AN: So I just decided to write this one day so I hope you enjoy. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue it on or not. Let me know if I should!

*Diclaimer: I don't own any of this, besides the plot, Hailey, and the rest of the Ravenclaw girls her age.

"Hey Fred, George wait up!" I called as ran up to the Weasley twins. I had seen their bright red hair almost as soon as I came through the barrier onto platform nine and three quarters.

"Hailey!" they both said turning around to face me.

"Hi guys," I said as threw my arms around them. I hadn't been able to see the twins in almost year. My parents didn't know that I was witch, so we could only talk through owl post and late at night at that. I let my arms drop and put them around their waists so we could walk. I felt them put their arms around my shoulders. I knew that the train would be leaving soon so we had to get on.

"So Hailey, Fred and I encountered some money over the last year…" George said as we started to walk.

"…and we want to start a joke shop with it…" Fred continued.

"…and you want me to help you guys," I finished for them smiling. Fred and George looked at each other over the top of my head. They could do that seeing as I was at least five inches shorter than them. I had been helping Fred and George with their pranks since second year. They would have been in a lot more trouble with every prank unless I was there to help.

"How'd you know?" Fred asked.

"Fred Weasley, do you honestly think that I am that stupid?" I asked him smiling and letting my arms fall from their waists in pretend hurt. "I am a Ravenclaw you know."

"We know, but still," George said surprise still in his voice.

"George Weasley," it was now his turn to be fake scolded, "from the time that we were in second year I helped you two pull off some of your best pranks. Plus I swear every time that you got a little bit of that betting money from last year you put it in a vault at Gringotts to save up for a joke store."

"We never told anyone that," Fred said with a tone of shock.

"You never had to, everyone could guess it, especially your best friend and prank partner who is a Ravenclaw," I told them giving them a smug look.

"Well since you seem to be oh so brilliant princess, will you help us?" George asked sarcastically.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?!" I practically shouted. I glared daggers at him while George sat there laughing.

"Alright alright, sorry," Fred said trying to keep the laughter out of his voice, "Princess."

"Maybe I won't help you two now," I told them stalking off to get on the train.

"Wait! Hailey!" I heard George shout behind me. I gave him a look over my shoulder before getting on the train.

"Hailey come on! Wait up!" Fred shouted but I only continued walking. I found an empty compartment and slid in waiting for Fred and George to follow me in.

"Okay, we'll stop calling you princess if you come work at the shop," George said sitting down across from me.

"Hmmm," I said tapping my chin in fake thought, "I don't know," I teased them.

"Please Hailey, we need your help," Fred begged. That's when I started to laugh.

"Alright, I'll help you guys," I said when I stopped laughing. I started to laugh again when I saw relief spread over the twins' faces. "Did you guys honestly think that I wouldn't help you?"

George let out a nervous chuckle and said, "Of course not."

"Liar," I told him smiling. I heard the train blow its final whistle and felt it shudder to life. We started to move, slowly at first then faster and faster. I stretched my legs out in front of me and put them up on the seat in between Fred and George. I sighed and closed my eyes planning on taking a much needed nap when one of the twins said something.

"What, no book or parchment?" George asked me.

A give him a kick in the thigh without opening my eyes. I heard him gasp in pain. I gave him a smug look with my eyes still closed and said, "Just because I am in Ravenclaw doesn't mean that I constantly study like the rest of them. It just means that I am much more brilliant than everyone else."

"Oh does it now?" Fred asked. I nodded still not opening my eyes. "Even smarter than us?"

"Yup," I replied smiling.

"Liar," George said. I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

"Oh really, and what makes you think that you're smarter than me?" I asked them.

"This," he said. I watched as he got up. I pulled my feet off the seat so that I was sitting up. I was ready for whatever prank the two were gonna pull on me. I felt my wand in my back pocket as I fidgeted in my seat. George kneeled in front of me then cupped my face in his hands.

"George," I said my voice barely louder than a whisper. His face was only inches for mine.

"Shut up Hailey," he said with a smile. He pressed his lips against mine in a kiss that I was not expecting. My eyes widened with shock then closed with pleasure. I ran my hands up his arms and rested them on the back of his neck. I ran one of my hands into his hair. Suddenly my eyes opened again and I pushed him away from me.

"I…I have to go," I said. "I…I'm sorry." I ran from the compartment not knowing where I was going.

"Hailey!" I heard George shout behind me. "Hailey!" I looked back at him and tears sprang to my eyes. I kept running not looking where I was going until I smacked into another redheaded Weasley.

"Hailey?" Ginny asked me.

"Hi Ginny," I said wiping the tears that had leaked from my eyes onto my cheeks. I gave her a weak smile.

"Hail, what's wrong?" she asked me. I smiled at her use of my nickname.

I took a deep breath then blurted, "George kissed me!" I hoped that Ginny wouldn't say anything to anyone.

"George…did…what?" she asked me looking confused.

"Wait, pretend you didn't hear that," I told her. I didn't want anyone to know about it.

"George, my brother George, kissed you, his best friend besides Fred?" she asked me.

I nodded my head and said, "Gin, you can't tell anyone. I mean anyone. Not even Harry." Although Ginny was three years younger than I was, she was still a great friend to me. I also knew that she was currently dating Fred and George's little brother Ron's best friend Harry Potter.

"So that's what's got you so upset," Ginny said, "I found a compartment in the back that has no one in it, do you want to go talk?" I nodded my head at her. Talking would be the best way to get this out. Ginny took my hand then led me to the back of the train. "Talk," Ginny said when she had shut the door to the compartment. I sat down and she sat across from me.

"Well Fred, George, and I were just sitting in a compartment and talking. They had asked if I wanted to come work with them in their joke store when they opened and I said yes. We were teasing each other and I said that I was smarter than them. They or rather George thought otherwise and said so. I said prove it and he got up and kissed me!" I told her.

"Whoa," Ginny said leaning back into her seat.

"I know!" I cried.

"So do you fancy him?" Ginny asked leaning forward again.

"Gin!" I cried giving her a look of disbelief.

"What?" she asked confused. "It's a valid question!"

"I don't know," I groaned. "I mean I've known them since we started school and he is cute."

"So are you going to ask him out?" Ginny asked me.

"What?!" I asked surprised.

"Well if you fancy him you should ask him out," Ginny told me.

"Ginny I know that but I don't know if I fancy him," I explained. George's kiss was making me all confused inside. I liked him but he was like a brother to me or was he?

"Hailey it's a simple question. Either you fancy him or you don't," Ginny replied.

"It's not that easy Gin, I wish it was, but it's not. Love is so bloody complicated," I told her.

"Well my advice is to figure out if you fancy him or not," Ginny said standing.

"Ugh, that advice sucks," I told her. Her only reply was a smile as she left the compartment. She shut the door behind her as I said, "Prat, giving me awful advice." I groaned as I slumped in my seat. Nobody came into the compartment for some time and I didn't leave. It wasn't until a couple in an intense snogging session opened the door until I bolted. I looked at my watch as I walked toward the front of the train. We were probably half way there according to the time.

"There you are!" someone said as I passed by an open compartment. I looked up to see the compartment was full of the other Ravenclaw girls my year.

"Adele! Sam! Willow! Nina!" I cried as I rushed into the compartment. These girls were some of my best friends, especially Adele. She was probably my best friend ever next to Fred and George. She was a muggle born like me so we were able to talk more during the summer than I was able to with my other magical friends. All of my friends hugged and laughed as we became reunited.

"Oh my goodness, how have you been?" Willow, an African- British girl asked me. Her hair was braided back in its normal braid and it fell a bit past her waist. She had dark skin and dark eyes that never seemed to end.

"Oh ya know getting along," I replied shrugging my shoulders. I could feel their gazes on me as they took in my appearance. My hair was a mess and falling from where I had tied it in a ponytail and my eyes were most likely still red and puffy from when I was crying.

"Hail, what the hell happened to you?" Sam asked. Sam was a bit different from the other Ravenclaw girls. She was what people called goth or emo. She wore a lot of eyeliner and had black hair with purple streaks in it that hung across her face but she was most likely the smartest out of all of us.

"Well you know George Weasley," I said taking a seat. Adele took a seat beside me and Sam sat across from me. Willow sat next to Sam and Nina sat on the floor with her back up against the side of the train under the window.

"Yea, the redheaded prankster in Gryffindor right?" Nina asked. Nina was of Spanish heritage. She had tan skin, brown eyes, and black hair that fell in the most amazing curls. She also had poor eyesight and had to wear glasses. "The one who you're friends with? With the twin?"

"Yea well we got on the train together and George and I we were fighting about who was smarter," I told them leaving out the joke shop part. I wasn't sure how many people the twins wanted to know about it. "Well I said that I was smarter and knowing the twins I figured that it was just joking around but George well…he…um," I stuttered feeling my cheeks get warm.

"What, what did he do?" Sam said leaning forward in her seat. I didn't have an exciting love life like the rest of the girls in the compartment so any little detail they could get about it excited them to no end.

"Well he said he was smarter than me and I said prove it and then he… well he kissed me," I explained as I felt my face getting warmer. The four girls around me looked at me in shock then erupted into giggles. I blushed even more as I stared at the floor. Suddenly I heard Nina gasp. The other girls fell silent as well as they looked at the door to the compartment. I looked up and saw a tall lanky redhead in the doorway. "Oh," I said as my mouth fell into an o shape.

"Hi Hail."

"George," I said still in shock.

"Can I talk to you in um," George said as cheeks turning pink, "in private."

"Of course," I said standing. I heard all the girls giggle behind me as I moved to the door. I threw a death glare over my shoulder at them and they all fell silent. I closed the door behind me as I heard more laughter. I sighed as George led me back to our original compartment. He opened the door and I walked in. "Where's Fred?" I asked as I sat down.

"Visiting some of our other friends," George replied sitting across from me.

"So what's up?" I asked trying to sound as nonchalant as I could.

"Well, I…um…I wanted," George started his cheeks turning pink once again.

"Wait, the great George Weasley is flustered and blushing. Should I call the Daily Profit?" I teased him. I was surprised that I could still joke so easily with him even though he kissed me. I guess that's what seven years of friendship does to someone.

George let out a small laugh then said, "No. It's just that I…I think that you're really pretty and I've never talked to a girl as pretty as you." Whoa. I sat up a little straighter in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest.

"George we've been friends since first year and it's only know that you've realized that I am in fact a girl?" I asked him. I gave him a look and he just stared back with those amazing brown eyes that I could just melt in. I looked at him then I decided that I didn't even want to talk about the part where he called me pretty.

"Hailey I've known for years that you're a girl but I have just realized that I fancy you," George said. Double whoa. I let my arms drop in disbelief as I looked at him. He had to be under some sort of curse or potion or spell or anything. If it had been normal George sitting here with me he wouldn't have said any of those things or kissed me and him and me and Fred would be sitting here laughing and joking around like always.

"George we've known each other for years and you're like a brother to me," I explained hoping that he would stop looking at me like I was the best thing in the world. "Nothing more," I told him. I could almost see his heart break in his eyes as what I said sunk in. "I have to go," I told him. I stood and left without another word to him. I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked away from him for the second time today. I walked back to the compartment with the Ravenclaw girls.

"So what happened?" Sam asked me as I sat down.

"Well he said that he fancied me and that I was the prettiest girl he had ever talked to," I told them. I could feel my face get hot and I was sure that I was bright red.

"No way!" Adele cried. I nodded my head and everyone burst into giggles. It was pretty hilarious I guess. But my one question would be why now?

"So what did you say to him?" Willow asked me.

"I told him that he was like a brother to me nothing more," II said shrugging my shoulders. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes.

"So you don't fancy him back then?" Nina asked. I shook my head indicating no.

"Umm Hailey can I talk to you?" a voice said from the doorway of the compartment. I opened my eyes and looked at the boy. It was a Weasley twin and I looked immediately to the eyes. The only way I knew how to keep them apart was by their eye color. George had brown where Fred had blue. I looked at his eyes and they were the ocean blue color I knew to be Fred's.

"Sure Fred," I said standing. I heard a few snickers come from the other girls in the compartment but I just ignored them. He turned and walked back to our original cart. He opened the door and I went in. I sat down and Fred sat across from me. "So what's up?" I asked him.

"Well I was just wondering…" Fred started to say.

"If I fancy your brother or not?" I finished for him. I saw him nod his head. I sighed and he waited for my reply. "No, I don't fancy George." Fred let out a breath.

"Good then I can do this," he said standing. He moved in front of me and captured my lips with his own. I went stiff with shock then melted into the kiss. He ran his hands up my arms and to my neck. I ran my hands up his neck into his hair. Suddenly my eyes flew open and I pushed him back.

"I have to go," I said without looking at Fred. I ran from the compartment. I ran until I spotted a familiar head of red hair. "Ginny!" I called to her.

"Hey Hail what's up?" she asked me as I came closer. I just grabbed her arm and pulled her to the compartment where we had first talked. I pushed her into the compartment glad to see that it was empty.

"What the hell is wrong with your brothers?!" I yelled after I had shut the door.

"What?" Ginny asked me confused.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with Fred and George?" I asked her.

"Nothing that I know of why?" Ginny asked me sitting.

"Fred just kissed me," I told her bluntly as I took a seat as well.

"No," she said.

"Yes," I replied.

"I can't believe them!" Ginny cried.

"What do you think is going on?" I asked the redheaded girl.

"Well I think that they have some sort of bet going on," Ginny told me.

"A bet?" I asked her confused. "What kind of a bet?"

"Well before we got on I saw Fred and George put some galleons into a bag. I just figured that they were betting on something stupid or who will win the house cup. I asked them about it and they got all shy and quiet. Fred told me it was none of my business and I walked away. But I stopped a few feet away because they started talking again. George said something about Hail will fancy me first. Fred argued back saying that you would fancy him first," Ginny told me. At some point during her story I had laid down. Now I was sitting straight up.

"They made a bet about which one of them I fancied?" I asked her.

"That's what it sounded like to me," Ginny replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Those foul loathsome little gits," I said. "I have to get revenge on them."

"Play 'em," Ginny said like it was simplest thing in the world.

"What?" I asked her.

"Play 'em. Make them think that you like them both. Confuse 'em. Have some fun with this Hail. The worst they can do is yell at you in the Great Hall; even then you're a brilliant witch and can yell back. I've seen you yell at them plenty before," Ginny said. It took a moment for the words sunk in.

"Ginny that is absolutely brilliant!" I cried. I was going to have some fun with this or them I should say.