*Ventures out from behind Mountain* Sooo…. Would you believe I actually started writing this chapter a year ago? Yeah… you may mob me now…

*Runs away screaming*

Anyway, I'm back into writing now, so my current plan is to update both this story and Silent Light (CSTMWOEIGO rewrite) alternately. I don't know how long that will last, but I will try not to abandon you again this time… no promises… I'm bad at this…

Heather- Ok, so she's gone to hide in a corner… She still doesn't own Fantastic 4 or any other part of the Marvel Universe… any Marvel Universe.

*Yells from corner* Hey! Rub it in why don't you! (Also, yay I'm doing this weird character-speaking thing again, haven't done that in a while!)

Ok, the chapter will now proceed…


P.S. there will be a lot more differences from the original in this chapter, for obvious reasons Heather will be less excitable, but hopefully still able to bring some of her English Wit and Sarcasm.

P.P.S. although the reason Heather is English in the first place is because I am and therefore I changed her nationality to explain why the majority of her thoughts use British syntax and phrases (Trousers, Football, Lift, ect…)

P.P.P.S. Sorry, on with the story now… (Darn! That ended up British as well!)

The knot in my stomach twisted and churned as if the entire sea was inside it. I wanted to throw up, but I couldn't. I clutched the thin sheet like my life depended on it.

"You ok kid?" Ben's kind voice grumbled.

"I don' wanna talk aboudit" I my moan came muffled through the pillow.

When I had turned up late at night, tear-stained and dirty, on the doorstep of the Baxter Building I don't think Dr Richards had known what to think. All the same he had calmly, if a little hesitantly, led me to a back room I hadn't known existed, where a bed was somehow readymade. Seeming not to know what to do, he left me to my own devices. Without a sound, or word, I pulled the top sheet of the bed around me, ruining the neatness and sat cross-legged on the floor, my bag on the carpet in front of me.

I emptied the contents and arranged them. It was an odd assortment. Along with my Hoodie and a pair of neon purple fake-raybans there was also the evident toothpaste, which had leaked over most other things, a loose toothbrush, a pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt and several odd socks. But no underwear, trust Jay not to think of that… there was also my purse, which had been at my hip the whole time. Inside was my cash, card and my student card. My phone had been tucked into my back pocket. That was all I had in the world. My laptop, clothes, even Jay were all left behind. The thought hurt. Not the possessions as such, but the idea of having no-where and nothing. Clothes and things could be replaced. Jay could not.

I don't know how long I sat there, with my worldly possessions arranged around me. A loud click sliced through my thoughts like a knife, and we were back to now. The darkness that had been so prevalent when I had come in had vanished into stark brightness. I glared at the sun defiantly, how dare it be so happy looking!

"Look, kid, whatever happened, Reed and I are here for you, you know that right?" Ben insisted.

"I told you I don't wanna talk about it" I replied dully, but a smile slightly twitched at the corner of my mouth "That is seriously the most sappy thing you could ever say"

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" He prompted.

"Uh, no it didn't" I frowned, "I'm still not talking about it"

"You're sayin' something, that's a start, right?"

"I…uh… guess…"

There was yet another awkward silence, I slowly spun my phone around on the carpet in front of me with just one finger. I hadn't checked for messages, I couldn't even remember if it was turned on. Ben killed the silence with a sharp breath and stood up from where he leant against the wall.

"Look, Kid, it's almost nine, if you want we can go get some breakfast?" he suggested, "You don't have to talk, just eat something"

I said nothing, but my stomach betrayed me with a loud growl. I had eaten nothing since lunch time, apparently the day before.

"I'm taking that as a yes" Ben announced, marching over and hooking me up by the elbow. I made no protest as he roughly guided me out the room, the sheet trailed behind us like a tail. My jeans were stained and I looked like a wreck, but he seemed un-phased as he led me into yet another new room, this one a kitchen-diner. He left me standing to get a bowl and cereal from a cupboard and I swayed slightly on the spot, unsteady both emotionally and physically.

The next few months were hard, in the end the space mission was the only think to keep me motivated. It took a week before I was convinced to go outside, I had never really liked crowds of people anyway and somehow all this made me feel worse about it, but eventually Ben and Dr Richards persuaded me (Ben mostly, Dr Richards was preoccupied with the space stuff and mostly just tried to nod in the right places). I met Jay outside of school once, he walked on his own now, which worried me. He said Dad showed no sign of changing his mind. Apparently I was a taboo topic. Ben drove me and Debbie, his fiancé, to the mall as the woman had decided I needed a shopping spree. I only agreed because a realised I couldn't live forever with just two outfits, one set of underwear and an odd sock.

Debbie unnerved me, probably mostly because I hadn't properly met her before, but also she just seemed shallow. Ben wanted nothing to do with the shopping, but followed at a 'safe' distance and carried the bags, often disappearing when it came time to try things on or give opinions. It was not a particularly enjoyable experience, Debbie seemed rather put out that the most girly thing I allowed was a purple hoodie and jeans with small diamante on the pockets (I planned on picking those off later). I was insanely relieved when we pulled up back outside the Baxter building.

Making vague excuses for my absence, I then returned to college and Mr Baker's Café. While annoyed at my unexplained absence, both the teachers and Mr Baker accepted that they would get no further reasons. Many of my classmates, especially Peter, were suspicious about me apparently going to space, but soon believed after Ben and Dr Richards picked me up after class on the way to anti-gravity training. The training was rushed, and therefore very intense, I often found it hard to stay awake at college and complete assignments, since after getting back to the Baxter building all I wanted to do was collapse onto the bed in the spare room that had become mine. After a while though, I got used to the aches in my joints, until they stopped altogether and found myself collapsing forwards onto my keyboard less and less.

Though I still worried about Jay and the future, I found all of a sudden that time seemed to race, until suddenly the launch was imminent. Despite my still messed-up emotions, I couldn't stop the tiny buzz of excitement that began to thrill as the date came closer. It was now my last Chemistry lecture before 'the day' and as usual, Peter was late. A click from the door cut through Doc Connor's speech on Cell Genetics.

"Uhh…." Peter started to speak, only to be interrupted.

"Disturbance?" Doc Connors asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Mr Parker, if you truly wish to be a part of this class, you are at the very least expected to turn up on time to lectures"

Peter shuffled awkwardly, shooting me a Deer-in-Headlights type look. I smirked.

"Yes, Doctor Connors, sir" he mumbled as he quickly scuttled into the seat in front of me. I poked him in the shoulder until he turned around.

"Disturbance?" I mouthed, echoing Doc Connors.

"This time it was more of a disruption" he whispered back as the Doc continued his lecture.

"The difference?" I smirked under my breath.

"Disruptions tend the be more major and happen less often than disturbances"

I rolled my eyes, suppressing a giggle, and he flashed a joking grin.

"Sooo, it's this Friday, isn't it?" Peter asked after a moment.

"Yeah, it is"

"Are you nervous?"

I thought silently for a second, then shrugged.

"Promise you'll watch the Live Stream" I requested seriously.

"Yeah, because if you get consumed in a fiery ball of rocket fuel you can take solace in the fact that your old friend Peter Parker watched the whole thing on his phone!"

"That's not funny!" I almost shrieked, trying hard not to giggle.

"Your face says otherwise"

"Miss Jones, I know our trivial matters must seem small to your space-faring self, but would it be too much trouble to stay quiet" Doctor Connors voice split out conversation, smiling slightly "You might even learn something!"

"Sorry Doctor Connors, I didn't mean it like that" I apologised

"I know, Miss Jones, and all of us here wish you the best in your adventure."

"Tell Space we say HI!" Someone giggled from behind me, I turned but couldn't see who.

I smiled backwards anyway.

"Will do!" I laughed.

"And now we are all aware that Space is not a sentient object, let's end this session with a little science" Doc Connors announced, "Apart from Miss Jones, I want you all to complete two thousand words on Reptile Cellular Regeneration by Friday, which does include you Mr Parker"

The class let out a collective groan.

"Huh, this fabric feels weird" I contemplated aloud as I squinted at one of the two blue, mildly superhero-esque suits.

"They're made from Unstable Molecules" a voice came from behind me, I jumped and whirled around. It was the woman from the interview… what was her name? Sue? I frowned, annoyed at myself for not noticing her entrance and regarded the suit with more interest, but also a little suspicion. The word unstable, for atoms at least, usually meant radioactive, I couldn't be sure since particle physics isn't really my forte, but all the same, I was a little unnerved. If it had been approved for the mission, I decided it must be ok.

"Huh, cool" I commented awkwardly. I ran my hand down the fabric of one sleeve, the feel of it made my fingers tingle, but that may have just been my imagination.

"You should change now, we'll be needed at the final briefing soon" Sue turned her back and began sorting out some different suits that looked much more like spacesuits. I awkwardly pulled the suit on. I wasn't sure I liked how skin-tight it was, it made me feel awfully self-conscious. I seriously thought about putting my hoodie back on top of it, but soon decided that would be even weirder.

The blue bodysuits reminded me of something I might see in a comic book, or one of Jay's cartoons. I raked my fingers through my hair, tucking it behind my ear, as I followed Sue out, down the corridor to where the others were. I could already hear Ben's booming voice.

"I can handle the ship, I can even handle Mr Blond-Ambition, but I don't know if I should be flying or dancing Swan Lake in these suits? Who the hell came up with these?" I stifled a giggle.

"Victor did" Sue answered as we entered the doorway. "The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to the body's individual needs"

"See that means it keeps the hot stuff hot, and the cool stuff cool" A man I'd not seen before patronised. Everyone ignored him and Sue rolled her eyes. This must be the Johnny I'd heard about. I stood awkwardly by the door as Sue started handing out the outer suits. Dr Richards expressed wonderment at the synthetic fabric while Sue replied coldly.

"Well hello there, hot stuff, I didn't know we were taking College Girls to Space" I glared at the cocky Blond. Was he trying to flirt with me? I already didn't like him.

"I'm not a college girl, I'm an intern who just happens to also go to college… there's a difference… I think" I cursed my social awkwardness, he probably thought I was crushing on him now or something… the thought of that made me queasy. I'd barely met him a minute ago, but he was definitely written off as a jerk. I turned my back on him, turning back to Ben and Dr Richards who were still contemplating the suits.

"I think they look like Superhero costumes!" I blurted brashly, trying to feel less awkward… and failing…

"Good thing I ain't trying to be one of them then!" Ben laughed, making it quite obvious that he still didn't like the suits at all.

The briefing took no time at all, once it got started anyway, they re-explained all the docking and launch procedures, what we were each doing before, during and after the storm and recaps on how to operate certain equipment. Basically everything I already knew. I started my Dissertation while we waited for the Shuttle to be ready, then we were all called on by the speaker system. Sue, Dr Richards, Mr Von Doom and I were strapped in to the main pod of the shuttle, while both Johnny and Ben sat in the Pilot's cabin. I for one was glad that I didn't have to listen to Johnny any more (He had gloated consistently about being the main pilot rather than Ben for the whole time we'd waited, he'd also tried flirting with me a couple more times but I just glared instead of replying).

The nauseous feeling in my stomach grew exponentially with the roar of the massive rocket engines. I swore I was going to throw up as we lifted off the ground, even though I'd trained for months, it did nothing to prepare me for the real feeling of actually leaving Earth. I felt excitement and fear in equal parts. Thankfully I did not throw up. Especially in front of Mr Von Doom, he looked wryly at my paling face. I felt like his gaze burned me. How could Sue be dating this guy? He was creepy. After I looked less sick, he stared at Sue instead. My relief was almost tangible. The air was pushed out my lungs as the high G-force of leaving orbit crushed me to my seat. The noise increased as the fuel-tanks ejected and the space-engines took over. The feeling of weightlessness, of falling endlessly through space, felt like heaven after the pressure of before. I still felt a little sick though, perhaps that was nerves?

It wasn't long before the engines cut off and the loud hissing signified we were connected to the Station's airlock. Letting out a breath I'd forgotten I was holding. The Artificial Gravity kicked in soon after and we all unbuckled from our seats. The feeling of it was strangely normal, it almost just felt like we were back on earth as we unloaded all the equipment from the shuttle to the station. It was so weird to think that we were actually in space! The reality was both terrifying and exhilarating, like being on a rollercoaster.

The view from the massive window nearly blew me away. We were in space. In SPACE! I quickly snapped a picture of the awesome view to show Peter and Jay when we got back. I didn't have long to gawk, as we all had to do our allotted tasks. I helped Dr Richards set up all the scanners while Ben prepared for his Spacewalk. Johnny was… probably somewhere being annoying, and I wasn't sure where Sue or Mr Von Doom were.

I was almost finished setting up the link to the last probe in the plant samples when I was interrupted by a beeping alert. My heart shot to my throat.

"That can't be right…" Dr Richards frowned.

The yellow blinking numbers had flicked straight from nine hours, to just nine minutes.

"We have to warn everyone!" I shocked myself with my volume. My voice echoed against the harsh metal surroundings.

Dr Richards turned and ran towards the central control, while I dialled a signal back down to Earth.

"Mayday!" I yelled into the microphone, "The cloud is coming sooner than predicted! We need protection, evacuation or SOMETHING!"

I didn't know what good it would do, it wasn't like they could send another shuttle in… what was it? Oh, seven and a half minutes now.

We were all going to die.

Well, we might not… Dr Richards said the shields SHOULD protect us. I wasn't all that confident in the 'Should' though. Besides, the Shields were only in the central pod, and Ben wasn't even in the station!

That thought made me yelp.

Ben was OUTSIDE!


How had I forgotten that? We had to get him in!

I ran as fast as I could down the long metal corridors. I turned a corner and suddenly Sue was in front of me. I tried to call out to her, we were almost at the airlock, but my breath caught in my throat.

I couldn't do anything.

I watched in horror as the orange mist burst through the airlock and engulfed her, and Ben, and Johnny, and Dr Richards. I tried again to yell, to reach them, as the cloud engulfed me as well.

I couldn't reach them.

The orange gassed burned my mouth and lungs.

My head exploded.

I couldn't see anything except the swirling orange.

This was it.

I was dying.

My body was on fire with pain, my head most of all.

Then everything went silent, my ears buzzed, and my vision turned black.

Ok, so that's where I left it last time, a lot more happened this time though, but I still wanted to finish in the same place. I hope you all enjoyed this, I'm sorry it took an entire year to finish. I hope to be more frequent in the future, my current plan is to update this and Silent Light alternately every week or two, but I can't guarantee it. My life is busy right now.

As for any details I got wrong, I still haven't been to space, so I don't know what it's like. I tried to be more in-depth this time, but I'm not sure the result is completely accurate. I hope it's at the very least entertaining.

Also, I probably said this in the last version but I'll say it again anyway, I have absolutely no plans to pair Heather with Johnny. I know it's what a lot of people do when adding female OCs to F4, but I'm not doing it. As much as I like Johnny as a character, I really don't think he's Heather's type, and if I ever met him in real life (Yes I know he's fictional, I'm just saying) he would definitely just bug the hell out of me. I'm not sure why I had him flirt with her, it just made sense for his character.

I do have another OC I ship with Heather, he might come in the sequel if I feel like it, but I am not good at writing romance. If you guys want I'll consider it. (He appears briefly in Voices of Vengeance and Swiftly Going if you want an idea of him)

Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Bye for now,


P.S. Heather says bye too…