Hello, my lovely readers, I have returned!

It has only been what like 5 years? Yikes lol. I am very sorry to give you false hope that I posted a new chapter but since it has been so long, I wanted to make an announcement.

I have officially returned to this story!

I recently fell back in love with One Piece and I want to continue this fic for you guys. I should warn that I'm older now. I started this fic when I was like 20 years old and I'm about to be 25 now. My writing style has changed. I can't guarantee quick updates or lengthy chapters like I used to do and I'm definitely a little rusty now. Nonetheless, I want to finish Ryder's story. For you guys and myself.

I don't know when the next chapter will be out seeing as I have to re-read my whole story and get back into my character's heads. I'm shooting for hopefully the end of this month so be on the lookout! That is all for now.
