So your probably wondering if this is the end of Bloodtail the series?

The answer is no.

Bloodtail will continue it's this stupid story that won't. I don't like it, I was hoping to make it something worthwhile, but it just doesn't sit well with me and I've lost interest in doing this prequel. What this does mean is that I will still be making the sequel to Bloodtail the Demon Hunter, but it's gonna take me awhile for the following reasons

1. I need to plan it from start to finish. I'm not going in this half-assed

2. I'm still in the process of settling myself as and adult since I graduated from college a few months ago

3. I'll admit it to you guys, I'm an MLP writer now first and foremost, with nearly every MLP fic I have taking priority. And I'm under a different name both on here and

Like I said, this is not the end of Bloodtail the Demon Hunter. I will get the sequal out someday, but this prequel never happened.
