Chapter 1 – Happy Birthday Daichi!

Sasuke sat next to his 7 year old nephew, Daichi, watching the younger boy bounce around on the sofa next to him. Tomorrow was his 8th birthday, and they were currently deciding where to take the little boy, as himself and Itachi had just returned from a business meeting abroad, so they had no time for planning.

Itachi was currently talking to his wife, leaving Sasuke to entertain Daichi, who smiled up at him innocently. Sasuke almost wished he was still a little child, no big deals to worry about.

"Uncle Sasuke…" he glanced down at the mini version of his brother, the only difference being that he had chocolate and green eyes rather than onyx. "Will you come to my party?" Sasuke froze, he loved his nephew, but he was never one for kids, and being surrounded by at least 20 others, he wasn't sure he could cope.

But at the same time, he felt guilt at the look of adoration in the boy's eyes. "Of course" Daichi grinned, turning his attention back to the kids' show that was playing on TV.

It was that moment when Itachi and his wife, Akari, decided to return into the room. "Mummy, Daddy, Uncle Sasuke is coming to my party!" Akari merely smiled at her son as he trounced over, Itachi raising a single eyebrow at his brother who frowned but said nothing.

"Is that so?" Itachi smirked and silently urged his wife to take their child to play, whilst he talked to his brother. She smiled softly and with grace to rival that of their mother's she led their only son out into the back on the Uchiha mansion.

Fugaku and Mikoto still lived in the mansion, alongside Itachi and his family, who had taken over most of the house, as their parents saw it fit for them to do so.

Sasuke however had moved into his own apartment as soon as he joined a university, he was studying to become a doctor, as he had no interest in taking over the family business. That had been left to Itachi - Sasuke was 20 now and currently in his second year. He roomed with a friend called Suigetsu, as his parents were unhappy with the thought of him living alone.

He had never been the social type and thanks to his inheritance of money, neither did he see fit to get a useless job in a café or something else along those lines. He was currently helping out at a private Hospital on weekends, to get him some experience.

"So, little brother, is there any reason you have agreed to look after children?" Sasuke sighed, already regretting his decision.

"I couldn't exactly say no to him, and you know that" Itachi just smirked in return, deciding it was time to tell his brother what the plans for the party were.

"Well I suppose you'd be joyous to hear that the party is at the local zoo" Sasuke's face fell even more than it had to begin with. The one thing that probably bothered him just as much as kids was animals. They stank and tore things to bits; he saw no reason to keep a pet, what with the feeding and the poo picking.

He was sure that one of Daichi's presents was to be a pet, as the boy had a strange obsession with animals and would no doubt grow up to be around them.

He let his head fall into his hands, rubbing his face lightly; this was going to be great. "I'd better be off, I need to wrap Daichi's present anyway" he stood not waiting to see if Itachi would respond, before heading towards the door. "Name the time and place" He knew there was no getting out of this now.

"Be here at 9, he can open family presents before his friends arrive" Sasuke nodded a goodbye at his brother, and quietly exited the building.

He walked calmly towards his Cadillac Cien, trying to figure out how he was going to survive the next day without killing himself. He paused for a few moments once inside, just listening to the calming hum of the engine before shaking his head and pulling out of the long driveway.

He lived near his campus just outside of the main city; he was never one for the loud noises and wild parties that could be heard from there.

On the way home, he was caught at a red light right next to the zoo; he had been here many a time when he was younger. Back when he used to love everything that his brother liked. It wasn't a bad zoo or anything and there were lots to do, but he always felt slightly uncomfortable with the way the animals looked at you, as if they knew they shouldn't be there.

He told himself to stop being stupid and went to turn his head back to the road when a sign caught his eye. 'Come and meet our newest arrival Benjamin the Tiger!' This was the first tiger the zoo had had since their old one had died 12 years ago.

A honk from behind him drew him from his thoughts, and he realised the lights were now on green and he sped off towards his apartment.

Sasuke slunk into his apartment at exactly 7pm, the smell of a Chinese take away was drifting invitingly towards him and he assumed Suigetsu had ordered some. He just hoped that his friend had gotten him some to. He wasn't disappointed when he entered the living room.

Suigetsu was sitting on the grey cushion sofa, multiple packets on the coffee table he was eating from, an empty plate next to him. He grinned at Sasuke, who smirked and sat down, glancing at the reality show on the TV.

"Why do you watch this crap?" Suigetsu just laughed and motioned for him to take what he wanted. They did this a few times a month, being students and all, Suigetsu found it obligatory to eat a take out.

There was some Sweet and Sour Pork, Egg Fried Rice, Prawn Crackers and some Chicken Chow Mein. Sasuke was quite pleased with his friends choices knowing that he had only really gotten the sweat and sour for Sasuke, though the blue haired male wasn't opposed to it.

Sasuke was just glad he had a friend that knew him well enough to get things for him. "So how'd it go?" He knew that Suigetsu was referring to him family visit.

"Not as good as I had hoped I've been roped into a birthday party" Suigetsu just laughed, grabbing another bit of chicken out of the noodles. "At a zoo" This caused the man to start choking on his meat as he chortled at his friend's misfortune.

"That's harsh, man!" Sasuke just muttered under his breath at his friend and sighed at the bitterly sweet sauce that coated his tongue. Usually he was a healthy eater, but he allowed himself a break every now and again, and that was usually because Suigetsu wanted a take away.

"Well, all I can say is good luck" Sasuke made a noise in agreement and tried to forget about the next day as he let his attention hang loosely to the argument on the TV.

First chapter done, Naruto is coming up next chapter probably… yeah. :)