Thank you for checking out this story. I don't know how long it is going to be, but there is just something about it that I love. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Thank you for supporting all of my other stories as well. It is good to know that they are being read. This is the first time that I have written Quinn like this and I'm still getting used to it. Let me know what you think and if I should continue.

May 12th, 2012

Rachel Berry was miserable. She was on the floor of the last stall in the bathroom emptying the contents of her stomach. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She never imagined that her life would change so much at the end of her senior year. Who would have thought that a little white stick could change her destiny? Now she was not meant to be a Broadway star, but a mom was more in her cards now.

Rachel had been dating her boyfriend, Finn, for a year. They were very much in love, but were they ready to be parents? Would they be able to make it? She knew the only way she would be able to tell was tell him what was going on and see what he wanted to do with it. No matter what she knew she was going to keep the child. She had been through so much in her own life because of being adopted. She never wanted to subject her child to that.

She stood up and walked out of the stall only to be met by her arch enemy. Quinn Fabray had been making Rachel's life a living nightmare since the beginning of high school. She had an evil grin on her face. She asked, "What is it that you are hiding there, Rach?"

Rachel went to the sink to wash her hands and said, "I'm not hiding anything. Plus, I don't think that is much of your business."

Quinn chuckled evilly. "Oh, I think you are hiding something. Something that you won't be able to hide much longer. Come one man hands, I know you are pregnant."

Rachel stuttered, "What?"

"Don't forget that I have been there before. So, is your baby daddy Puckerman, too?"

Rachel shook her head no. "I love Finn and I would never cheat on him."

"Do you really think that Finn will give up on everything he has going for him because you are carrying his spawn? I don't think so. He may say he loves you, but do you really think he does. I mean enough to go into debt and live in a little hole in the wall apartment with you and a crying baby. I don't think so."

Rachel had tears in her eyes. "What do you want?"

"I want you to leave. I want you to get out of here after graduation. Don't tell Hudson where you are going. Just let him live his life with someone he really loves. Let him be a football star like he is meant to be. Get rid of your baby and go on with your crazy Broadway dreams that are never going to happen."

Rachel said, "I will NEVER get rid of my baby! No matter what you say."

"If you don't leave then I'll tell everyone that Finn isn't the baby's father."

"But he is!"

Quinn laughed. "Who will believe you?"

"Why do you think people will believe you?"

"I just know they will. Finn will hate you and leave you anyway. Then I will finally get what I want. I will have the man I always wanted and you will be out of the way. On second thought, why don't you stay."

Rachel was in tears. She went running out of the bathroom.

Finn caught his girlfriend in his arms as she went running by. He asked, "What is the matter, baby?"

"I'm leaving."

"Are you not feeling well? I can take you home."

Rachel shook her head no. "No. You should stay. I'm just going to go home and get some sleep."

"I'll come check on you after school then. I love you. I hope you feel better, baby."

Rachel tried to smile, but when he called her baby she just wanted to puke. She gave him one last kiss. She couldn't get herself to say that she loved him, too. Then she was out the door to her car.

Rachel got to her house as quickly as she could. She ran up to her room and packed a bag. She cried the whole time. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She knew her dads and Finn were going to hate her, but she would rather them hate just her and not her baby that she loved so much already.

Rachel managed to get what she needed packed in her car and she was gone before her dads got home from work or Finn came to check on her.

She left a small note that said,

"Dad, Daddy and Finn,

I am so sorry that I just left this way. It is not something that I wanted to do, but I had to. It was for the best interest of all of us. I love the three of you so much. I would never mean to hurt you on purpose, but I didn't want you to hate me. I am going to New York early. Don't try to find me. This is just something I have to do. Thank you for being such a big part of my life. I don't know who I would be without the three of you.

Finn, I know you must hate me for this, but I didn't want you to hate me for other reasons. I hope you have a wonderful life. I know you are going to make it big. You have so much talent. Put it to good use. I hope you find love someday with someone that can truly make you happy.

Thank you again for loving me, all three of you. I don't know if I will ever see you again, but I hope you know how grateful I am to have been loved by you.

Sincerely, Rachel Berry *"

Rachel cried as she folded the letter and left it on the table. She went out to her car and made her way to New York to start her new life. She was really on her own with her baby and that scared her, but she would do anything for her baby.

Finn came to the Berry house to check on his girlfriend. He knew that something wasn't right.

Finn opened the door and ran up to Rachel's room. He was shocked to see that so many things were missing. Little things like their picture from prom, Rachel's favorite shirt of his that she always stole, her notebook with the gold star on the front and the photo album that her birth mother had given her fathers when she was adopted. He didn't take time to look to see what else was missing before running back down the stairs. Then he saw the letter.

Finn read the letter and fell to the floor in sobs. Rachel was the only girl he had ever loved. He was going to ask her to be his wife. He wanted a family with her and to spend all of his best times with her and even his worst. He didn't understand why she left.

Finn picked up his phone to call Hiram, Rachel's father that he was closest to. Once the phone clicked all he could get out was, "Rachel is gone." Then the two men cried together as Hiram ran to his car so he could get home before calling Leroy to worry him as well.

Rachel was half way to New York when she looked down to her stomach as she waited in traffic. She said, "It looks like it is just you and me, baby. We are going to make this work. I love you so much. I'm sorry you won't have a daddy, but I am going to make sure you know about him. He is a wonderful man with a big heart. I bet he would have loved you, but I didn't want to risk it. You mean so much to me. I know what it feels like to have a parent that hates you. I would never do that to you. I am always going to support and love you. It's you and me until the very end."

Rachel sighed and continued on her drive to her new destiny.