Damon took a swig of his favourite drink from The Grill; bourbon whiskey. He turned to his left and rolled his eyes at Alaric who was stood by the darts board. Damon had brought Alaric here for a 'guys night', but he'd just gone off with Jenna Sommers, the hot, ginger, Gilbert aunt. His lips curved into a smirk as he turned to face the bartender, Matt Donovan.

"Hey mini Mattie." Matt rolled his eyes and sat opposite Damon.

"What'd you want?" Damon tutted and shook his head, tapping his ring against the bar.

"Is that really any way to talk to your customers?" He shook his head and carried on, not waiting for the blonde's reply.

"I'll have another bourb-" Damon's words were cut off as the slight movement of the door caught his eye and he turned his head.

"Kol.." he whispered and his skin tingled. He finished the rest of his drink in one swig and turned on the stool. It was then that the blue eyed vampire locked eyes with the youngest male Original. Kol.

There he stood, next to the pool bar along with a group of men which Damon had never set eyes on before. Kol's dark mahogany eyes flickered from one man to the next as he took a swig of his own drink. Picking up the pool cue which had been resting on the table, he walked around before leaning over the edge of the table to take his shot.

"Damon?" Matt was still stood in the same place, watching Damon as he fixed his blue eyes onto the Original.

"I... Hm." hesitating for a moment as he still processed what he was seeing. Damon turned to Matt and gave him a dismissing nod before turning back to the bar, preventing himself from looking over where Kol stood.

He stared at the back wall as he tapped his ring against the bar, fishing through his thoughts.

The last time he had seen Kol was the night he died, the night Damon was turned.

Mystic falls; 1864.

Damon's father charged into his bedroom, throwing him a pair of his best trousers.

"Up, up, up! We have guests and I want you looking well." Damon groaned and sat up, the covers falling from his bare chest.

"Alright, fine. I'll be down soon, father." Damon pushed himself up from his bed, pulling on his best clothes before attaching his black braces to his trousers; pulling them over his shoulders as he walked out of the room.

"Do you know who is here?" Stefan's voice rang in his ears as he gazed over at him with tired eyes.

"No, father just said to get up. He never specified on who was here." he shrugged lightly, pulling on his shoes as Stefan walked over to him.

"It must be someone important or he wouldn't have made us dress like this." Stefan looked down at his own clothes before looking over at Damon's as he stood up straight.

"Everyone who comes here is important in fathers opinion, Stefan." Damon rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs.

Both Damon and Stefan walked into the front room to meet whoever father had invited in.

"Boys, I would like you to meet our most recent guest, Mr. Mikaelson. He shall be staying here for a while." their father's eyes went from looking at them both to the tall man who stood beside him. Damon watched the tall man as his lips curled into a grin, holding out his hand as Stefan walked towards him; taking the man's hand in his before shaking it.

"You can call me by my first name, Kol." Damon didn't move from where he was stood, his crystal blue eyes fixed on Kol's deep brown eyes as he shook Stefan's hand.

"Damon, don't be rude." hearing his fathers voice echo in his ears he blinked once as he shook his head once to break the gaze.

"Sorry father." he mumbled as he walked over to Kol, taking hold of his hand firmly then shaking it.

"Firm grip you have there, Damon." Kol fixed his eyes on Damon once more before turning to Giuseppe.

"And where shall I be staying?" he raised his brow as he glared at him.

"You shall be staying in the guest bedroom near Stefan's room." Giuseppe nodded once before looking over at Stefan with a stern glare.

"Show him his room Stefan." He then looked over at Damon after Stefan nodded, taking Kol's once bag before leading him to his room.

"Damon, you shall be sorting the table. We're short on staff and lunch will be be done soon. " Damon had learnt not to argue against his father as he never won.

"Okay father." He nodded once before walking away.

Damon stood in the dining room; placing a single glass by each plate.

"Does your father always make you do the slaves work?" Kol's alluring voice came from across the room as Damon put down the last glass. He looked up to see Kol stood at the doorway in his black suit, his hands buried in his pockets as he watched Damon carefully.

"We're short on staff." Damon shook his head slowly as he began to gather cutlery.

"Ah, I see." Kol lifted his head slowly before dropping it back down, he began to walk slowly towards Damon.

"Need any help?" this question surprised Damon, how could someone who seemed so high in society want to do 'slave work'? Yet he nodded in reply to the question, Kol walked over to him; taking the cutlery he had from his hands before walking past him, brushing his shoulder against Damon's.

"Thanks... May I ask you a question?" Kol looked over his shoulder at Damon as he took more cutlery then walking over to the opposite side of the table.

"Sure. " Damon nodded as he started to place the cutlery onto the table.

"Is it true that you fought in the civil war? Stefan said you were only back on break? " Damon looked over at Kol, nodding his head once then looking back at the table.

"Yeah, I came back not long ago. " Kol stood up straight, watching Damon place the last set of cutlery down on the table.

"And how long are you staying for?" Kol asked as he walked around the table towards Damon.

"I'm not sure. As long as I get." Damon began to question why Kol wanted to know so much yet he shrugged lightly instead of asking him.

The conversation was cut off quick as Giuseppe entered the room alone, his eyes fixed on Kol and Damon as they stood meters apart.

"What's happening in here?" His eyes flickered towards Damon, giving him a stern look.

"We were sorting out the table, father." Damon chewed the inside of his cheek as he glared back at his father.

"I said for you to sort the table. Not you and Mr. Mikaelson." he scowled at Damon as he walked over to him, swatting him around the head.

Kol's eyes widened as he watched Giuseppe's hand make contact with the side of Damon's head, there was a sudden flash of anger his eyes as he narrowed his eyes towards Giuseppe but he suddenly turned away to hide his expression.

"Call me Kol, Giuseppe. Not 'Mr. Mikaelson'." Kol shook his head slowly as he turned back around.

"And I asked Damon if he wanted my help." he let out a cough to get rid of the annoyance in his voice.

"You shouldn't be helping with housework, Kol. Damon was told to do this job due to a shortage in staff." Giuseppe tried to keep his voice calm yet there was a hint of anger from the fact Kol had argued back.

"I didn't mind. I wanted to get to know Damon." Kol narrowed his eyes down at Giuseppe as he arched a brow.
"Do you have a problem with that?" His voice had become more hostile with annoyance as he questioned Giuseppe.

"Not at all." Giuseppe shook his head as he avoided making eye contact with Kol. Damon had never seen his father give up in an argument.

All three men looked over at the door as they heard two sets of feet walking towards them.

Stefan soon entered the room accompanied by Katherine, a beautiful young woman with olive skin along with flowing dark chocolate hair. She flashed Damon a quick teasing smile as they walked towards them before her eyes fixed upon Kol. Her deep brown eyes meeting his as he looked her up and down, looking at every fine detail in her burgundy dress before looking over at Stefan.

"Hello, Stefan. Who is this beautiful woman who is beside you?" Although Kol's voice sounded convincing the way he looked at Katherine showed no interest.

"The name is Katherine Pierce." she stated before Stefan could say a word, unlinking her arm from Stefan's she walked over to Kol, holding her hand out.

"And who might you be?" she gave him the same teasing smile she gave Damon as he took her hand in his, placing a single kiss to her knuckles.

"Kol, Kol Mikaelson." Katherine's eyes widened with shock at the sound of a name she'd once heard before, sliding her hand from his she took a step back towards Stefan without another word.