The Ultimate Ginge

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Harry Potter, nor do I own anything from Doctor Who. . . No matter how much I dream.

Harry Potter had been looking for his friend Ron Weasley for hours. Wandering about the corridors, he checked all of Ron's favorite places to go and found nothing. Finally he gave up and headed back to the dormitory to check the Marauder's Map.

He scoured the map for Ron's name, not seeing him in any corridors or classrooms. He finally found the name in the one place he never expected it to be: the library. He double checked the map to be sure his eyes where not deceiving him. It was true; the map clearly had the name Ron Weasley written in the corner of the library, far away from anyone elseā€”no Hermione in sight.

Harry was mystified. What could possibly be so interesting that it captivated Ron's attention? He wasn't studying; Hermione would be there if that was the case. The other option would be reading for fun, but Harry couldn't even begin to imagine Ron being so interested in some book. Whatever the case, Harry was now very curious as to what Ron was up to and was going to go see for himself.

When Harry reached the back corner of the library he observed Ron hunched over the table with several books on family heritage. He walked up to the table and greeted Ron, "Hey, what's all this?"

Ron glanced up at him, "Oh, hey. This is some books about family lines and ancestry and stuff," he rubbed the back of his neck and explained his sudden fascination, "Hermione mentioned something about red hair being a rare trait and it being passed down through families, so I decided to see where we got the trait."

"Oh, Cool. What have you gotten so far?" Harry asked as he sat down across from Ron.

"I've actually gotten pretty far back," he responded pushing some open books across the table to Harry, "I managed to track it down to some lady called Amy Pond and some guy called Vincent van Gogh."

"Honestly, Ron," Hermione said collapsing in the seat next to him, "At least pronounce it right. It's Gogh; not 'gog'. Dutch may be hard to pronounce, but not that hard. What are you doing, anyway? It took me forever to find you."

"I'm looking up my family history, like you suggested."

"And it led you to Vincent van Gogh?" Hermione leaned forward in her seat as she spoke.

"Yeah, him and some girl named Amy Pond." Ron responded.

"Vincent van Gogh." Hermione stated again, "Do you even know who that is?" At Ron's confused head shaking, she began to explain, "Vincent van Gogh is one of the greatest post-Impressionist artists in the world. His work is celebrated today in many muggle museums."

"Oh," Ron replied, startled, "Do you know anything about the other one?"

"Amy Pond?" Hermione replied, "Never heard of her. But the name is strangely modern for the 1800s. It sounds more like something you would here today."

"Well, we know one thing about her," Harry said mysteriously.

"What?" The other two questioned.

"She's a redhead." He smiled wryly as they all started laughing.

"That probably is true." Ron acknowledged, "Their kids did have some very, very red hair."

"The ultimate ginger," Hermione added giggling.

"The Ultimate Ginge."

AN: Just a silly one shot that dawned upon me while watching the end ofDoctor Who Season 5 Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor.

The lines that inspired all of this are:

Amy: "If we had got married, our kids would have had very, very red hair."

Doctor: "The ultimate ginger."

Amy: "The ultimate ginge."

Not my best work, but I only wrote it for fun. Please Read and Review.