So this is based on my drawing
There, so check it out XD Anyway, I might have trouble updating cause my parents are trying to ban me from the computer :P
So this is just the prologue,


"Mom's home! Mom's home!" The prince screamed as he raced down the halls. He had purple hair, and light purple skin. His ears were very slightly

pointed and he had one fang.

"Please calm down young prince! You might get hurt!" Peppermint butler yelled,

"but Peppy! Mom's home!" He yelled back and kept on running. Peppermint butler just sighed an followed. When the child reached the end of the hall it lead to the foyer. Then he saw near two people at the throne. One was his mother, Queen Bonnibel Bubblegum. Next to her was his mom, Marceline the Vampire Queen.

"MOM!" He screamed and tackled the Vampire Queen.

"Owgh! Hey Kiddo!" She smiled and ruffled his hair making the child laugh,

Bonni giggles, "He's been waiting for you, you know?"

"That right?" He looked at the kid,

"I thought you wouldn't come to my birthday..." He pouted,

"Of course I would, and look, here I am!" the prince smiled at this,

"Did you get me a present~?"

"Maaaybe..." The kids eyes grew big along with a fangy-ish grin.

"Maybeee not..." He frowned a bit, "You'll find out at your party kiddo."

"I'll take that as a yes then!" He yells and Marceline laughs,

"Why don't you go play with Peppermint and give me and your Mother a chance to talk, hm?"

"You'll play with me later right?"

"Yes, I will."



The kid jumps off of Marceline and leaves with Peppermint Butler. The monarchs smile as they watch their child walk away happily.

"So how was the Nightosphere?" Bonni asked, and Marceline sighed.

"It's under control now, that's for sure." Marceline said, sitting down on the throne next to Bubblegum's. It was Black and red, while Bubblegum's was Gold and Pink.

"What happened that you were called under short notice?"

"Some punks decided to wreck an entire city. Had to deal with them and help with the damage. Had to punish the punks and threaten the entire kingdom. But it's all good now."

"Oh... I see. How about your trip to Aaa? How is Marshall Lee?"

"He's as giddy as ever."

Bubblegum giggles, "How bout Fionna and little Lilee?"

"Fionna's fine and their daughter is as cute as ever. She's 4 years old." Marceline smiles and takes out a picture. "She looks a lot like her mother."

"Yes she does..." Bubblegum smiles,

"Vampire Princess, Lilee the Human. That's what Marsh said."

"Very fitting name, She has his fangs and eyes."

"Not gonna let that little runt take my title though."

"Of course you wouldn't" She pinches Marceline's cheek,

"Hehe, so how's the preparations for the par-tay?" She lays back in her throne,

"Going smoothly, Almost all the invitations have now been delivered. We're just waiting for the messengers to arrive."

"Awesome..." She says and kisses her Bubblegum Queen on the cheek,

"By the way, what present did you get our little gumdrop?"

"Oh, Well I got him two things."

"Well where are they?"

"My band is gonna bring the stuff later. I asked them to pick it up cause I wanted to be home early." She then leans and and kissed Bubblegum full on the lips and she kissed back. They part after a few seconds,

"Oh you..." Bubblegum says, and then the messengers arrive so they sit regally, well Marceline lays back puts her head on her knuckles and crosses her legs. Bubblegum sits straight and proper.

"Your highnesses." They bow,

"Please report." Bubblegum says and the head messanger stands,

"All guests have accepted the invitations," He says,

"That's good."

"and we have a letter addressed to you both." He walks over to them, bows his head while holding out a black letter.

"Hm?" Marceline takes it and checks the back. Bubblegum dismisses the messengers and turns to Marceline,

"Who is it from Marcy?"

"There's nothing on the back but our names." She shrugs and rips it open, inside was a letter and photo, "It's from Finn!" She grins,

"Lemme see!"

They share the picture. It was Finn, and he has grown big in the past 10 years. He has muscles and he lets his hair out of his same old hat now, and he now has a long white to cape to go with it. He seems to be wearing some sort of necklace. Beside him is Flame Princess, no Flame Queen. She has grown her firey hair and has a crown. On Finn's shoulders was a boy. He looked human but his hair was fire. He wore a black fox-ish hat and was wearing an orange shirt.

"Read the letter." Urged Bonnibel and so Marceline did,

"Hey Marcey and Peebs," She reads and clears her throat trying to immitate Finn's voice, "It's been a while since we've seen eachother. As you know I now live in the fire kingdom with Fira. In the picture, that is our son; Fire Prince, Josh The Human. (pretty cool right?) Anyway, we heard that you're own son was having his birthday and we decided to come, if your 'majesties' don't mind. We finally fixed everything we needed to and I just really wanted to see you guys. Oh and I also miss Jake. With love and awesomeness, Finn The Hero." Marceline laughs a bit and clears her throat and makes it normal again, "Wow, Finn sure has grown up." She says looking at the picture again,

"I can't believe it's been 10 years already." Bubblegum says,

"Guess it's just different for us immortals, huh Bonni?"

"I guess it is." She smiles and kisses her Vampire.

End of Prologue,

you likey? then please reviewy! X3