Hi guys!

So this is the first rewritten chapter of If Only I Was Normal, because the other ones actually sucked really bad. Like they were awful and I'm ashamed so I'm fixing it.

But I'm going to rewrite the first couple chapters, I'm not sure until which one.

But maybe this will help people review and stuff if the beginning of the story doesn't suck too bad. The plot and story and everything is still exactly the same, just with better writing. So read and review!


"What Iggy?" I grumble as he runs up to me, exhilaration clear on his pale face.

"You have to come to my house after school!" he says, wearing his always present grin. "I have something to show you!"

"Well Iggy, I am kind of finishing a project for Mr. Monro's class, and it's due tomorrow. So take a hike," I say, shooing him. He takes a few steps away and sits with a group of guys. Every time I look back over, he's pouting, which makes me to giggle.

I continued typing on my laptop, tuning out all of the noise around me. A few more sentences and I finish. "Done," I whisper to myself, pleased with my work. This may surprise you, but I generally don't enjoy work. But then again, what sixteen year old does?

Iggy saw that I was finished and sat at the seat next to me again, his excitement back. "Six at my place!" He says before standing and walking away. Wires poke from his backpack, and I wonder what disgusting scent will plague the third floor in a few minutes. The seat next to me is not unoccupied for long; Nudge finds her way to it.

Nudge, Iggy, and I have been best friends ever since first-grade, when Iggy dumped an ice cube down my back and Nudge helped me chase him down. Good times.

"Hey Nudge," I greet, and then tune her rant out. Because there would be a rant, guaranteed.

"Hi Max! How are you? Have you seen Iggy around, he is my partner for that stupid English assignment; Mr. Harold must not like us. Why else would he make me pair up with Iggy then make us write four entire pages about some stupid book? I don't know why I took that class!" She rushes through her words, sometimes the syllables bumping into each other in the effort to get out of her mouth.

"Nudge, you have to take English. You don't have a choice." I say, more focused on my laptop than her. She waves me off anyways, causing me to roll my eyes.

"So do you want to hang after school?" She asks after a moment of dejection, stealing my apple. I flick her and take it back.

"Can't. I'm supposed to go to Iggy's."

"That's fine. Tomorrow?" She asks. I nod in reply.

"Sounds good."

Then the bell rang, interrupting us. I angrily put my things away; I had hoped I could get to the computer lab during lunch. There goes that idea.

Four more boring periods later I got into Nudge's older brother's car- Fang - he drove us because he's seventeen. I have my license but I have yet to get a car. My birthday is coming up, though, and my dad- Jeb - promised me a car. My mother and father are divorced, but they're still friends and I still visit my dad a lot. My younger, fourteen year old sister Ella caught a ride with our other friends J.J. and Sam. I usually ride with Nudge and Fang and Iggy. Although Iggy isn't here today, he went with Ella and everyone. It's because he thinks Ella is hot, even though I make sure to threaten his safety every time he comments on it.

Throughout the ride I caught Fang looking back at me from the driver's seat. He's been doing that more and more lately. I'm not sure why and whenever I ask Nudge about it she just wiggles her eyebrows and giggles.

"Fang, could you drop me off at Ig's?" I asked, and Fang jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Sure," He said, taking the necessary turns. I was the only one who caught his slight stutter.

A few minutes later he pulled into the short driveway. I hop out, shutting the door behind me. "See ya' Nudge! Thanks Fang!" Nudge waves while Fang nods, keeping up the whole 'I'm a silent bad boy that'll make you drop your panties faster than you can say my name' type of image.

"Yo Igster!" I shout, pushing the door open. Nudge, Iggy, and I abandoned knocking three years ago.

"Hello, Maximum of the Martinez's. How are you on this fine evening?" Iggy asked, hopping from the stairs, skipping the last three. He has a Pop Tart in one hand and a half-finished bomb in the other.

"What do you want?" I asked, cutting right to the chase. I still had homework to finish, and spending time with Iggy generally gets nothing done.

"Well you certainly don't waste time, do you Maxie- Pad?" Iggy asked, quickly getting out of range before my fist could hit him. I like being called Max. Nothing else.

"Seriously, why am I here?" I ask, parking my butt on his couch.

"To conduct an experiment for me," Iggy answered, rubbing his hands together evilly. Whenever Iggy says anything along the lines of experiment or science, run. Coming from somebody who stuck around to see the outcome, I am telling you to run and never look back.

"If you want to blow something up, talk to somebody else," I say, rolling my eyes and getting up to leave.

"No, no, no," Iggy started. "You know how I suck at science?" I nodded. "Well, my dad contacted our teacher and said that I was helping him with an experiment. Mr. Monro said that if the experiment was put into a five page essay then he would raise my grade."

I nodded. "And this has to do with me because..." I trail off, rolling my hands as I spoke. Iggy needs hand movements along with spoken directions; sometimes he's a little slow.

Iggy put his head down and kind of spoke fast, "I need you to be the test subject," He mumbled, waiting for my reaction.

My first thought is about Iggy's father's profession. He works at Itex, one of the world's top companies. They make practically everything, from diapers to test tubes to airplane parts. They're also known for testing various chemicals on animals, with varying results. They differ from fantastic to deadly.

"You want to inject me with chemicals?" I exploded, jumping from the couch. "Are you going to turn me into a toad?"

He shakes his head. "My dad used a banana, I don't know why a banana, but he put all natural chemicals on it, and he wants a human to eat it. We've already tested it on animals, it's totally safe. Would I give you something that was dangerous?"

I considered it for a moment. Iggy was right; he would never intentionally hurt me, so it must really be safe. But how many times have you heard about science experiments gone wrong? I can count at least a dozen in my head, and it's been a minute. I don't want to end up on the cover of a newspaper labelled, 'Mutant Girl Found in Small Town'.

"I don't know," I say, trailing off. The look on his face alone should be enough to make me beg for the banana and forgiveness, but having known Iggy for many years, it wasn't. If I can take Ella's puppy dog eyes, I can take anything.

"Fifty dollars," he says after a moment of thinking.

"I'll do it," I decide after a moment of thought, happy with the way Iggy's face lighted up. What's the worst that can happen anyways? "Only if you'll be my slave for two months and the fifty dollars," I finish, and the happiness dimmed.

"I'm screwed," He mutters under his breath, making me smile widely. This will be fun.

After that he told me that he's have the banana in three days, so I better be at his house then.

I left, promising to make plans.

If only I knew what I had just agreed to.



Max rode in my car today. I mean, she rides in it almost every day, but today was different. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because Iggy wasn't there, so I wasn't really worried about him mentioning my small (read: huge) crush on Max. Nudge knows about it, too, but she's promised me time and time again to keep it to herself.

Yes, you read that correctly. I, Fang Ride, have a crush on the great Maximum Martinez. Laugh all you want, there's just something so enchanting about her light brown hair, the way the sun catches her natural blonde streaks. She's beautiful, too, an amazing body. She's kick ass, and not afraid to defend herself, unlike the past girls I've dated. She's just perfect, in every way to me. But the fact that she's my little sister's best friend helps a little. Nudge said she'd help me get to Max.

So far we've barely made any progress. I know Max notices that I stare at her, but she probably just dismisses it as nothing. If only she knew.

God, I am a total sap. Might as well just get the surgery to become a female now, I'm already halfway there.

But as I lay in bed, I find myself wondering the two main things I always wonder about. 1.) Where can I get a velociraptor? 2.) Why the hell am I dating Lissa when I like Max?

So that's why I dream of a dinosaur with blonde hair that night.