[Rachel's POV]

*** Earlier ***

Takeo and Tomeo had black masks over their faces when they first saw us when they ambushed us that night.

They grabbed us by our necks and threw us at the walls until both of us were knocked unconscious, when we woke up our bodies were wet and sore.

The damn twins had thrown a mix of water and oil on our bodies as they punched and slapped us till we were forced awake just 20 minutes into being unconscious.

Payton had her hands wrapped around a tiny cross connected to her trousers as she cried, while I tightly held my hands together painfully bounded to my lap as the two boys circled around us.

'Nice to see you again,' One of them whispered.

'Bite me, arsehole.'

'Oh dear, do you think that our positions are reversed? Can you do... this?' A hand flung out and smacked hard against my cheek, my face twisted with the force and I yelped hard.

'Well can you?' The other snapped.

'N-No...' I sneered.

The two smiled at me and simultaneously reached for their masks, pulling them up and over their heads.

I watched as a black nothing became two horrible, ugly faces, each one painted with a gleam in their eyes as a smirk on their mouths.

'Holy shit...' Payton gasped as she watched them laugh at us.

'Not even close, love.' Tomeo smirked. 'I think you'll find there's nothing holy about us whatsoever.'

The two boys stepped towards us, one of them standing right in front of me, the other in front of Payton and both sank to their knees so they were at eye level.

'Hello.' The one infront of me whispered, I could tell from the way he looked at me that he was Tomeo, Takeo tended to look at me with a lot more venom, probably because I look exactly like Payton and the two of them faught a lot.

'Morning.' I grumbled. 'How's your day going?'

'Wow. Brave, I like it, but the thing is... It won't get you much.'

Takeo threw his hand up and curled it up into a fist before slamming into Payton's nose, Payton screamed and cursed as the punch sent her flying backwards on her chair, slamming down and smashing her head against the hard, concrete floor.

'Leave her alone!' I snarled.

'When are you going to understand, sweetheart.' Tomeo smiled. 'You're not the one pulling the shots here...'

Immediatly, Tomeo curled up his own fist and spired it towards my face, I felt the blow right below my left high, sadly the force wasn't enough to send me backwards but it still hurt like a bitch.

'The thing is girls.' Takeo walked around to the back of Payton and pulled her back upright by her hair as she screamed. 'The two of you, as you probably already know, have become real pains in our arses, bringing the host club back... Now that was stupid... The two of us were kind enough to even let you off with a warning, but you, Rachel, still ran back to your little whore of a sister and the two of you still went ahead with the preperations... if you had both just acted on the information from us the two of you had, everything would be fine and we wouldn't be in this situation...'

Payton sniffed and shook her head in pain beside me, a droplet of blood flew off her face and splashed against my cheek instantly.

'I'm very unimpressed with the two of you. Rachel, you knew what we would do if you kept digging... And Payton, you knew what to stop digging into... You both had the information yet you choose to ignore it.'

I gulped as I fiddled with my hands fiddled with the rope around my wrists.

'So... Obviously, now you know who we are... But we're going to have a bit of fun tonight...' Tomeo smiled as he suddenly pulled a pocket knife from our of his coat and flicked up the knife.

'The two of you have 13 minutes to run, all doors and windows are locked, any way of escaping has been blocked off, in that 13 minutes you have to hide somewhere in this school... Then the two of us will come find you, when we find you... We will kill you... If we don't find you in 3 hours, then the two of us will leave and the two of you can go on as normal... but, I doubt that either of you will get away from this.' Takeo explained, pulling a knife from his own pocket.

The two boys sank down to their feet and first cut the rope around our ankles, then the rope around our waists before pulling away the rope at our hands and lifting us up to our feet.

Tomeo looked into my eyes and suddenly laughed. 'You've got a little something on your face there... Blood, I think.'

'Now...' Takeo smirked straight after. '13 minutes... Off you go.'

Payton looked to me and the two of us looked straight back to the twins before she grabbed my hands and yanked me away and out.

[Payton's POV]

*** 2 hours later. ***

No open windows.

No open doors.

Fire escapes are blocked off or locked.

And the twins have me again, I may have bought a little time for my twin, but they got me, I couldn't hide with her without being spotted, so I had to save her and run.

I tried to fight, but that's when something pierced through my leg and I found myself struggling to cling on to conciousness.

Blood spilled down my favourite red party pants, from a distance no one could tell that I just had a knife pulled out of my leg since no one could tell the colour of bloo compared to my trousers.

'We did tell you this would happen.' Tomeo laughed. 'Honestly, they should of put you in a school for idiots.'

'Sweet.' I coughed and a tiny amount of blood spat out and onto my pale grey t-shirt. 'Sounds like my kind of place, you can send the entrance form if you want to be sure I go.'

'You're just as much as a smartass as your sister.' Takeo snarled.

Tomeo laughed as Takeo came closer to me and grabbed my chin tightly inbetween his thumb and index finger.

'Speaking of whom, I'm going to go look for her... Then, when I see her, I'm going to stick a knife through her chest.'

Tomeo reached into his backpocket and pulled out his pocket knife from earlier before flashing it infront of my eyes and running out the room.

'Now... What should I with you?' Takeo smiled, resting on his knees placing his head on my lap. 'I want to do something fun, something that might cause you pain.'

'Read me the newspaper, that'll show me, that'll show me real good.' I whimpered as he suddenly dagged his nails into my legs.

'Sorry what was that? I didn't hear you.'

'I said... Re-' His fingers jabbed harder. 'IT'S YOUR CHOICE! You decide.'

'I thought that's what you said, but you know, I had to be sure... So... It's my decision... Well I would love for us to cook together, make something amazing, I could add an extra ingrediant and then you can test all the food... But Tomeo wants you to get to know me a bit more... Since, you know, we dated and that...'

'No we did not!' I gasped. 'We went out for coffee together! That's it!'

'Oh yes... Then you found another one of your lovers all broken so you shacked up with him and forgot all about me.'

'What are you talking about? Hikaru almost died and I spent one day with him! I never shacked up with him! I never slept with him, I never did anything wit-'

'BUT YOU WERE GOING TO!' He screamed and suddenly slapped me hard against the cheek. 'When you two were together after you shouted at your twin, you were just about to kiss when Tomeo called you and explained that we had your sister.'

'That was you?!'

'WELL YEAHH! How stupid can you be?' He snapped. 'Hikaru was us too! It's to bad we failed at killing him, but Tomeo thought he hit him hard enough... It's funny actually, he was coming to see you because he saw you in the shop, went to the shop to buy something then was coming back to see you... Till he ran into my brother of course, those damn Hitachin's really do get on my nerves...'

'How could you do this?' I whimpered and looked to my lap.

'You did this!' He snarled. 'Tomeo and I have never taken steps like these to prevent something, we've never had to kill in order to keep ourselves a secret... I never wanted to care for a dumb whore like you!'

'... You care?'

'OF COURSE I FUCKING DO YOU BITCH!' He screamed and slapped me again.

'Y-You have such a b-beautiful way of sh-sh-showing it!' Blood bubbled from my split lip and dribbled down my chin like orange juice.

'That's why we're doing this, Payton! If I didn't care about you this would be easy, our plan was to scare you, our plan was to keep you away from the Host Club! But you stupid bitches with your whorish ways made Kaoru fall for your sister and me care for you...'

'If you care I'm sure the normal response is to help them, not kill them.'

'But that's just it...' He snarled. 'I'm not normal.'

'Well I think they just made an award for understatement of the year and that little cookie just took the trophy.' I coughed up more blood.

'Alright, enough talking, at least you know, that I did care for you, like an idiot... I may not be the best at showing it-'

'The award just got revoked from "I'm not normal" and instead was given to that little beauty right there.' I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks.

'Enough!' He growled, suddenly grabbing my face again and forced his lips down on mine, I tried to turn my head away as he bit down on my lip, the tears fell faster as I kicked with my feet but he held me down and kissed me hard, so hard my lips began to bruise.

'L-let... m-me... g-g-go!' I mumbled through his lips. 'Please!'

He pulled away, his face a mask of hatred but then a terrible evil smile crossed it and he pulled his knife out from his back pocket and pressed it against my cheek, not hard enough to draw blood but enough for me to catch my breath in fear.

Oh lord... Am I really going to die here tonight?

[Rachel's POV]

Payton was dragged away by the evil twins as I watched in horror from the closet, she casted a quick glance backwards and made a dart to the left with her eyes, signalling for me to run as soon as they were out of sight.

I couldn't leave her! What did she really think of me?

All the doors and windows on first and top floor are locked! How would I get out to get help?

Wait... There was a window... On the second floor, but Payton pulled me away before I could think of a plan... I could jump out of it, it's better than dying in here if I have a chance to run and get help, sure the jump is high but... I could climb down on the window ledge, maybe there's a pole or something running down the side and... I could!

OMG! I could!

The windows are huge so I could hang off the window ledge and my feet would be on top of the one below it!

Holy crap!

I could save Payton! I could save myself!

As soon as I heard a door from far away click I slowly opened the door and pelted away, Payton and I had hidden on the 1st floor, hoping the twins would go to the top first looking for us and the two of us could make a dart for the door, but one of them was waiting at the door so we had to sprint as fast as our legs would carry us to the other side of the school...

They both went with her, if I run we might just make it.

I sprinted down the opposite direction and found the master staircase, I ran up it with cheetah speed then searched for the classroom Payton and I found the window.

I'm pretty sure it was a Maths room... The Maths room next to our actual room.

I skidded down the corridor till I reached the door and slammed in, twisting the knob and gently closing it behind me and locking the tiny lock just to be sure though I'm sure that Takeo and Tomeo thought of door locks so probably have keys on them so locking might be pointless...

I ran to the window on the end and tried the latch... Not this one.

I tried the next one... Again, no luck.

Crap! Was it this room?

I tried the third one, the latch squeaked but actually moved and unlocked with a hard clump sound. I pushed the window open wide, the windows opened like double doors in here so I would fit out with extra ease, if need be I think three people would fit out at the same time.

I looked over the edge, and just like I figured, the window ledges were big, big enough for me to sit on, twist my body round as I fell and landed on the one beneath.

Though, getting off the first one without tripping and landing on my clumsy head might be a challenge.

Who cares?

I'm running out of time!

I pressed my body out of the window, holding tightly to the sides of the window as I looked down, the drop was around 9 metres, taller than your average floor but as I looked down, I wasn't afraid of the height like I thought.

Growing up, I've only had a few fears, loosing my twin, my friends getting hurt... and heights... and spiders but most people hate them.

Anyway, I sat down on the ledge and held tightly to it as I twisted my body off as if I was slipping into a swimming pool, I twisted around so my body faced inside the class room and my feet dangeled mid-air. I lowered my body furthur, a little furthur.


I scraped one foot up the wall and down in case I'd gone passed it but I hadn't, shit!

I held my body up with the bare strength of my arms as I risked a look down, the window wasn't much lower so I lowered myself a tiny bit more till only me elbows to my wrist was resting on the window.

I sighed in relief as I looked down again and tried to bend my knees using the wall to balance myself forward rather than backwards and off, I reached down till my hand scraped against my foot when suddenly, my feet slipped off the edge of window and my body tumbled down, my chin smashed against the window but I didn't give up and grabbed the ledge with my hands, managing to catch my self and balance off the window ledge.

I whimpered as my chin made a funny noise and I felt the blood spill from a new wound and gush down my front.

I cried as I dropped again till my foot touched the lower part of the window, I turned around, using the side of the window to balance, the drop was just over a metre so I saw no challenge in pushing myself off the wall and landing awkwardly on my feet.

My feet clicked and I tumbled down onto my knees as I let out a pathetic scream in pain.


If my feet love cliche so much why can't they magic me and Payton out of that building and have us marry two handsome princes and have lots of ginger babies.

... Me and Kaoru could've had ginger babies...

I teared up as I tried to get up onto my feet and wobbled away from the school across the car park and away!

I'm getting help, Payton! Don't give up on me yet!

[Payton's POV]

Takeo wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my bloody lips, then continued to press his evil lips against all the other parts of my bloody and beaten body, he kissed each of my new black eyes, he pressed his fingers hard against my broken nose.

Why haven't I fallen into unconciousness yet? Lord knows I'm waiting here impatiently.

It's been 20 minutes since Tomeo went to look for Rachel, I can only hope she's hidden herself well and won't be found till morning by the police when they find my dead body and these to evil bastards gone and changing their names.

Takeo pressed his finger inside one of the knife cuts he'd given to my left leg, I immediatly threw my head back and screamed louder than a boat horn as he continued to press his dirty finger inside, I felt his nail scrape against my muscle, my throat instantly buckled at the thought and I felt more blood and vomit rise up my throat, I turned my head and let my remaining insides come out in a final wail of pain.

'This is so much fun, babe, and just imagine what our third dates going to be like if this is our second!' Takeo laughed.

My head slumped down and I let out a tired chuckle. 'We'll wine and dine in hell together.'

'Ouch, you think I'm just a wine 'em and dine 'em kind of guy. Now you're going to say that I want pussy on the first date.'

'Let's keep this PG-13, baby.' I coughed up again but nothing came up for the first time, I had nothing left to give, nothing left to bring up. 'Don't worry... I won't be here much longer to tell you that...'

'Ahh, is your body beginning to betray you.'

'No... It's beginning to as I say and is slowly shutting down...' I turned my head and finally... Finally my mind began to close and I was left with one final imprinted memory in my mind.

The double date with my twins.



And Hikaru.

'I never even got to apologise.' I whispered as my eyes fluttered closed and my body slumped onto Takeo's.

*** [A/N - Actually read this poem below because it's perfect for this scene!] ***

I don't see whats going on,
All I know is it hurts like hell.
I was punched, repeatedly,
But, then, you might as well.

My heart is in both my hands,
My fingers, holding it tight.
I know there wasn't long,
And I will not win this fight.

My tears are falling down,
And I am in so much pain.
I think it's all finally over,
But it will be this way again.

My head feels so darn heavy,
And all I want to do is sleep.
Once my head hits the pillow,
I know all I'll do is weep.

[ ?id=1163082]

*** LATER ***

"What's going on, brain?" I whispered. "Why are you still here? Do you stay with me in death as well? Is this what heaven is? Do I get to spend my time with you, bathing in my memories? Will it always be like this? Will we be happy now it's over?"

My brain rolled it's eyes. "No idiot, you're not dead, open your eyes, Nobby, the living are waiting for us..."

As my brain instructed, I let my eyes flutter open and suddenly the sound of beeping quickly escalated my nerves.

My eyes darted around the room and I stared in shock, everything was white, everything smelled gross...

'Where am I?' I growled.

'We're in the hospital.' A voice replied.

I knew that voice! It was the voice of someone I knew well! It was the voice of the most important person I could think of.

'Rachel?' I teared up.

'Hey, superstar, you finally with us... I gotta say, you sure took your time, always wanting to steal the limelight aren't you?'

I smiled as I sat up on the uncomfortable my body was spread across. 'You know me, I love the drama.'

'Well... It's good to see you...'

'You too, but... How am I here? How are you here? Are we both dead?'

'No, Nobby!' She laughed. 'I managed to get off the school... I managed to get help... At a minor cost.'

Rachel lifted her legs and showed me two perfect casts around her feet and ankles, and I actually noticed she had a neck brace and a huge plaster over her nose. 'I kinda slipped off a window, hit my chin and sprained my neck then I jumped off the window from a small drop and managed to break both my ankles... I kinda got bit in the arse during the panic back there.'

'Well then, I guess you are one silly bo billy.'

She laughed. 'Very... But they got them... The police! They got Takeo and Tomeo, they put them away already and will be held in a court for attempted murder, kidnapping and harrassment on two counts for each.'

'That's amazing!' I gasped. 'So... We're safe now!'

'Yeah!' She laughed but then she stopped. 'But... Mother and dad found out about what happened... and Dad wants us to go to America... to live with him his wife and the baby...'

I frowned. 'What did you say?'

'I said I'd tell you.'

'Well... We can't go! Surely!'

'No, of course we can't.' She chuckled. 'That's why I won't be calling him back for a few weeks. I don't want to leave Japan, almost murdered or not...'

I chuckled with her till the two of us died down and I looked around again, the room was littered with flowers and get well cards... I looked beside to which I guessed was Rachel's hospital bed, two wires fell down from the ceiling from which I presumed would go Rachel's broken feet at night.

'Everyones been here... The host club, your drama group, my drama group, Mai, Ryu, several other students... Kaoru... Hikaru.'

'Oh... Are they all ok?'

'Well they didn't just almost get murdered but sure, they're ok.' Rachel laughed, sarcasm rolling off her tongue.

'What do we do now?' I asked. 'Now that it's over, do they expect us to forgive and forget?'

'No... They expect me to become a children psychiatrist, get married to Kaoru and have three children called Shanique, Tyrone and Ashley before dying in a room filled with billions of grandchildren because Tyrone doesn't know how to put a sock on the end of it.'

'... Umm...'

'I'm joking, Knob.' She burst out laughing. 'They expect us to get on, to try and get over the ordeal, school said we can have a few weeks off to try and adjust but those damn ginger twins keep writing notes in class and bringing us the damn homework to do.'

'So this is how Haruhi felt... Poor girl.'


I laughed as I requested my twin come closer with my finger, she stood up and wobbled towards me, sitting directly beside me as I jumped forward and grabbed her in a tight embrace.

'I love you, Rachel.'

'Shut up, Knob.'

'You like that word today don't you?'

'I heard it on Newsround.'

*** Three weeks later ***

'Life sucks.' I mumbled as Rachel and I thrusted out suitcases onto the carosel.

So... Ignoring dad and staying in Japan didn't exactly work... He eventually caught up with us and Mai has officially kicked us out so that we go... But... We can come back, every summer holidays we can come back, and Rachel wants to move here after school finishes next year.

'I miss Kaoru already.'

'He's over there, go kiss him goodbye and lets go.'

'Aren't you going to say goodbye to Hikaru?' She whispered.

I turned around to face the two ginger twins stood by the exit, their hands slung in their pockets as Kaoru looked straight at us and Hikaru looked to his feet.

'No... We never sorted it, it's too late now.'

'You idiot...' She grumbled before jumping to them on her crutches.

I hobbled to the seat beside me on my crutches and sunk down, holding my purse close and my tissues tightly in my fingers since I felt the tears were coming.

Oh Japan! We weren't here long but I felt so close to you.

But now you can go back to normal... The host club is up and running again but Haruhi will forever be the only hostess.

'I'll see you soon.' I heard Rachel wail in her crying voice.

A tiny tear escaped my own eyes, I turned away to hide it when suddenly I heard a cough.

I turned to face the cougher and almost coughed and spluttered myself when I saw Hikaru standing there, a very angry look on his face.

'What burst your bubble?' I attempted for my usual wall that I built up to keep people from seeing me care.

'You were going to leave without saying goodbye?' He growled.

'Goodbyes are too hard.' I whispered, standing up to my feet and staring at him sqaure in the eyes.

'I don't care.' He growled.

[Rachel's POV]

Kaoru's lips were soft as always, his hands were gentle running down my back, as he pulled away a few tears leaked from his eyes.

'Don't forget me.' I begged.

'How could I?' He smiled back weakly. 'Please write, or chat or-'

'You have my number, you have my skype, I will send you a message every day even if its as simple as hello.'

He smiled. 'That's good enough for me. Come back soon, we need to go watch the rest of those movies.'

I laughed and pressed one more kiss to his lips before we walked (I hobbled) over to Payton and... Hikaru... who were... deeply invovled... in each other.

'Bloody hell.' I gulped as we walked straight past the lovers locked at lips.

'Are we like that?' Kaoru asked.

'It's probably like looking in a mirror... Seriously...' I gulped. 'Now that's enough you two! There are children near by!'

Hikaru softly pulled away from Payton who instantly went bright red in the face and looked away from him and down at the floor, even avoiding my glance.

'Don't be a stranger.' Hikaru warned. 'Call, text, message, I don't mind! Just do something.'

She nodded her head and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking back to me and linking our arms together as we walked through customs.

An awkward looking lady giggled at us and tutted at the boys jokingly as we walked away from them, waving softly behind us.

It'll be hard to adjust from a life we barely knew yet fit with so well...

It'll be hard not seeing those boys every day...

It'll be hard for Payton and I to get over those evil twins, it'll be even harder to shake the nightmares we still have about them.

It'll be hard...


Hey! Isn't that what lifes about?

'Kaoru!' I called back just before we turned the corner. 'I love you!'

'I love you too.' He called back with a whimper in his voice.

Payton looked at me and blushed harder, I kind of expected her to shout it to Hikaru too but... The two just had their first awkward kiss, I'll give her a few days to think about what she just did before I bite her arse about it.

Not literally but- well you know- I-