* Please Review! I bought Season 2 today! Anyone else have it?*

Daryl crouched down the second he spotted the three walkers. He was supposed to be hunting for the group who were camping out in the woods until they figured out where to go next. He carefully brought his cross bow up and took aim at the once female walker. He pulled the trigger and took it down. He set his bow down and started to reload it, while keeping his eyes on the walkers.

" Shit." He muttered to himself. He had drawn the remaining two attention. They turned and started to come towards him. " Shit." He said again because he knew he couldn't reload the bow fast enough to take them both down.

He stood up, ready to make a run for it when one walker went down with an arrow sticking out of it's head. Before he couldn't even blink before the last walker was brought down. Daryl was breathing hard as he whipped around. Standing on a large tree branch, above the ground, was a young woman. She had her hair pulled up and was staring down at him. She was lowing her arms down to her sides. She was holding a bow and had a quiver attached to her back. She gave him a short nod then jumped down to the ground.

" Hey!" Daryl called out. But it was to late, she took off running, disappearing straight into the woods. "What the hell." He muttered to himself. With a shake of his head, he turned and started back towards the group. He was grateful to the stranger for helping him but he wasn't risking his life to run and thank her.


Someone was watching them. Daryl could tell and it pissed him off. He wanted to know who was watching them and why. Whoever it was, wasn't very smart. He always stayed hidden in the same spot so the ground was trampled down. That was how Daryl figured out someone was there. He was close enough to see them but far enough away that for a while no one knew he was there until Daryl stumbled on the spot.

Daryl staked out his own hiding place and waited. If someone was going to try and kill them, take their little supplies or hurt anyone in the group, Daryl would find out and stop it. He didn't want to admit it but he cared about some of them. He trusted Rick and Hershel. Glenn and Maggie had proven useful. He was indifferent towards Lori and Beth, liked Carl and was getting used to T-Dog then there was Carol. Carol, who clung to him like he was her lifeline. She needed someone to care for so Daryl let her try and take care of him. Besides, he didn't mind that someone wanted him around.

Daryl waited in the woods for a few hours and to his surprise, the he watching them, was a she. The same she he had seen in the trees. He narrowed his eyes and didn't move from his spot. She settled into the bushes and began her watch. What did she want? Why was she watching them? Who the hell was she?

Ava Wright's eyes searched the small group. She was looking for one man and one man only. She had to find him. He was the answer to everything, he just didn't know it yet. He was going to save her, free her, he had too. She felt bad that she was going have to lead him to her jailer, the man was crazy, but she didn't have a choice. Right now it was him or her, and it was going to be her. Besides, she didn't know him so what did she care what the jailer would do to him.

Ava was warned about him. Convincing him to trust her enough to leave with her was going to be tough but she had been told what words to use, what she should say to make him come. Once the jailer had him, she would be free. She would take off and make a new home in the dead world. She would get as far away from the jailor and his men as she could.

After a while, Ava got impatient. He must be in the woods, she thought. She crouched down and backed away carefully and quietly. She would find a big tree and climb it to try and see into the woods. That was how she found him last time. She would take to the trees and search for him. Today was the day she had to make contact. The jailer was not patient.

Ava hurried into the woods, knowing just the right tree she needed to climb. She was quick. She was quiet. She made almost no sound when she moved. She was alert with her eyes darting this way and that. She was sharp. But not sharp enough. Ava didn't noticed Daryl hurry past her a few yards away and didn't know he was waiting for her behind a tree. As she passed him, Daryl reached out and grabbed her, covering her mouth and bring her against his chest before he sank to the ground. His right hand was clamped on her mouth and his left arm was around her chest.

" I ain't gonna hurt you!" He hissed as she fought against him. She kicked her legs against the ground and arched her back to try and buck him off of her but it did nothing. He was solid against her back. His arms were tight around her body. " Just calm the fuck down!" But calming the fuck down was not something Ava had in mind. She continued to kicked and bucked against him. Daryl grunted and groaned as he fought to keep her still. He squinted and tighten his hold on her. " Calm down 'fore you bring some walkers down on us!" The threat did it's job. Slowly she started to settle down but her body was still tight with tension. " I'm gonna take my hand from your mouth and you ain't gonna scream, you hear me? I got questions for you and you are gonna answer them. You understand me?" Ava nodded and resisted the urge to bite his hand. Slowly Daryl took his hand from her mouth. She was breathing hard and he didn't miss how her breasts rose and fell on top of his arm.

" Can you let me go?" Ava asked.

" You can't out run me." Daryl warned.

" I'm not going to try." She said.

Against his better judgment Daryl loosen his hold on her and let her slip from his arms. Ava turned around and sat down directly across from him. They took a few seconds to stare at each other. She took in his handsome, dirty face and his bright blue eyes. He looked over her delicate features and green eyes. He narrowed his eyes as he sat with his back against the tree behind him. She was sitting on her knees with her small hands planted on the ground.

" Why are you spyin on my group?" He snapped.

" I'm not spying on them." She said softly.

" Saw your spot. Saw you watchin them." Daryl snapped.

" I was spying on you." She admitted. There was a moment where he was taken back. He frowned as he stared hard at her.

" Why the hell you watchin me?" He snapped. Ava rubbed her lips together and he watched as her green eyes started shifting around.

" Can we climb a tree to talk?" She asked.

" Why the hell would we climb a tree?" He asked, bring her eyes back to his face.

" Besides the dead can't climb." Ava answered the question as if he asked her what color the sky was. Daryl's patience snapped. He jumped up so fast, it startled her and made her fall backwards. He leaned down and grabbed her arm. With a snap, he almost ripped her up. " Hey! That fucking hurts!"

" You're comin with me!" He said as he started tugging her back to his camp.

To his surprise, she didn't even try and fight him. He took long steps, noting how she struggled to keep up with his pace but he didn't stop. He knew how to get answer from a man. He could beat out what he wanted from them but a girl, that was a different story. Rick could get answers from her. She was spying on him and he wanted to know why. He wanted Rick to have his back in case she clamped up on him.

Daryl's fingers were tight against Ava's right arm. She wasn't sure why he was dragging her so fast but she wasn't about to bitch. If he was anything like the jailer, he didn't like complaining. Ava almost stumbled and might have fallen if he hadn't squeezed her and yanked her up. She looked up at him and caught him glancing at her. He looked away and frowned even harder.

A few minutes later they reached the path she had seen him take over and over again. The voices of the group started to come over them. By now she knew them all by heart. Rick and Hershel did most of the talking. Daryl threw in his thoughts every once a while but for the most part he stood beside Rick with his arms crossed over his chest and legs spread apart. He squinted and nodded a lot while they talked. Lori, who Ava figured belonged to Rick talked a lot too. Ava thought she was annoying. The young girl, Beth, hardly spoke at all. Maggie and Glenn stayed glued to each other, T-Dog walked around and Carol followed Daryl. Ava wondered if she was his woman. She wasn't sure because Daryl didn't act like he was her husband or boyfriend.

" Daryl's who's that?" T-Dog asked.

" She's gettin ready to tell us that." Daryl snapped.

The group started to form a circle around their fire pit. Daryl thrust her forward and let go of her arm. Daryl and his group closed ranks around her. Ava started looking from one face to another to another. Her hands were up like she was trying to defend herself from an attack. She was crouched down slightly as if she wanted to run but he knew there was no way she could break through them all.

" Where did you find her?" Carol asked quietly as she came up to Daryl's side and gently touched his arm. He felt his bicep twitch under her. He wished she didn't touch him so much. He didn't like being touched.

" Found her in the woods, watchin us." He almost snarled.

" Miss, you can relax, we won't hurt you." Rick said gently. Her eyes shifted nervously to his face then back to Daryl's.

" How do I know that?" She asked.

" Why the hell you watchin us?" Daryl snapped.

" I told you, I wasn't watching them. I was watching you." Ava said as she looked around her, making sure no one was going to sneak up on her. She had had enough of that.

" Why are you watching Daryl?" Carol asked. Ava rubbed her lips together nervously. She took a deep breath and locked her eyes on him.

" I need him." She said softly. Rick glanced at Daryl but the hunter was staring at the girl.

" What the hell for?" Daryl snapped.

" To save my sister." She said.