Hey, I'm back! After two monthes, can you believe it? Wow, I can't believe so many people liked the first chapter and wanted me to continue! I was just planning for it to be a one shot, but I can't help but write more! So I shall be continuing it. I will be starting chapters either with a song or a quote. If anyone has any good quotes, please share! I'm short on good quotes.

I don't own TDROTI and do not wish to. No flames please, but I appreciate everything else. Thank you. Oh, and my birthday was a week days ago. I'm now 16 ^_^

Hey love,

Is that the name you're meant to have,

For me to call?

Look love, they've given up believing, they've turned aside our stories of the gentle fall

But don't you believe them, don't you drink their poison too,

These are the scars that words have carved, on me.

-Gravity by Vienna Teng

"Mama, will you play with me?"

"Not now Dawn, I have a dinner party to plan."

"Papa, will you read me a story?"

"Not now Dawn, I'm busy with work."

6 year old Dawn sighed and sat on the couch with her cat, Carrot. The orange cat purred when Dawn scratched her ears. She smiled when she heard the cat speak to her. "That feels nice Dawn. Can you scratch my belly?"

"Of course I will Carrot. Let's see, right here..."

"Dawn Cathreine Fletcher, how many times have I told you to not speak to that cat. You cannot talk to animals. Get some human friends." Her mother said in a severe tone, not looking up from her laptop. Dawn sighed and stopped talking to the cat. Why couldn't her mother understand that she actually could understand animals?


"What is it now?"

"Why are you so stressed all the time? Are you really calm with the fact that I can do things most people can't? Don't lie, because your aura looks dark."

Mrs. Fletcher felt a vein throb in her head and she snapped her laptop shut, facing her daughter with angry light grey eyes. "Who do you think you are, asking those sort of questions? For whose sake do your father and I try so hard for everyday? Why can't you be a normal little girl! How many times a day do I look at my friends daughters and wish mine was like them? Don't you dare play games with me!"

With that, Mrs. Fletcher stormed out of the room and into the kitchen, her high heels clicking all the way down the hall. Dawn stared after her, a feeling a weight settling down on her heart. Why couldn't her mother understand?


Dawn opened her eyes, feeling the early morning sunshine pour through the windowns of the island. Normally, she would get up to catch the first rays of the sun and say hello to her animal friends. But this morning, all she wanted to do was lie on her bed.

She stared up at the ceiling of her bunk. She had had that dream again. The one where her mother made it quite clear that she was a disapointment to her. Getting up, Dawn looked at her dream catcher and gasped. One of the loops had a huge gap in it! Big enough for a bad dream to sneak in and fill her up with things she didn't want to think about.

Dawn gave a sigh of relief as she fixed the string. No more bad dreams for her. As she put on her clothes, millions of thoughts raced through her mind. Why that dream? Out of all her painful memories, why that one? Why?

Dawn wasn't complaining, no she didn't believe in that. But just like everyone else, she had problems. Although she did not share them. There was no use in sharing them because who would listen, besides Mother Earth? Her parents wouldn't listen, she didn't have any friends, and animals couldn't speak english. So Dawn was use to keeping her problems to herself, which was okay. Dawn would rather hear other peoples problems than her own.

"Good morning everyone! The sun is hiding, the birds are crying, it's going to be a great day!"

Dawn looked out her window to see Scott standing next to her other team mates, Lightning and Sam. Dawn stared at the red heads aura, which was as difficult as ever to read. He kept his very gaurded, intentional or unintentional. It intrigued her and she had made it quite clear before. Heading out the door, she turned to face him with her light gray eyes.

"Scott, being pessimistic is not a good lifestyle. You won't be happy in life."

Scott snorted and smoothed his wrinkled white tank top. "I'll be pessimistic if I damn want to. Now go do your nature preserving crap or something."

That one comment irritated Dawn a little. "Nature is not crap! You should love the earth!"

"Well I don't. So what are you going to do about it?"

"Scott! Oh!" Dawn said in a frustrated tone, her cheeks puffed up and standing up to him closer. She noticed him laugh at her and poke her forehead in a strange gesture that Dawn didn't find all too bad.

"You look like a child when you do that." He said, causing Dawn to get a little angry. She turned on her heel and walked off, her pale blond hair flying behind her. She needed to go meditate to calm down. Maybe Mother Earth would take pity on her today.

Her thoughts turned to Scott. The very name made her blood boil with a strange feeling she couldn't explain. She felt as if...as if she had met someone like him once. A long time ago. Rolling up her sleeve, she looked at the purple and green bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet was old, being remade a lot, but she didn't mind. It reminded her of that boy. The boy she couldn't remember.

Closing her eyes, she focused her thoughts on her surrondings. The cool polluted air, the warm solid earth, nature was just so wonderful. She opened her eyes to the sound of a small animal, a chipmunk looking at her with large eyes. Smiling, Dawn let the chipmunk into her hands, petting its soft fuzzy head.

"Hello little one," she said softly, "Are you alright?"

The chipmunk shook its head and gave her a sad look. "I'm lost and I can't find my way home." He said in a scratchy voice. Dawn gave him a sympathetic look and stood up.

"Don't be scared. I'll help you find your family." She said as they began to walk. The chipmunk gave her a joyus look and scattered off her arm and onto her head. Dawn giggled and allowed the chipmunk to sit there. They wandered around the forest for what seemed for hours until they arrived at a tree, where a larger chipmunk was looking around with a frantic look on her face.

Dawn smiled and knocked on the tree. "Excuse me Mrs. Chipmunk, is this your baby?"

The female chipmunk looked down at Dawn and a happy look settled across her face when she saw her baby perched on the blonds head. Scampering up the tree, the chipmunk raced up to his mother and nuzzled her. "Mommy, I'm so happy to be home. I'm sorry for running off."

"I'm just glad your home," His mother said, "Next time, stay closer to home." She turned to Dawn and perched herself on her shoulder. "Thank you for finding my baby. If you ever need help, just call."

"I will." Dawn answered in a kind tone. She then bid good bye to the chipmunks and made her way back to the camp. She hadn't even noticed that the sky had become darker. Dawn frowned, hoping that no one had missed her while she had been away. Dawn gave a little cry as she fell over a branch. Feeling a little embaressed, she got up and continued her way to the camp.

As she kept walking, she stumbled over a rock, and then fell over a tree root and tumbled down a ditch head first. The last thing she remembered was hitting her head on a rock before blacking out.


"Where the crap is she? Does meditating really take this friggen long?"

Scott paced around the mess hall, a stormy look on his face. Sam looked up at him from his game, an amused expression on his face. "Dude, calm down. It's not like your her father or something."

Scott whirled on the gamer. "I am calm! See, this is a calm look! I'm so calm that-"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. You're calm." Sam interrupted, returning to his game and ignoring the angry look on Scotts face. Mike went over to the read head with a helpful look on his face.

"Scott, if you're so worried about Dawn, then why don't you go look for her?"

Scott snorted and sat down, pulling out his lucky shark tooth. "Why would I waste my time doing that? It's not my buisness to go look for her."

Cameron came over seconds right after Scott said that. "From what I've noticed Scott, it appears you like her."

The room went dead silent for a minute. Scott stared at the short boy, his eyes boring into his. "What?"

"I said, you like Dawn."

"I do not!"

"But it's so obvious!"

Scott rolled his eyes. "I do not like her, got it? So don't go around saying I do, or I'll come at you in the middle of the night and throw you in the lake!"

Cameron's eyes widened and he looked absolutely terrified of Scott. A snide laugh soon filled the room and Jo walked over with her arms crossed. "Like you could throw him in the lake, ginger."

"What did you call me!"

"You heard me, Ginger."

Mike stepped in between the two. "Calm down you guys. Scott, Lightning, and I will go look for Dawn. The rest of you can stay here and calm down."

"Why does sha-Lightning have to go?"

"You can get a work out..." Mike said in a tempting voice. Lightnings eyes seemed to light up at the sound of that. Getting up, He gave a cheer and ran out the door, both boys following closely behind. They took off through the woods, hoping they would find the blond girl soon before the sun set completly.

"Dawn! Dawn! Where are you?"

"DAWN! Get your blond ass over here!"

"Scott, I don't think that's going to bring her over."

"It was worth a shot."

Mike sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Let's split up. We'll get work done faster." The other two nodded their heads and began to go in different directions. Scott rolled his eyes when a branch hit his forhead.

"Stupid branch...stupid Dawn...stupid moonbeam..." He grumbled and pressed on through the forest. As he kept walking, he saw somthing green lying on the floor that did not match the grass. Heading closer to it, he noticed it was Dawn, asleep on the ground with a peaceful expression on her face. Rolling his eyes, he knelt down and nudged her. "Dawn, wake up.


"Come on, up and at 'em."


Frowning, he gave her a little shake, causing her head to move over. His eyes widened when he felt sticky, red blood on his hands.

First chappie, so please review!