
Author: After rewatching Avenger's vids again & again, being sick & helping my bf pack, I've
finished this story which I had started a while back. Wacky idea that got into my head. I own
I own nobody I just play with them. Far too much probably. R&R

Another language

Thoughts/Silent conversations

Maybe it was the exhaustion that was still wearing on them or all the children they had seen crying on the streets after the attack on New York, but it had left them both feeling somewhat sentimental.

"How's the cuts Barton?" Steve asked, setting his duffle bag down beside the couch. He still looked tired and roughed up but he was alive. Surprisingly the whole team made it out alive.

"Healing up pretty well." Clint said, glancing at Tasha who was snipping away at the stitches holding one of the worst cuts together.

"This one will need more time. But not stitches." She said, dropping the stitches into the bowl balanced on the back of the couch next to Clint's shoulder.


"How are you Captain?" Tasha asked, pressing gauze to the newly reopened cut. Clint set his hand on top of hers and gave her fingers a squeeze.

"Friends!" a voice bellowed, causing them both to jump. Tasha reached for her gun as she looked towards the door.

"Look what I found on the roof." Tony laughed.

"Welcome back Thor." Clint said, glancing up at Tasha.

"How are you friend Barton?" Thor asked, coming over to greet them.

"Healing." He said.

"And you fair maiden?"

"Doing well." Tasha said, taping a piece of gauze down. Her fingers lingered on Clint's shoulder a moment longer than normal. Clint's eyes went up to her and she smiled.

"So what 's going on between you two?" Tony asked.

"Agents Barton have been married for… how long now?"

"I kept my last name so it's Agent Romanoff Agent Hill." Natasha said coolly

"What do you want Maria?" Clint asked, getting to his feet. One of Tasha's arms went around his waist possessively.

"I was sent here by Fury to tell you two not to expect any missions anytime soon. You're to remain here with the rest of the Avengers until Fury says otherwise." Hill said, ignoring Black Widow.

"That's all?" Clint asked calmly, squeezing Tasha's hand.

Maria reached into her pocket and pulled out a small leather pouch. "These were in Agent Coulson's breast pocket. We found a note on his computer asking that it be returned to you two." She said, holding out the pouch.

Clint didn't reach forward to take the pouch, feeling the pain of Coulson's death again. "Thank you Maria." Tasha whispered, taking the pouch from the other female agent.

"Take care of him." Maria whispered, looking at Clint. His storm colored eyes were wet and glassy.

"I will." Natasha promised, pulling her archer towards the couch.

"Why?" he whispered, dropping down on the couch.

"I'm sorry…" she began, kneeling down in front of him.

"Why did it have to be Phil?" he asked.

Tasha pulled his head down onto her shoulder, stroking his hair gently. "Shh. Shh. I know it hurts." She told him, kissing his cheek. Unbidden, a memory from their past emerged in her mind.

"Natasha you sure we can trust these people?"

"They are good people Clint."

"But Tasha.."

"Our lives are too dangerous to raise a child. Xavier has given me his word that she will be safe there."

Clint dropped his head, resting his head against his wife's hands. Tears slid down his face and she lowered her nose into his hair.

"Agent Coulson died a warrior's death, friend archer. We shall honor him by continuing to fight whatever evils threaten Midgard." Thor said, dropping a heavy hand on each of their shoulders.

Clint chuckled and said, "You got a point Thor." He lifted his head from Tasha's shoulder, who rocked back on her heels.

"Who do we get to look after these now?" Tasha asked Clint, shaking two white gold bands into her hand from the pouch.

"You are betrothed are you not?" Thor asked.

"For six years yeah." Clint told him.

"In Asgard custom says that bride and groom must always wear the gifts they exchanged on their wedding day. For the bride it is a necklace or ring that the groom made for her. For the groom it a symbol of his wife's favor." Thor said.

"On Earth it's a pair of rings." Tasha said.

"Yeah but that's how the "custom" works on the West Coast." Tony smirked.

"Hasn't changed since my time." Steve agreed.

"Works everywhere I've been." Bruce piped up.

"I think we're outnumbered baby." Clint smirked.

"For now." Tasha told him.

Clint smiled, kissed her hand and whispered, "Don't kill anyone."

"So was Fury the priest? Can he marry people? I mean… does being a top member of SHIELD give him that right or power?" Tony asked.

"No, Fury was not the priest. And as far as we know, no he doesn't." Tasha smirked.

"So since we have the whole you-two-being married thing down, want to tell us what led up to that?" Tony asked.

"Yes friends. Tell us your tale." Thor encouraged them.

Clint glanced back at Natasha, eyes full of inquiry. He would tell the other Avengers their story but not without her permission. "Do you trust them?" he asked with his eyes as he squeezed her hand.

She glanced at Steve, Bruce, Thor and Tony. "Steve and Banner: I like. Thor I do trust. Tony I can't stand." She told him with a slight shrug and a turn of her head.

"Yeah I figured that. Tony is a dumbass." He agreed with a smirk.

"Shut up." Her eyes sparkled and she playfully slapped him.

"Can I tell them our story?" he asked with a small smile.

She glanced at each of their new "team-mates" before she nodded. "Tell them… as long as it doesn't leave this tower."