For ED's InuKag Spring Love Contest 2012- which took first place! Displayed on my DeviantArt page. Just a short piece under 1,000 words.

I hope you enjoy it - because I liked writing it!


"Whatever our souls are made up, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte

The petals of the blossom tree above slowly drifted down to meet the hot spring's relaxing waters. A woman, skin as pale and smooth like the opal, hair so fine and dark as the sky itself sat and let the steam that partially obscured her sooth her aches and pains. A foot, small yet well traveled would peek from the surface, skim the water for a but before returning underwater. The only sounds you could hear were the almost silent sighs and the vibrant chorus of songbirds in the surrounding wood.

The water, nearly translucent itself didn't shield the beauty of her body. From her small bellybutton, the curves of her hips and thighs, her breasts half submerged and even her neck, flushed from the hot steam and to a male's eyes, inviting.

Of course, only one pair of eyes would ever have the right to watch her like this.

The later afternoon sun was peaking through the heavy laden branches, causing streams of golden light to pierce through to the banks and the outer edges of the spring. The sky was slowly melting from the calm spring blue to the beautiful pinks and purples of the coming night. The air was calm, not too cool nor too warm. Such was the gorgeous serenity of a mountain spring, away from any villages or towns.

And there was one person missing this fantastic time with her.

"Are you going to sit up there all day or will you come in and join me? It's getting pretty lonely down here all by myself."

Her husband, eyes that could match or even outshine the sun intensity narrowed. Apparently the peace he thought she sought was nothing if it wasn't shared with him. He wanted to join her, to nuzzle and caress the fine texture of her skin, play with the silken strands of her hair that floated around her like ink, to kiss and stoke what he knew would pleasure her.

And using that tone, it was nearly impossible to resist.

Without a word, the man gracefully leapt down beside her, shed his hakama and kosode by his haori and smoothly walked into the spring to sit and lean against a sturdy rock. His wife quickly moved so she sat between his legs, using his broad chest as a pillow.

"I can't believe it's been a year." Her voice quietly broke the silence. Her ear never let the sound of his quicker heartbeat go nor did her hands stop the slow caress on his arms around her waist.

Just a year ago, he never would've imagine that the woman who gave him the life he never thought he could have, would return to this time, to stay with him and become his wife. A hanyou like him didn't get to have an ending like this. But he never gave up that slice of hope she would come back one day. And she did.

"I think I couldn't imagine anything better than this. How did you find this place?"

He shrugged. "It was a long time ago." His claws never ceased in their perusal of the familiar flesh of her thigh. "Right after you left probably. I just took off, not watching or caring where the hell I was going. But I wound up here somehow."

"Well, it's beautiful up here." The taut skin of her husband's chest and the toned flesh of his arms was her safety net. She could never feel any safer if she wanted to. "I can imagine that back in my old… time my mother is preparing all kinds of sweet treats, Souta is almost down with school for the year and gramps is chanting away all the bad luck and fortune of the shrine."

InuYasha let out a chuckle, remembering the old coot who always threw a sutra at him. He brought her closer. "You miss them."

It wasn't a question. "I do. But I know I made the right decision. My heart would not have let me choose otherwise nor would I want to. My place has always been by your side and always will be." She turned her head back so she could kiss his chin. "I never wanted to be anywhere else but here with you." One of her hands came up to stroke his face. "You know that don't you?"

Of course he knew. His heart and probably his soul knew before his head ever did. And looking into her eyes, sparkling with the life, love and spirit he's come to know all too well, it was no question whether he knew or not. He answered her with the most blood rushing kiss that lasted way too short.

He left her breathless. Her heart now beat in time with his. Her eyes were glazing over, the first threads of desire and passion weaving into those almond eyes.

And who was he to not answer her plea? His mouth met hers yet while one of his hands drifted to her sacred area, causing her to moan deliciously in his mouth.

Spring was the season that gave her back to him. And in turn he would give all he could, all she deserved and then some. This past year had not been a dream. This outlasted even his most longing fantasies of her. But here right now, his precious wife and partner was begging him to love her. The youkai in him was rejoicing, due to the fact that she was able to conceive. Wouldn't that be a gift?

Next year, if right now was any indication, InuYasha would take Kagome and a small hanyou child nested at her breast to this very spot.

He always secretly admired the spring, but now it was more precious to him. Because of a special future born goddess that would remain his for eternity.