Hola! So this will be the last chapter for Locker Accident? and i think this is a good way to end the story...

not sure. but anyways i hope you like it!

Lucy's P.O.V

I made sure the door was locked and leaned against the door for support. So I guess he's gone now. I felt tears starting to build up. Gray, I love you so much it is so hard for me to forget about you. Ever since Natsu helped me join Fairy Tail, and ever since I met with you, I didn't feel confortable with you to be honest. Thats because I felt my heart started to beat real fast when ever your eyes met mine, when ever you called my name, when ever you saved me. You are a cool, hot, smart, cute guy that made me fall in love with you. (She didn't notice that actually saying it out loud.) Hot tears started running down my blushed cheeks. I immediately wiped them off.

"Go back upstairs?" I was starting to think about my future.

"No. Gray could be there. House? He might be there too..." I need to get rid of my feelings! I need to get stronger! ...Stronger?

"Thats it! I can go train somewhere!" I stood up in excitement.

"But where? Magnolia's not good... Maybe I can go around Fiore and collect new keys... Crux might know something... Stellar Spirit... Spirit world... Maybe?"

Gray's P.O.V

Why the hell did Lucy kick me out? If she loves me, and I love her, why can't we be happy together? I was having a flashback of the times I spent with her... While I was in deep thoughts, I heard Lucy talking. So, I pressed my ears against the door.

"Gray, I love you so much it is so hard for me to forget about you. Ever since Natsu helped me join Fairy Tail, and ever since I met with you, I didn't feel confortable with you to be honest. Thats because I felt my heart started to beat real fast when ever your eyes met mine, when ever you called my name, when ever you saved me. You are a cool, hot, smart, cute guy that made me fall in love with you," I heard Lucy's voice loud and clear.

My heart started to pound really fast because now, I know how she looks at me. "Thats because I felt my heart started to beat real fast when ever your eyes met mine, when ever you called my name, when ever you saved me. You are a cool, hot, smart, cute guy that made me fall in love with you"? What kind of guy can stay calm after hearing this from your crush?

"Go back upstairs?"

"No. Gray could be there. House? He might be there too..." She paused.

"Thats it! I can go train somewhere!"

"But where? Magnolia's not good... Maybe I can go around Fiore and collect new keys... Crux might know something... Stellar Spirit... Spirit world... Maybe?

Oh no. She isn't going to the spirit world to train is she? To be as far away from me as possible?

"I open thee, Gate of the maiden! Virgo!" She chanted.

"Yes, princess? Is it my punishment time?" Why does she always say that?

"No Virgo. I want you to first dig a hole that leads to the outside of the guild. Then, go to my apartment and get my stuff and send it to the spirit world. After you are done, meet me... I'll tell you where later and help me go to the spirit world. Also, give this to the landlady." I heard coins/Jewels clicking.

"Yes, as you wish. Sorry for my rudeness, but are you sure princess? Do you not love him? What will happen when Ms. Juvia and Mr. Gray comes close after you leave?" Nice Virgo!

"*Sigh* Yes Virgo, I do love him. But if my selfishness causes both Gray and Juvia to become unhappy, I am willing to sacrifice this feeling. Now, please go."

"Yes, Princess." Then I heard a loud drilling sound which indicates that Virgo is digging a hole. Since the noise is real loud, she won't notice me going into the room. Now's my chance! I tried to go inside but, the door is locked.

"God dammit!" I cursed and kicked the door. (note: Gray is going to fight with a door... imagine the time when Erza was fighting against a pillar)

"Holly shit! Why is the door so hard to open?" I tried to kick open the door again but failed.

"Fine then! Ice-Make: Battle Axe!" I created an axe and swung it towards the door.


"Yes!" I ran towards the room but stopped by the door.

"What the hell? Why are you still here! Move it!"

"Ice-Make: Ice Cannon!" I blasted a block of ice towards the door. But all it did was create a scratch. I was getting pissed off and used this final technique.

"Ice-Make: Ice Bringer!" That was the best! The door went flying! Anyways, I jumped into the room not noticing the hole underneath me. I looked around and saw no sign of Lucy and instead, I fell right into the hole and was sliding in all directions.

"Holly crap! What the fuck is wrong with Virgo!" Then, I saw a light. I slid towards the light and found myself in the Magnolia Forest. Didn't know how I ended up here but I had no time to waste. It was a battle against time. I ran first to her apartment. Nope. Then her favorite food shop, book store, magic shop, everywhere! but still no sign of Lucy. While I was thinking of the places she might go, I saw a person standing underneath a lamp. She had pink hair and was wearing a maid costume.

"Mr. Gray!" It was Virgo.

"Virgo! Have you seen Lucy?"

"Yes. But I have a question to ask you." Her face was very serious.


"Do you really love princess?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Can you make her happy?"

"I don't know... to be honest. Still, isn't it worth trying?" I looked straight into her eyes.

"Princess told me to come get her underneath the sakura tree. The one we had the sakura viewing."


"Please go," she bowed down.

"No need to tell me that again!"

Still Gray's P.O.V

Lucy was waiting underneath the sakura tree, waiting for Virgo to pick her up.

"Man, she is late." Lucy saw her watch and noticed that she was waiting for more than 30 min. But she continued waiting until she suddenly felt someone hugging her from behind.

She took out her keys and got ready to fight when she heard the voice, of him.

"Lucy," I said.

"What is it?" Lucy turned around to face me.

"I wanted to tell you something. A mis-" She cut me off.

"Gray, what are you doing here?" Lucy asked me coldly.

"As I said, I wanted to tell you that-" She cut me off again.

"Did you confess?" She had a "why-the-hell-did-I-just-ask-that" face. Confession? I could use this to confess to her... Nows my Chance!

"Not yet..."

"Well? Why are you here? Go!"

"but I will now," I grabbed her shoulder and faced her.

"Lucy, I love you!" I confessed. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter as I stare at her chocolate eyes.

"Huh? Why are you saying that to me?" She said with confusion in her tone.

"Lucy, I love you. Not Juvia but you, Lucy Heartfilia."

"I don't believe you!" She turned around and started walking off. (Actually, her face was burning up and she just couldn't look at Gray.)

"Lu-" She doesn't believe me? That means that I need to-

I grabbed her arm and twirled her around so she would face me. I locked my arm around her waist so she wouldn't escape. I cupped her cheeks with my free hand and kissed her. I felt her hand dropping to her side as I continued the kiss. I looked at her face and I saw her big eyes, staring at me with disbelief and her cheeks blushing madly.

"W-what d-did y-y-you do?" She stuttered.

"I kissed you because you said that you don't believe me when I said I love you,"

"But-" She was blushing so mad that made her look very adorale.

"Lucy, Now you know that I am serious right?"

"Ye-yes," She avoided eye contact with me.

"I'll say it one more time. Lucy Heartfilia, I love you more than you can ever imagine. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Gray..." She stopped.

What is she going to say? No? or Yes?

"Your clothes," she said.

"What?" I looked down and found my self shirtless. I spotted my shirt near the bench about 5 meter away. How did it end up there? I ran and grabbed my shirt and ran back.

"You know how to ruin a romantic moment don't you?" She laughed.

"Uh... Sorry?" I didn't know what to say.

"Yes," She replied.

"Huh? Yes for what?" I was totally lost.

"For your question earlier? My answer is Yes," She smiled.

"Question earlier? Oh-" I was about to say something when she cut me off for the 3rd time!

"Gray, will you forgive me? For misunderstanding every thing and causing you trouble?" She asked with concern showing in her eyes.

"Of Course Ye-... Wait." I stopped. Now that I think of it, she never actually said she loves me... So-

"Not until you say the 3 magic word~" I sang.

"Magic wor-" she blushed as soon as she knew what I was talking about. Yes, the 3 magic word are: I love you. Not that hard to say right? I mean, I said it 4 times.

"Do I have to?" She asked.


"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Your right! No, you don't!" I tried to trick her and...

"No! I do!" She fell for it. I smirked and then she whispered

"Oh god. Did I just fall for that trick?"

"Yes, you did. Now say it!" I asked. Well, more like demanded. She paused, took a deep breath and said something really fast.

"Iloveyou!" It was so fast I didn't understand it.

"What? Can you say it once more? and look at my face!" I gently put my hand on her cheeks and tilted up and surprise! I found a very blushed Lucy! She was very red, and looked very, very cute. I just wanted to hug her, but not until she says "I love you"

"Stop teasing me!" She pouted. Which made her look cuter.

"Im not teasing you! I really couldn't hear it!" I swear I'm not lying. She paused again then looked at me this time. She stared at my eyes and then said the words I've wanted to hear for a long time.

"I-I love you Gray," She pecked a really light kiss on the lips. I was surprised by this but still felt happiness flowing inside my body, ready to blast out.

"Me too Lucy. I love you." I pulled her in for a hug. After a while, a strong wind blew around and passed us. I saw a petal of sakura on Lucy's head. I released the hug to take it off. While i was busy with the petal, Lucy tugged my shirt that i was wearing (thank god). So, I directed my eyes towards the place she was pointing. I saw a huge sakura tree blooming in the colors of rainbows. I've seen this view so many times, yet I can't help but think that this is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. I looked down at Lucy who was still holding on to my shirt and couldn't help but laugh at her facial expression. She had the face of a 5 years-old. I didn't want this to end, so, I decided to stay here, under the clear sky and the rainbow sakura with my girlfriend for the night.

I can't wait to tell Loke and the others!

DONE! This chapter took us forever to write up! Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and supporting!