It's a military thing

by: Kyouyalover101

A/n: I would like to thank this military movie for this idea. This yaoi

fanfiction is about Kyouya and Tamaki, after they graduated from collage

They told there fathers that they are dating, the parents get mad and Kyouya

and Tamaki goes off to join the military. So, if you think I told

too much, just forget it. this couple is a two-time thing. But I plan to make at least,

4 chapters. It is a lemon/AU/OOC fanfic.

Rated: OT+ for older teen


"Now, I gladly present, You're 2012 graduates!" The headmaster of Kyouya and Tamaki's university called out. All the visitors

cheered. Kyouya noticed that his father was the only one not cheering. He sighed and looked at Tamaki, who was sitting right by him.

"It's okay, I'm proud of you." Tamaki assured Kyouya, noticing his left-out feeling. Kyouya smiled and put a hand on the others hand.

"And don't forget that we need to tell them after this." He added, Kyouya frowned. "I'm not sure we should do this." "Do you want to

kiss your father's ass your whole life? I'll feel like a third wheel if he makes you marry that slutty princess of Taiwan!" Tamaki pouted.

"Okay okay, I don't want you to feel like that." Kyouya kissed Tamaki's cheek with a peck before everyone sat down again.

Kyouya walked down the hall with his father to the buffet. He had to leave his lovers side because Tamaki's father had him talk

to princesses. "So, what do you plan to do since your older brother won my blessing?" Yoshio asked rudely, "Of course, you'll have to stay

with my name otherwise." Kyouya clenched his fists. "And you can't go agenst my order to marry Yonsha-san, either." Kyouya was about to

explode with the anger Yoshio was carrying on but Tamaki and his father catched up with them. "Hello, Ootori-sama." His father greeted. "Hello,

Suoh-sama." Yoshio greeted back. Tamaki noticed his boyfriends clenched fists and faked a accident hand-to-hand brush. Then he relaxed

his hand muscles for extange with a slight blush. They walked to the room.

"Are you ready?" Tamaki whispered to Kyouya, acting like he was just smiling. Kyouya nodded. After the parents stopped to create silence,

Tamaki started. "Father? Mr. Ootori?" Tamaki asked for they're attention. "We got something to say." Yoshio raised his eyebrow in a suspicious

way. Kyouya gulped and started saying his part. "We had been hiding this from you since high school now, and so we thought this would be the time."

"Me and Kyouya have been dating." Tamaki's father choked on his drink a bit, Yoshio's eyes widened, then turned to a glare at Kyouya. "And...

we love each other." Kyouya said slowly. Yoshio raised his hand up for them to stop. "I am afraid this won't do." He started, "No son of mine will be

gay. And if you can't agree with me on that, then you are a disgrace to the ootori name and I disown you."

Kyouya couldn't believe what he heard. He knew his father wouldn't like it, but DISOWNING him for falling in love with a guy? "And i am afraid,

I agree with Ootori-sama." Tamaki's father said. Tamaki and kyouya looked down. Kyouya got very mad. He jumped out of his seat. "IF YOU

DON'T ACCEPT US, FATHER, THEN FUCK YOU!" Kyouya ran out of the building, tears streaming down his face. "KYOUYA OOTORI, YOU GET

BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Yoshio screamed. Everyone was staring at the people yelling, whispering. "You leave Kyouya-kun ALONE!" Tamaki

pushed Yoshio and ran toward Kyouya.

"Kyouya-kun...?" Tamaki asked, walking slowly to the crying teen sitting on a table. "My damn father...I should just have him arrested for

beating me when I was young." He said huskily. Tamaki sat down by him. "Everything's going to be okay." "How? What are we gonna do ounce

they kick us out?" Tamaki sighed and looked around, to make sure that the parents aren't coming. Then his eyes landed on a paper on a pole. "What's

that?" He asked. He got up, Kyouya getting up to follow him. They looked at the piece of paper.

'The military needs YOU! Sign-up and we'll see you on the field!'

Kyouya and Tamaki looked at each other. "Do you think we should?" Tamaki asked. "We would be away from our parents." Kyouya said. They

nodded. Kyouya ripped the paper off the pole. "And it doesn't look like the people would criticize us." Tamaki pointed out, looking at the pictures

over Kyouya's shoulder. They looked up to see they're parents walked up to them, mad. "Let's do it!" They both said together.

Author's note: Thanks for reading this. If you didn't think you liked this first chapter, don't worry.

this was like a proglue of a novel, it gets interesting.