I am back after all this time, yes you can kill me later…

Quick little update: My story "Like A Hedgehog" was taken down the other day… So leave a review telling me if you want them somewhere else?
Anyway back to YRIYL (Your Rival Is Your Lover)

Update.2: Urm…Sorry guys D: But you wanted more so… I'll do so! :D

Update.3: … I swear I didn't leave you all for three years… I was…training? Yeah I've lost the spark for Sonic completely; but I've seen a lot of reviews for the story and a review from an anon the other day asking that I finish it made me upset that I'd left it as it is… So I've decided I will try my best to stick through and finish it for you!

Just don't be mad if it's not as good as what was originally written in previous chapters D:


Shadow looked at the now panicking Sonic confused, "What is wrong, Sonic?" the azure hedgehog looked at his lover, almost shocked to see him there. "I-It was a dream?" Shadow tilted his head, nodding slightly "It must've been a bad one… Maybe you want too-!" the striped hedgehog didn't have time to finish as a flash of blue attacked him with a firm hug. "I thought I'd lost you Shadow!" noticing his lovers shaking form he gently petted the quills on his head, "You haven't…It'd take a lot more to lose me Sonic…" the azure one looked up confusion showing on his face, which Shadow replied to with a chuckle "If you are wondering, I came back after finding Mephiles and saw you asleep…I moved you to the bed and decided to nap too…Then we're here" Sonic sat up still shaken about the realistic dream, but knowing that Shadow hadn't died made him much more secure "Shadow…just hold me, let me know your actually here…" the ebony hedgehog smirked and brought Sonic in for a close embrace, "Relax, I'll be here with you always"

The two slept in that close embrace for the rest of the night.

(Somewhere else)
Knuckles lay quietly against the Master Emerald, thinking of his decision to marry Rouge. This was supposed to be a secret yet he had told Tails earlier before his decision had been finalised. The echidna now realised that it was time to tell others, he knew Rouge was due over later for something or nothing but he didn't care. Love did that to you sometimes. It wasn't much later when Rouge was spotted flying over the island landing just behind Knuckles, obviously scaring the red off his fur. "How many times must I tell you, DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME?" his rash shouting made her laugh, giving him a blush that rivalled Shadow's stripes. "Sorry honey, but you looked so in thought" thanks to Rouge just then it reminded him about what he had to ask, "Say Rouge," the bat looked at him with a look that spoke 'go on' "I think we should start telling everyone about us" Rouge smiled softly sitting down next to her fiancé, "I think it's a great idea…" he gave her the same smile before both leaned in for a sweet kiss.

Silver stroked Mephiles' quills smiling softly to himself, "The things you did for me…I don't know why you'd try so hard" The shade didn't move or flinch with the touches or speech, he looked dead to the world. "You know Mephiles, something that will never change is my love for you" the albino leaned down placing a kiss upon his forehead before standing up trying to make the place look more appealing.
It wasn't much later when Mephiles came too, his first action was looking for his albino lover to which he found the hedgehog cleaning up the corpses and making the place slightly cleaner. As quiet as possible he came up behind his lover and gave him a sweet kiss on the shoulder, it didn't startle Silver but it made him look a little shocked. "I didn't hear you get up, my love" the shade gave a soft smile, still not used to showing his emotions, "I didn't want to disturb you, my dear" the younger of the two smiled up at the shade turning around and kissing him softly "Let us not worry about that hmm?" Arms encased him and pulled him against a fluffy chest and a rare smile allowed itself upon Mephiles' face "Of course, my dear"


Emerald eyes opened to the sun rays blasting through the open window of his own room, although it didn't help his nerves when he saw that Shadow wasn't in the same bed with him. Upon sitting up he could realise his own home, which allowed him to relax a little more. "Shad…Shadow?" His voice came out rather meek but it had a relaxed sound to it. Without a reply it drove Sonic to get up with dread seeping through his core. He took several steps out of the bedroom only to freeze at the sound of a voice "Sonic? Are you alright?" He looked up, his vision clearing to see those all to familiar red and black quills "I left you to sleep since you woke up early this morn-!" The other hedgehog was stopped as he was assaulted with a hug from the blue hedgehog. "I thought my nightmare was true! I was scared, Shadow!" said hedgehog smiled softly and allowed the blue one to hug him and slowly comforted the fears that had consumed him. "Why are you up anyway? You were drunk" Shadow smirked slightly before poking Sonic's forehead "I heal rapidly, so the migraine was gone as soon as it came" He leaned closer to the blue hedgehog and licked up the length of his ear "Why don't we continue where we left off?" The blue hedgehog looked up a slight blush on his face before the words echoed throughout the house;


[Time Skip]

Sonic sat on the couch having decided that he wouldn't go for a run today, as strange as it seemed. He was currently sat with his legs over the top of the couch and head just falling off of the surface "Shadow~~ Make me something to eat~~" The ebony one looked over at his lazy boyfriend before smirking "What do I get in return?" A hard stare was sent his way before a sigh replaced the silence in the air "My happiness," Sonic sat up properly before adding on "So hurry it up already" The other let out a huff, signalling that he indeed would do so because the prospect of 'happiness' especially when it came to his lover whom he'd already put through so much; well you get the picture. Shadow made what he knew the other would eat without a second thought, chili dogs. Whilst his handsome ebony love cooked for him Sonic had time to reflect on something he had said to Tails one day; ' I'd like to get to know him better' The blue hedgehog hummed softly, thinking about that; perhaps on a day like this where things seemed to be calmer they could talk instead of doing anything sexual. The hedgehog seemed resolved and clenched his fist a little in confirmation. Shadow and himself would sit down; eat some food and talk about each other in an attempt to learn everything they could about each other! It was fool-proof!

Rest assured, it was… kind of fool-proof. Annoyingly as Shadow sat down with the food he'd made, he revealed that he already knew everything about Sonic; due to having to search about him when he worked for Eggman, and that annoyed him very much. His lover already knew everything to the core about him; yet here he was completely out of the loop. "Then, Shadow, let me learn things about you" he had knowledge that Shadow's past wasn't good, but he'd like to be able to understand his lover completely, and find out everything even all his weird habits like laundry and even mundane things like his favourite colour! "I guess we could do that, although I can't tell you everything as of yet… There are some things I'm not comfortable with sharing." Sonic could appreciate that, there are some things you don't want to tell everyone, there are some things you have to keep a secret even from the person you love.

The 'game' so to speak, started off rather mundane, he learnt about Shadow's more simplistic tastes and desires. He learnt that Shadow didn't actually like a dirty house, so if Sonic had been living in filth he would've made them clean it up, he also learnt that Shadow's favourite colour had changed from Grey to Light Blue since knowing Sonic. There was no need for Shadow to explain it… but Sonic did want to hear it anyway… When he asked the answer he received made him blush; "The colour is the same as your fur, it's cute, no?" Shadow seemed to have a way with his words. Sonic also learnt that Shadow wasn't much for public displays of affection, but since Sonic had an aura of loving intent it made him want to kiss him, hug him and be loving in public. He found out a lot of things about Shadow that he didn't know, and in one hour he'd leant almost an entire thick paged book's worth of things, needless to say he was very happy with the development that he told Shadow they should do things like this every so often. "Only to slow down the pace…Wow… Never thought I'd be the one to say that in my lifetime" the comment had made the ebony hedgehog chuckle softly, before heading to clean up ("Like the clean freak I now know you are, Shadow!") after his rather lazy boyfriend.

[ Undisclosed Location ]

"Have you found the project and its replica?" A singular shadow spoke, leaning against the fist it held against a well-hidden face; "Nay, we have not, Chief, but rest assured we will find them both." A secondary voice spoke, unable to be seen in the darkened room, yet when the door opened, shedding light into the room, the figure of a woman stood there, eyes cold like steel and hair long and thick like death itself; "What are you doing waiting here for? Are you making plans to capture them?" Both of the shadowed figures froze bowing before the mysteriously cold woman who frowned deeply at their obvious lack of involvement in the situation; "If the two of them aren't captured within the next month; I will have to do the job… and we don't want that do we, minions?"

The two shook their heads frantically as they rushed to get on with the work the Mistress had set for them.

[ Social Gathering ]

Knuckles was nervous. It was today that he and Rouge would be telling everyone that they were officially an item, and that things were needless to say heading to higher places. Although he was sure that Tails had probably figured out and by the process of elimination he could also say that he was sure that Sonic would know as well. But he hoped that he had the chance to tell other people before those two blabbed away.

As everyone gathered at their meeting place, it was Knuckles that broke the silence by coughing rather loud, almost embarrassing himself; but he smoothly moved on to his speech; "It is unusual for me to invite everyone out… but I have big news… That I've been waiting for a long time to tell you all" To try and soothe the mood, Vanilla, Cream's mother…or well everyone's mother in a sense, spoke up petting his shoulder; "If you're coming out to us, it's alright we could guess" she gave a wink in his direction making everyone let out some type of comical remark to soothe him. Rouge listened happy that people would calm him down without him even having to say anything yet. As he calmed himself down with everyone's comments he took a deep breath and looked over at Rouge; "I wanted to tell that, I'm not gay, sorry to disappoint you Vanilla, but I'm dating someone, we're moving in serious territory… I really love her, and have already asked her become my wife. If you haven't seen the way I'm looking at her now then you'll never know who I mean."

Like hawks all eyes shifted to Rouge who was going slightly red at the praise of her fiancée and there was a silence, one that made knuckles think that someone was going to come out with some snide remark or make some disagreement but the only words that he heard at that moment were from Shadow; "You hurt her and I'll be the one hunting you down, Echidna" Rouge laughed at his comment, making a remark back about his possessive behaviour ("Honestly, if you weren't dating Big Blue over there I'd have thought you were coming onto me!") and with that everyone spurted out their congratulations to the happy couple. The gathering turned into a little party, and what was a party without a little bit of alcohol?

[ Home Time ]

Shadow had ended up taking Sonic home earlier from the celebrations since a certain hedgehog didn't know how to keep his mouth shut when it came to children and alcohol. He'd almost shouted out about things himself and Shadow had done in the privacy of their own home, poor Cream had almost had a heart attack when the words 'really big' followed 'you should see Shadow's…' well… you can guess what the idiot said.

"Jeez, what made you drink so much anyway? It's not like you to want to get wasted" The elder sighed carrying the blue hedgehog upstairs in their home, eager to put the drunken male in bed so he could rest up and think of his actions tomorrow when he woke up with a hangover and a 'assignment' to go and meet up with Tails. "Ne, ne, Shadow~ How about we have some fun! Let's have fun together!" The ebony hedgehog just listened to the demands of the other as he placed him on the bed sitting next to the other as he lay him down removing his shoes, socks and gloves. Only to look up and seeing the pouting, flustered face of his boyfriend. "What is it?" The younger huffed before reaching up to curl him hands upon Shadow's neck; "Come lay with me," since the request was innocent enough Shadow relented to the childish demand of his lover.

That was his first fucking mistake to say the least.

"Tsk… slow down, you'll end up choking yourself" how the hell had it come to this from lying next to his lover? The blue hedgehog's mouth surrounded his member, his ass up in the hair, tail wagging in drunken excitement, as he eagerly tried (and was well succeeding) in pleasing his lover. Sonic pulled back momentarily to giggle and glance up at his boyfriend through half-lidded eyes; "But you'd like that wouldn't you? Me choking on your size?" The words seemed to so naturally curl of his boyfriends tongue and oh sweet lord did he want to make him choke for it. Shadow couldn't remember the last time he'd been so turned on for the male currently sucking at his cock. "Keep talking like that and we'll soon find ou—fuck!" the younger had taken his cock as deep as he could take it without choking before daring the other with those emerald eyes of his to do what he desired to do. Shadow was going to enjoy how forward and front Sonic was being, he grabbed one his lovers spikes and pushed his head further into his crotch, the tell-tell sound of choking seemed to echo in his ears as he thrusted upwards into the wet heat of Sonic's mouth; "fuck, yes, keep sucking like that". At the rate Sonic was going with that rather talented mouth of his Shadow wasn't going to last much longer, and he didn't really feel like climaxing right now so instead he pulled the others head from his cock, salvia connecting the two together; "Mmh, why pull me away? Were you close?"

The ebony hedgehog said nothing as he pulled the other up upon him, seating him on his lap, "Ride me, I'm liking how forward you're being tonight" The blue hedgehog let out another giggle as he leaned down to kiss the other neither being able to notice the figure that was watching them as they made love to each other in the hours of darkness.

Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than the others, but I shall try and update this story more—it won't be regularly but I will at least update it so that you guys don't go another three years without an update.

Reviews make me write faster (Hey one review and a lot of 'favourites' made me update this!) and I appreciate hearing your feedback and where or what you'd like to happen in the story.

I'd like to hear what you guys think the new bad guys are? Think about what they want from 'the project and his replica' perhaps this will lead to an unlikely duo working together?

Thank you all for being so patient and for reviewing and following this story and me throughout the years!
