even though he has a slight bruise on his already injured forehead filled with stitches. For a guy with stitches, Mr. Al sure was honest-looking and definitely more friendly than his looks tend to give off.

Lily set down her backpack on one of the empty desks and then proceeded to meet with the teacher for some news on what lesson they were on and what task was in hand.

"Actually, there's one student who's working alone and she looks like she might need a partner to help with the project." Mr. Al explained as he bent over to reach Lily's eye view and pointed directly to a corner in the back, particularly the one with the lonesome catty-hatted girl. "You should be careful though, she's kinda shy and the only reason she's back there was because she didn't want to be partners with anyone. I honestly believe she's just saying that because everyone else had a partner."

A slight tinge was felt in Lily's heart. It certainly would be terrible for someone to feel that; maybe this girl was just sad that everyone had a partner and tried to hide it with independent pride. Well yeah, because that's what Mr. All just said to her. The blonde girl huffed and then came her "jokester smile", or so she called it, to the lonely girl's direction. "Well off you go now." Her teacher gave her a slight push toward the corner with the pink-headed girl with the cat-hat and already, Lily started walking awesomely to said girl.

"Yo!" Lily practically yelled into the girl's ear, causing the pink-haired girl to jump back with a loud whimper. If it wasn't for her amazingly fast ninja-like agility, her hat would have flown off her head already. "Woah, sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya like that." Lily smiled, hands on her hips, and looked down into the girl's timed, small and ovalish ocean-blue eyes. The smaller one fidgeted with her hat and tried to pull it over her eyes so that she wouldn't be able to see Lily or Lily would be able to see her.

"Hi! I'm Masuda Lily, nice to meet ya!" The plan failed on the shy girl's side and she eventually, but cautiously lifted her hat above her eyes just enough so that there would be a slight crevise of vision through her thick pink bangs.

"M-M-Megur-urine-" She mumbled cutely and softly, careful not to let anyone else but LIly to hear.

"Haha! You said urine!" Lily bursted out laughing, pointing to the little pink girl who was now on the brink of tears. Her eyes began to glass up again and that wasn't a good sign. Immediately, Lily began to initiate a plan B which was to suck up her pride and try to apologize.

"..." Nothing was said from the little pink girl, panic was started swell up in the blonde one.

"Haha... heh... Oh... Ahem, sorry about that. I just wanted to make you laugh, is all." Lily coughed in her hands, then rubbed the back of her heated head. While fidgeting in place, her legs started to shuffle around in finding a non-awkward place to sit near the neko-hatted pinkette. Wow, this was embarrassing, who knew there were people who were immune to these types of humour?

"M-Megurine L-Lu-ka.." After some time, Luka peeped out of her bangs and cat hat again, giving Lily another chance despite her joking personality. Her words were still barely audible, maybe she was somesort of mute or something, Lily jumped to conclusion. It was okay though, everyone was different.

"Well nice to meet you Luka! I'll be your partner today and we'll be working on the project together! So do you know ho-" The blonde picked up some kind of doohickey that looked like a bottle with a rubber band attached around it. Weren't they making bottle rockets; who cares, it's going to be so cool whenever they launched this contraption!

"Ew! Why Toeto girl?" Suddenly, small child who has yet to hit puberty yelled from across the room, gender unknown to Lily since the voice was in the range of a tomboy or a girly boy. Luka's eyes started to glass up once more but with more speed, and water started to fill in the corners of her ocean blue's, obviously she wasn't very strong towards such vulgar words.

"Yeah! Be partners with me! Forget her; she's too shy compared to someone as bold as you!" For some odd reason, this brought out the more protective and more gaurd-like side of Lily. These words of hatred irked her senses in a very bad way, it was like her joking persona had completely wiped away and now stood a hero side. Suddenly she shot up and slammed her hands on the closest desk, catching everyone's attention.

"Hey guys! Shut up; you guys should be nicer to Luka, she seems like a great person!" Lily spun around from the crowd of adoring 4th graders and went on with the project and more importantly, to this shy "Toeto" girl. There was no regret in her voice nor any remorse in her actions, she knew what she did was right. In the back of the room, there was Mr. Al nodding his head to Lily's actions, never before has he seen such courage in a young child. Chivalry is hard to find nowadays, even in adults, their minds are still too bleak to grasp its understanding.

For a second there, a faint glow was found deep within little Luka's eyes. It was the first time anyone has ever stood up for a loser like her; this Lily character certainly was a strange one.

And from then on, Lily made it her goal to make Luka smile.

It was a start to a beautiful friendship.

Excuse the mistakes, I need to get used to the writing business once again so it'll take a while for me to adjust to the awesome WenRakkoon we all know and love (and possibly hate, whatever)! :D

Not the best chapter I've ever had but please leave a review anyways..?
