You all thought it was over, didn't you? Well, think again! Here's a little bonus chapter for you all, I hope you enjoy it!

'This is it.' she thought grimly.

A young woman, no more than eighteen years old, stood on the balcony of Cair Paravel that overlooked both the ocean and the surrounding grounds in the evening sunset, casting foreboding shades of fiery orange and blood red on the landscape. The Narnian army, or rather, what was left of it, was assembled below her, all anxious but defiant. Some glanced up at her before looking away and whispering to those next to them while others simply carried out their final tasks with blank expressions. But she wasn't paying any attention to them. No, her gaze was firmly fixed on the multitude of advancing ships that she knew could contain possibly hundreds of Telmarines that would easily outnumber her army. There was little hope now.

The woman was soon quietly joined by a man, her brother. When the Narnians looked up at them, for a fleeting moment they had an image of their long lost monarchs who had been so dearly loved and treasured but lost years before. The woman was small with dark hair and pale skin, and calm grey-blue eyes the exact same colour her mothers had been before her. While there was still a hint of her two aunts in her features, it was strikingly obvious whose child she was. Her brother, on the other hand, was more or less a carbon copy of their father. Tall and well built from his extensive training, his golden hair, piercing blue eyes and strong jaw line had made him very popular amongst the ladies of the Narnian Court. Yes, there was no mistaking King Joshua the Brave and Queen Emma the Courageous for being anyone other than the children of High King Peter the Magnificent and Queen Anna the Noble.

"You know as well as I that there is really no chance of us surviving this," Emma declared in a monotone to her brother.

Josh nodded his head. "I am aware of that. But I would rather die defending Narnia and Cair Paravel than ever surrendering to those wretched Telmarines," he said evenly.

"If mother and father hadn't left us we would never have to," Emma replied darkly.

Josh sighed heavily at his sisters words. "You know mum and dad never left us willingly, they wouldn't have just abandoned us and Narnia for no reason."

Emma rounded on her brother, anger evident in her eyes. "Don't tell me you still have that ridiculous notion in your head that they simply disappeared and left without meaning to," she scoffed.

Josh raised an eyebrow at his sister. "It's not a notion. I know that's what happened. I know our parents, or our aunts and uncle for that matter, would ever have left us deliberately. And if you think otherwise, then that is the worst insult to their memory you can give them," he retorted, his own temper rising.

Emma simply stared back at him, the anger melting from her eyes and her lips pressed together in a thin line. Josh knew that look normally meant that he had finally gotten through to his sister.

"But why did they ever have to leave us? I miss them so much," she said quietly.

"It is Aslan's plan, for us and for them. We can question it as much as we like, but it is always better to accept it," he replied soothingly, his anger now dissipating.

"Don't you remember that time he appeared and spoke only to us?"

"Hard times will befall both of you, and you must face them without the aid of your mother and father," Aslan explained gently. "But always remember that you will have one another and I watching over you to see you through it. We must all face challenges in our lives, and some will serve a higher purpose, even long after we are gone. That is your destiny, my children. To play your part in the future of Narnia and help lay out the path for others and their own challenges. Trust in me and yourselves, and you will not fail, and you shall be greatly rewarded. Speak of this to no one, not even your own family, for you must not allow them to alter the path I have laid out for you. Fair well, dear ones." And before Emma or Josh had time to ask questions, the Great Lion had disappeared as suddenly as he had arrived.

"How could I not? But we were eight year old children, we hardly understood the meaning of his words then,"Emma pointed out.

"But we understand them now," Josh replied sadly.

Emma regarded her brother for a moment, before whispering, "I'm scared, Josh."

He immediately pulled his sister into a tight embrace. "I know you are. I am too. But we must do this, and we'll do it together," he assured her.

"You always did sound too much like dad; that's exactly the sort of thing he would have said," Emma muttered.

Josh laughed. "And you always were a little too much like mum; you never did like doing what you were told!" he countered, earning a small chuckle from his sister.

"Your Majesties?" Mr Tumnus spoke from behind them.

Neither of the twins had heard him approach, and were a little startled at the sound of his voice, instantly breaking apart.

"Mr Tumnus, forgive us, we did not hear you enter," Emma apologised.

The faun only nodded in acknowledgment of the apology before announcing gravely, "It is time. We must depart."

Emma and Josh glanced at each other, fear seizing both of them. But they knew they couldn't show it, they were the King and Queen after all.

"Thank you, Mr Tumnus, we shall come down momentarily," Josh said courteously.

The faun bowed respectfully to them before turning to leave, when Emma stopped him. "Mr Tumnus, you do not intend to fight today, do you?" she asked.

"I do, Queen Emma. I wouldn't have it any other way," he replied.

"But I would, and I'm sure Queen Lucy would be heartbroken if she were here and heard you say that," Emma said. "Please, join the others in the forest. You'd be a greater help there than on the battle field. Tell our story, help them to remember our mother and father and their siblings. Don't let hope fade, help them to remember us," she pleaded.

For a moment, Mr Tumnus looked torn, indecision plainly written in his expression. But one glance at Emma, who looked so much like her aunt now when she had been a little girl and so concerned about his safety from the Witch, helped him decide.

"If that is Her Majesty's wish, then I shall do so. Thank you, my Queen. I know your parents and your aunts and uncle would have been immensely proud of you. Of both of you," Mr Tumnus said sincerely, his voice thick with emotion.

"Thank you, my dear friend. You do not know how much easier this makes the task at hand," Emma said, embracing him tightly.

Once she had released him, Josh too stepped forward to embrace the faun and giving him his own thanks.

"Now go quickly, we wouldn't want the Telmarines to ruin our plans," he added lightly. Mr Tumnus bowed deeply a final time to his monarchs, before leaving Cair Paravel for the last time.

Before leaving, both retrieved their weapons. Josh had a sword similar to his fathers, having carried on with his training even after his departure. Emma used the dual swords, just like her mother before her, and they were not unlike the ones she had once wielded. They walked slowly through the halls, each memory flooding their minds and crashing into them with all the force of a boulder flung from a catapult. No words were exchanged, no tears or laughter, just silent remembrance and the lingering feeling of the ghosts of their past now watching. Both knew this would be the last time they ever walked the halls of the castle, and so savoured every moment before stepping outside into the cold winter evening.

Once seated on their horses and at their places at the front of the army, Josh began to speak to them for the last time.

"I shall keep this short," he began, "But I hardly need to point out that this will most likely be our final stand. And one that we are not likely to survive. But have heart, my friends, and be brave; for Aslan is with us, and with him we shall never falter or be alone. It is the honour of both my sister and I to ride into battle for the final time with you, and we shall not abandon you so long as you stay with us. May your hands be steady, your feet be quick, your minds be sharp and your hearts be valiant. Good luck, my friends, and may the Lion's blessings be upon you."

And at that, the Narnian army marched from the gates of Cair Paravel for the final time to the waiting Telmarine army not far from the castle.

Standing at opposite ends of the field, both armies faced each other, their respective leaders at the front. It was obvious that the Telmarine army was vastly superior in numbers to the Narnians, but that did not deter them from facing their enemies with renewed determination. A trumpet sounded, and the Telmarines drew their weapons, fierce cries emitting from their ranks. Emma turned to Josh.

"Together?" she asked.

Josh didn't need any clarification as to what she was referring to, and grinned at his sister.

"Together," he agreed.

She smiled back before turning to face the Telmarine army once more, before drawing her swords as Josh drew his own. Simultaneously, they both raised their swords in their right arms, before shouting in unison with all of their might to the heavens above.

"For Narnia, and for Aslan!"

The Narnians behind them repeated their famous battle cry in a defiant roar one last time, and then charged forward to meet their destinies.