Raimi:My first story yea (cheers and claps)! Hope it turns out okay!
Kanna:We accept all advice. *snicker*
Raimi:Ignore her, she gets like that all the time. Any who…. enjoy!


"I was adopted by a man named Froi Tiedoll a year ago. He's the most annoying man I've ever met, and he's already adopted Noise Marie,and Daisya Barry. He's good at what he does, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like him. As an aging artist, his name is just below that of Picasso. He is making me start a new school this year."


"This new school will have a class full of people like you, and their allowed to have weapons. I will warn you though, be careful because killing will get you in a world of trouble."Tiedoll said as he panted a picture of Daisya."I want you to make new friends Yuu. There are a lot of kids there who have issue's so don't be to mean. The redhead named Lavi is the one to ask if you ever need information"

"I can handle myself thank you."I said.

"But even still..."Tiedoll trailed off. 'Good, and how dumb does he think I am. I heard he was the art teacher of this 'Black Order Academy'. If they hire teachers like him, how hard can it be.

End Of Flash Back

I walk into my home room and look to find an empty seat by myself, when suddenly I see a giant hammer closing in on me. I pull out mugen and block the blow with one hand. "Woah, we got a swordsman this year! Hi, I'm Lavi!"exclaimed Lavi as if he didn't just try to kill he runs over to me, after shrinking his hammer, I position mugen right at his throat. He stops short of the katana, and gulps. "Hey look buddy, I do that to all new students. Nothing personal, but I have to make sure you belong here." I retract mugen and place it in its sheath. 'He might be useful.' "Yuu Kanda, call me Kanda. Introduce me to everyone.I'd like to see who I have to kill before it's to late." Lavi smirks and moves towards the students.

"This is Earl Millennium, Road Camelot, Tyki Mik, Skin Bolic, Lulu Bell, Jasdero and Devit Bondomu. The main branch of the gang called Noah. They go to school here while the others stay out making money." said Lavi, pointing at kids with gray skin and black tattoos on their foreheads."They all have powerful mutations to go along with that grey skin."
"This is Mimi, Eliade, Leo, and Lala. Their androids with personalities so strong they can be called humans and they hang with the Noah's but they are pretty much the fashion police of this class."said Lavi pointing at a bunch of kids hovering over a magazine.
This is my crew!"exclaimed Lavi as we approached the back. "Lenalee Lee, sister and girlfriend of our home room teacher Komui Lee knows taekwando. Miranda Lotto, also a member of the fashion police but she hangs with us instead of the Noahs, because she's human. Arystar Krory, boyfriend of Miranda and noble man of our group. Daisya Barry, sports star but you already knew that right. Noise Marie, musical genius as you know. Allen Walker, works at a brothel and is as talented at the piano as Noise. Do. Not. Play. Poker. With. Him. He cheats as no one else can."Lavi grinned as I watched the embarrassed reactions of his crew, all except Allen who winked. I nodded and said," I am Kanda Yuu, call me Kanda. I am a samurai with little patience." After my introduction, it was clear I wanted to join their group and they accepted it. Most of the idiots anyway. Allen wanted to arm wrestle me. I accepted, and was shocked to find out how strong he was. "Allen has beaten everyone at his game, the longer you hold out the stronger you are."explained Lenlee. After twenty minutes I lost, but the look they gave me told me this was strange."Che, what!" I asked "The longest anyone's ever lasted was nineteen minutes fifty-eight seconds and that was Skin Bolic from the Noahs."answered a smiling Lavi.

That got me smirking.' I am stronger than a gang member the size of a gorilla.' The look on the guys face told me he'd seen me beat his record. My smirk got broader, when I saw the moyashi's glare."Moyashi, your new nickname." Noise sighed, Daisya snickered, and Allen growled. "I am not a beansprout." I will admit I was shocked, the kid new Japanese! "Did I forget to mention he speaks almost every language there is. He was adopted by Cross, who traveled the world womanizing and relied on Allen to get food, money, and to pay off his debts." chuckled Lavi as Allen began to give of a killing aura.A squeal sounded from the front of the room, and the girl introduced as Road hugged the pissed of moyashi."Allen, you wouldn't be treated so bad if you joined the Noah's."she said as Lenalee pried her off Allen and dragged her back to her table.

Shortly after our home room teacher came in and instructed us pick a card out of his bonnet."On the card will be a costume you are to dress up as. When everyone has gotten a card, one by one you will come up and read the card so that I may write it down.I already have all the costumes . and call me Komui."He pointed to boxes with the labels 'animals, careers, and Halloween'. Lots of groans and giggles were heard as a response. "If we don't obey him he attacks us with his crazy Komlin robots. We try to destroy it while Lenalee distracts him. It's too much work so we just go along with it." explained Daisya. We get in line and get a card then we are telling him what's on it so only he can hear. I tell him mine and he smiles, causing me to frown more. Right after me is the moyashi who's card makes Komui blush.'Hmm...what could be on his card?' Daisya and Lavi catch me staring and start snickering. I finger my sheath looking directly at them and they raise their hands in defeat. 'As they should, I can beat everyone except the damn moyashi. I will beat him in something, I just know it!'
Our bell rings meaning our hour is up. Apparently I had picked the right crew because all of us had the same schedule.

1:Home room- Mr. Komui
2:English- Mr. Yeegar
3:History- Mr. Book-man
4:Lunch- Jery
5:Career Aid- Ms. Nine
6:Art- Mr. Tiedoll
7:Physical Education- Mr. Marian

I was warned of Allen and Arystar's appetites."Please do call me Krory." He said when explaining their appetites. Krory was a gardener who was, by his many mutated plants, given unusual abilities. Put with his odd appearance gave him the nickname 'vampire boy'. Allen's appetite came from the fact that he was born from an affair with a demon. He is almost perfect with minor defects that he inherited from his mother. Discarded at birth he learned all he could about surviving, even some black magic (how he found out about his birth).

'This school really was not what I expected. I know Tiedoll said there were tons of kids like me, but really there are extremely different from the kind's of mutations here. Not at all like what I'm used to.' However I did know why it was like this.

'All around the world kids are born with powers. The nuclear effects of the World War (|||) left thousands without homes, families, food, and hope. It left even more with strange powers, all the kids without these mutations are being ostracized and killed. In an effort to stop this only 100 mutated kids were allowed in any school. This cut-down death tolls, but left many students without a school to go to. So the government found adult mutations an hired them to teach at a school full of kids with mutations. Studies then began to show an increase in troubled mutated kids. So ten schools had been chosen to have a class where all these students shared one class together. And where then split in two groups to receive their classes together.'

'It all makes since. I'll ask Lavi to make sure though.'When I asked he looked at me funny and said yes. I then asked my 'brothers' if they knew this and they said, "If we told you, you would never have come." I managed to cut them both 4 times before they joined together and pushed me off them. The baka moyashi was laughing at me when he walked up."We are almost to our English class, try not to hurt each other too bad. I don't want the teacher to freak out" he chuckled.