Two months later Bill and Jewel were almost at Jeremy and Joyce's house for the party. They were extremely nervous.

"Bill how do you think they'll react?"

"Hopefully it will be positive." Bill kissed her hand as they entered his parent's driveway.

"Either way we're going to celebrate Christmas by making love tonight." Jewel told him with a smile. It was kind of chilly out Jewel was wearing a blue sweater that concealed her four month pregnant belly so her mum wouldn't suspect her pregnancy until they told them.

There were other cars near the side of the road and she was suddenly nervous to tell everyone in the neighborhood.

"It seems that this year's Christmas the entire neighborhood is invited. I was not expecting this."

"Tell me about it. Let's do this because I don't want the evening to be too awkward than it has to be." Jewel grumbled under her breath.

They opened the door and Joyce hugged her son and gave Jewel a look.

"Hello Joyce how are you?"

"Good now that Bill is here." Joyce notices the wedding bands on Bill and Jewel's ring fingers. "What are those Bill Hazledine. Did you seriously marry her after I begged you not to?"

"Mum please can you at least respect my wife?" Bill asked her annoyed and Joyce had wide eyes.

"What when did you get married?"

"Two months ago Joyce and I'm pregnant with twins so I don't want your bloody attitude tonight." Jewel growled and walked into the bathroom.

Joyce looked at her son hoping that it was a joke. "Tell me that is just a prank."

"No mum we're married and expecting twins." Bill told her flatly starting to get as annoyed with his mum as Jewel was.

"How dare you get married without your family there. We raised you better than that!" She yelled at him.

"We wanted it just to be us because frankly she knows that you can't stand her and I don't want my wife stressed out because of you."

Joyce's mouth was agaped and sadness was in her eyes.

"Mum I don't want to get into an argument with you on Christmas. Accept the fact that I am married to Jewel and that we are having twin babies."

"I can't. I don't like her and I don't think I'll ever will. And if that means not getting to meet my grandchildren so be it."

"I'm going to get Jewel and we're going to announce our marriage and pregnancy to your guests and then we are leaving."

Bill told her walking towards the bathroom and he could hear her crying. He opened the door and saw Jewel sitting on the toilet sobbing her eyes out.

"Why does your mum have to be a bitch? She hates me for the things I did almost a year ago. But I wasn't pregnant then was I?"

Bill rubs her back and kisses her forehead. "I got into a row with my mum. I told her that we are going to tell everyone else about our marriage and the babies then we are leaving if that's what you want?"

"Bill I know that your dad and my mum will be thrilled. If your mum wants to be a witch two can play at that game."

Jewel told him and took his hand as they walked out of the bathroom and walked into the living room. She went to sit on the couch and Bill sat next to her. Everyone was looking at them and they realized that everyone already knew about the pregnancy.

"I guess you heard us talking with Joyce and we're having twins." Jewel said with a smile.

"And we've been married for two months now."

Everyone was smiling and saying their congratulations. Camilia stood behind the couch and smiled at her daughter and her son-in-law. She could see the subtle pregnant belly under her daughter's sweater.

Jeremy and Joyce walked into the room and Jewel's smile instantly turned into a frown.

Constable Hayne's walked over to Bill's parents with a big smile on his face. "Are you excited about becomiing grandparents?"

Joyce's face paled once again and Camilia noticed that and she decided to mess with her. "We are going to be one, big happy family. Forever."

Joyce's face fell even more Bill saw that and frowned at his mother's behavior. He looked at Jewel as she looked at her mother-in-law.

"Frankly I think my son made a mistake marrying Jewel. He knows that I cannot stand her at all and now they are married and having twins. So I am not thrilled."

"Joyce. Stop before you drive our son away from us." Jeremy said through clenched teeth.

"He loves us too much to do that." She said stubbornly.

The young expectant married couple get off the couch and leave the room. Jeremy goes after them. Camilia walks over to Joyce with a pissed off look on her face. She punched her in the face and she left the room. The people who were still in the room narrowed their eyes and left the room as well.

Joyce looked distraught at the room. She didn't understand why everyone was against her.

Outside Bill, Jeremy and Camilia are consoling a crying Jewel. Bill had her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry Jewel. We'll go soon I just need to have a word with mum."

Bill went back into the house where he saw Joyce in the kitchen getting an ice pack to put on her cheek. "Mum I told you that I didn't want to get into an argument with you about this but you had to push this. Why can't you be happy for us. Dad is and so is everyone else. You are my mum and I love you. Can you just apologize to Jewel?"

Joyce doesn't say anything.

"You know that but I'm in love with Jewel and our children so please don't make me choose between the four of you because it will be them."

Joyce looks at him shocked. "Fine. Be with your family. I guess your parents aren't as important as Jewel and your children."

Bill looks at her one last time before slamming the door.

Bill walks over to the car and gets in. He looks at Jewel who still has tears in her eyes. He starts the car and backs out of the drive way.

The drive to their apartment is quiet. When the enter the apartment they are relieved.

"Bill I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about darling. It's my mum who started this. But at least my dad and your mum are supportive in this."

Jewel walks into their bedroom to get the baby journals. Bill smiles when he sees her come back with them.

"I think we should write our children a letter don't you think?"

"Yes. I need to get some things off my mind."

"I'm going to take a shower and then we can have some married couple time." She kisses his earlobe.

Bill nodded and took the daddy journal. He walked over to the table next to the couch and grabbed a pen. He just started writing what was on his mind.

Hello babies,

Tomorrow will be Christmas Day and this time next year the both of you will be with us. I cannot wait for the both of you to be here with your mother and me.

Your grandfather Jeremy and grandmother Camilia will always be there to make sure that you feel loved. My mum on the other hand is being stubborn but hopefully she'll come around.

I'm uncontrollably excited to hold the both of you in my arms once you two are born. You both already have me wrapped around your little itty bitty fingers.

It doesn't matter if you are both girls, boys or one of each. All that matters to me is that you both and mummy are healthy. I need to see how you're mother is doing.

I love you both so much already.

- Daddy

He closed the journal and walked into the bedroom he takes off his clothes. He takes off his boxers and puts on pajama bottoms. He knows Jewel and she'll be wanting easy access. He was already getting a hard on thinking about how gorgeous the pregnancy is making her body look. She was always gorgeous but the new curves just drives him wild with lust and love. He lights some candles. They had been planning on spending Christmas Eve like this for weeks. He heard the shower stop and saw Jewel walking in with a towel wrapped around her goddess like body. Jewel smiles as she sees her husband standing across their bedroom smiling. She let the towel drop and gave him a cheeky smile.

"See anything you like hubby?"

He walks across the room and gives her a passionate kiss. His hands wanders down her pregnant body. His fingers play with her swollen sex. She moans and he deepens the kiss. He slips two fingers into her and she bites his bottom lip playfully. Her hands go down his back and she lowers his pajama bottoms. As they hit the floor she wraps her hand around his erect penis and strokes it.

"I think we should continue this in bed." Bill tells his wife after breaking their kiss. She giggles and they get on their bed. They snuggle under the covers. They are on their sides since this was one of the easiest ways for them to make love because of her pregnancy. He wraps her into her arms as he positions himself near her entrance. He kisses her as he slips his penis into her vagina. They moan in unison. They loved the connection they shared when they were intimate like this. Their legs are wrapped around each other as they move as one. He kisses down her neck and inbetween the valley of her swollen breasts and all the way to her stomach. He kisses it twice. He kisses his way back to her lips. He starts to thrust faster because he can tell that she is almost close.

"Bill keep doing that."

She giggles loudly as he nuzzles his face and curly hair in her neck.

"I love you, Jewel Hazledine."

"I love you too, Bill."

He places a finger around her clitoris and strokes it in time with his thrusts.

She screams as she climaxes and her muscles contract and tighten around his penis. He climaxes almost immediately as she finishes. They hold onto each other as they look at each other and enjoy the afterglow. He gives her a chaste kiss. They put on some clothes and fell asleep. They soon fell asleep.

The next morning Bill woke up to see his wife still sleeping. He wrapped his arms around her waist. He couldn't believe that next Christmas that their twins would be there with them. Tears glistened in his eyes. Jewel started to wake and opened her eyes. She smiled seeing her husband looking at her with so much love in his eyes.

"Good morning."

"Good morning darling. How'd you sleep?"

"It did wonders for me after such a stressful day yesterday."

She said placing her arms on his. He gives her a small kiss on her lips and then unwraps his arms around her stomach. He gets off the bed.

"Bill where are you going?"

"Making Christmas breakfast for my wife and our unborn children." He told her with a grin on his face.

Jewel smiled as she watched him walk into their kitchen. She was staring at his ass. She sure did love that ass. She gets off the bed to go to the bathroom. She desperately needed a bath to wash all the unnecessary stress that her mother-in-law gave her the night before.

Thirty minutes later she walked into the kitchen to see Bill putting the last waffle on the platter.

"Breakfast is ready darling. I made some sausage links as well."

She sat at the table and her mouth watered when she saw the food. Her husband sure knew how to make a pregnant woman happy. She just placed sausage after sausage on her plate. Bill walked over with the waffles and the syrup. She squealed when she saw the waffles and started stacking those on her plate as well. Bill sat down next to her and began putting food on his plate. He smirked at her as she began eating her food and moaning.

Jewel looks up to see her husband stupidly smiling at her. "What?"

"Nothing it's just you look beatiful pregnant."

"I wish I felt the same. I cry all the bloody time. I'm an emotional wreck."

"Jewel you were gorgeous before you got pregnant but now you look like the goddess of fertility."

She smiles and takes another bite of her waffles.

"Do you like them?"

"Like them? I love them! Thanks for making them for me and the babies."

"Hopefully it makes up for my mum's behavior the other night."

"You took care of that last night bible boy." Bill blushed and it made Jewel giggle. "We're married and expecting twins in five months and a half months and you still blush like a virgin."

Bill just smirks at her and starts eating his breakfast.

A few hours later they hear the door knock and Bill answers the door. Camilia was waiting in the hallway. "Come in."

Camilia walks into the apartment.

"Bill who's at the door?" Jewel asks as she walks into the living room. She was wearing a pair of maternity jeans and a Christmas jumper.

"Happy Christmas Jewel."

"Mum what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how you two were doing considering what happened last night."

"We are doing great. Bill made some belguim waffles this morning and we've just been spending some quality time together."

"Camilia do you want something to drink?"

"Um eggnog if you have any?"

"We don't have any alcoholic beverages here mum. Bill make some tea because I would love to drink some."

"I'll be right back darling."

Bill walks into the kitchen and Jewel looks at Camilia.

"Where's daddy?"

"Who knows?" Camilia said sitting down on a loveseat. "So tell me about the wedding."

"It was like beautiful. We got married in this small chapel. Our friends James, Jeanine and their two year old daughter Melody were the wedding party."

Bill walked in with the two mugs of tea. "What are you ladies talking about?" He gave one to his wife and the other to Camilia. He went back into the kitchen to get his and then sat next to his wife.

"Our wedding."

"It was incredible Camilia. We wrote our own vows and it was an intimate ceremony."

"That's fantastic. Should we have a get together in the neighborhood to celebrate your marriage and the babies."

Jewel looks at Bill and shakes her head in disagreement. "Mum I don't want to get into another fight with Joyce. She really hurt my feelings last night. Who says things like that to a pregnant woman?"

"I punched her in the face and I loved it last night. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that."

Bill didn't say anything. "I told her last night that I would not be speaking with her until she apologizes to Jewel. But I don't see that happening for a while." Bill said sadly.

Jewel rubbed his back as tears slid down his eyes. She brings his hand to her stomach because she knows that he loves putting his hands on her stomach. He loves the connection between them and their unborn children. He smiled and kissed her lips.

"Oh I need to get something. I'll be right back." Jewel said as she got off the couch awkwardly.

Bill looks at Camilia to see that she is actually smiling. "You both are really excited about the babies aren't you?"

"I'm uncontrollably excited. I just can't wait to meet them and get to know them."

Jewel walked back in with one of the baby journals. "Mum we would love it if you wrote a letter to the babies."

"I would love to." Camilia said with a smile and took the journal. She reached into her purse to get a pen and began writing her letter.

Camilia spent another hour and a half with them until she decided to leave. Bill and Jewel went to take a nap on their bed

My grandbabies…

God I never thought I'd ever have to write that especially when my daughter is only eighteen. I will always be there when you need me. I love your parents very much. Today is Christmas and I'm ecstatic that the both of you will be joining us next year. I love you.

- Nana Camilia