A/N: Sorry for the long wait on my stories, I have a lot going on and my brain doesn't want to coƶperate with my ideas. If you're still there waiting, thank you and I love reviews :)


Spencer gasped and sat up quickly when he heard the soft whispers. He looked around and saw he was in a beautiful bedroom. The walls were a dark red and the floors were made of wood. The bed he lay in was huge, possibly king sized, the blankets looked to be made of very expensive fabric.

He gulped nervously as he looked around the unfamiliar empty room. Spencer slowly slid one foot off the bed, gasping lightly when he realized his feet were bare the moment his toes touch the cold floor. He gently slid off the bed all the way and looked around the room wide-eyed before seeing the small window in the corner. He quickly walked over to it and tried lifting it, only to be disappointed when it didn't budge. His brows narrowed when he noticed the large nails on the outside of the window. On top of that, even if he somehow got the window open there were black gates blocking the outside of the window.

It seemed his kidnappers were very persistent in keeping him caged.

Spencer's large hazel eyes trailed from the gates to the sudden reflection of the door opening behind him. He slowly turned around and with wide eyes.


The man. . . or rather, darkling, slowly walked in to the bedroom never taking his eyes off his prey. "You betray me, Spencer."

The younger man desperately shook his head and side-stepped away from the window where he'd be cornered.

"Yes, you did. And it hurt Spencer."

Again Spencer shook his head.

"I can sense him inside of you!" Toby snarled angrily.

"No!" Spencer screeched then ran towards the open door. Toby ran after him, but the moment the darkling reached the threshold leading out the bedroom, there was a quick swoosh in front of him making him stop in place. He watched as a cloud of smoke appeared in front of Spencer, making the boy stop in place at the surprise giving Charles the chance to grip his arms tightly.

Spencer stared breathless as the large darkling lifted him with ease by the arms. Charles dark eyes trailed from Spencer to where Toby stood.

"What did I tell you about playing with my weapons?"

Toby flinched back in to the room. "Sorry master." He whispered almost inaudibly.

Charles looked back at Spencer and slowly placed him down in front of him. "You can try to run, boy, but it won't do any good. I'm 100 times faster than you and even more times in strength."

Spencer eyed the hands holding his arms before he looked back at the darkling. "What do you want from me? Let me go!"

Charles stared back for a moment before smiling darkly. "You can look darkling's in the eye, Reader. Not even my poor excuse for followers would dare it."

Spencer grit his teeth angrily. "I'm not your follower." He snarled.

Charles chuckled. "Not yet, you aren't."

A/N:I know it's short, don't kill me please :). LIke I said, I'm going through some things, (aka, just found I have heart problems) and I have ideas for my stories I just can't seem to get them down properly, and I want to do something while I'm waiting for results and my next Dr.s appointment.

Review Please :)