A/N hi this is my first fanfiction so reviews and even constructive criticism are more than welcome. I had this idea in mind long before i ever discovered our great JK Rowling planned to ship George and Angelina together but i couldnt bring myself to rid my original character and swap it for her.. after all its fanfiction and meant to be different so i hope you enjoy and let me know if you do so!

Faye Millar hadn't really thought of where she'd go after spontaneously decided to leave her family in France and apparate back to her home after the wizarding war, abandoning a once frightened muggle born father, a stubborn mother and her beloved yet scatter brained elder brother Elliot, whom she knew, whilst feeling a stab of guilt would be lost without her. Faye sighed, but she had much overdue matters to be tended to and resolved. She planned to reunite with old faces as well as to discover the aftermath of the end to Voldemort's reign of terror- no matter how terrifying facing the facts was going to be. She could not identify the certain instinctive feeling forming within her but there was a certain something niggling at the back of her mind that seemed to overpower her usually rational decision making as well as her legs and so that is how the tiny framed young witch found herself strolling to a familiar location of her past- a cosy little home known as the 'Burrow' her ebony hair whipping in the howling wind as she walked, something she found therapeutic and more relaxing than aparation.

It was a dark dreary night and threatening ugly dark storm clouds hung low in the overcast sky accompanied by the uninviting shrieks of thunder and a ferocious blustering wind that rapped noisily at the kitchen windows of George Weasley's family home. He was alone tonight, well mostly alone as the only company he kept was his young fiery sister Ginny and the 'love of her life' Harry Potter. They hardly counted as company though as they were upstairs making use of the unusual occasion of having an almost deserted home as the rest of the family were strangely all pre-occupied tonight. Mum, Dad and Charlie had attended dinner at Bill and Fleur's, Ron and Hermoine on some sort of 'romantic date' and Percy. to be perfectly honest he hadn't a clue where Percy was and it didn't concern him in the slightest what his pompous brother got up to these days even if they were on much better terms. His families' absence didn't make a difference to George however, he sat alone as usual at the large wooden table resting his head of bright ginger hair lightly in his hands sighing as he once again let his thoughts escape with him. Depressed, lonely thoughts at that. His Mother being her over fussing self nagged at him to keep busy as a distraction from the overpowering grief he suffered through daily but tonight there was nothing to be done as George was well ahead of his business plan at 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes' even if his heart wasn't fully in it anymore. It's not as if the shop would be getting many visitors if he did happen to open what with the foul weather. Speaking of Visitors it was at that very moment a sharp knock on the door sounded through the warm kitchen much to the gangly wizard's surprise. When he swung the door open however a much bigger and shocking surprise was in store for George. His mouth hung open like a drooling dog and his eyes scrunched up squinting in the mist as if he was unsure that the figure on front of him was actually who he thought it was. As if he needed to recheck though, there was definitely no mistaking those piercing yet dark royal blue eyes that bore intently into his own brown pair. "Faye! Faye Millar!" he uttered in astonishment blinking rapidly. It was a wonder he even remembered how to talk in such a state.

Faye wasn't sure of what reaction she was expecting from her former Hogwarts classmate but certainly didn't anticipate his face appearing as it would have if she'd just whipped out her wand and shot a stunning spell at him. He resembled a man who'd just saw a ghost- well actually a ghost was too much of a common sight in the school they had attended to earn this uncommon reaction "Yep it's me" she spoke up rather wobbly forcing a sideways smile at him. The false grin was quickly replaced by a real one as she began to register how good it was seeing his face after all this time, even if he momentarily resembled a goldfish. His presence made her instantly happy like it had done everyday back then, for a second Faye wanted to cling on to a string of belief that nothing had changed but with a second glance at his tall frame then rather handsome face just the opposite was confirmed. Faye had been informed of the news that George's ear had been hexed off (in one of her beloved best friend Darelle Moody's letters she'd received in France before Darelles..'Accident' and current state) so she'd prepared herself for the gaping hole at the side of his head but somehow that wasn't the most dramatic change she registered. His face now carried that 'older and wiser' look many survivors of war carried and his eyes Faye noted, were still as gorgeous as ever although they lacked a certain sparkle she remembered and treasured so well. She was suddenly hit by an overwhelming urge to comfort him although from what she was yet to discover. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" she chucked indicating her locks trailing behind her and blowing onto her face in many directions all at once, some of which were now tangling in the zip of her 'tornado's quiddich jumper "it's quite windy out in case you haven't noticed" she said grabbing a fistful of her dark hair in a struggling attempt to tame it "not with that filth on you your not!" he retorted with a laugh referring to her jumper and the team she supported, finally returning to reality and with that he wrapped his long gangly arms around her tiny as ever torso in a bone crushing hug that seemed to last for several blissful minutes before he ushered her inside to sit by the warm stove. From then on the pair suddenly launched into a deep catch up conversation, as friendly as it had been between them long ago in the Gryffindor common room. Faye turning up had, excuse the pun, 'magically' transformed George's dark mood, something his own family, regrettably, often failed to do.

As they chattered excitably they finally reached the most unwanted topic of all. A small three lettered word that could dampen anybody's day just by the painful memories it conjured as it was mentioned.

"You are actually the first school friend I've been talking to in so long!" Faye was telling George "but what about your friend Darelle?" he wondered. Faye puffed out an awkward sigh "well I haven't heard from her as she's still in that coma in St. Mungo's, her parents told me, she's been unconscious since the war" she told him worrying frantically as sad thoughts of her best friend welled up inside her. Georges face darkened also, as Faye had now come across the poison word- 'war'. She frantically tried to retrace her steps "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it I know it's an inappropriate topic' George was almost verging to be slightly amused at Faye's blustering, he looked at her with a sad smile "It's okay love, it's what's on everyone's mind all the time I suppose it's not right to keep it bottled up…" and he trailed off. Faye nodded in agreement. "It's just so unnecessarily sad" she moaned "even though I myself wasn't her to be part of it, I should have been though" a mask of clear regret showed upon her pretty face but she continued "I heard professor Lupin and his wife were killed, he was my favourite teacher and poor little Collin Creavy and...Oh just too many people" she decided not to list them all as painful tears formed in her round , now sad, eyes. There was silence for a moment until George spoke up hoarsely "um Faye I'm alright you can mention Him you know" Faye was confused "who?" she questioned her friend who was now anxiously chewing on his bottom lip "Fred" he said, almost a whisper. It was such a bizarre surreal conversation to be having with his girlfriend from back in sixth year, whom he never thought he'd see again of all people but at the mention of his twin Faye's face brightened. "Oh yes where is Fred? It's odd to see you two apart really!" she giggled, slightly guiltily not wanting to admit she'd forgotten to ask for the other boy she'd palled around with at Hogwarts, truth being all she could think about was George.

His thick eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement and, further shock. Did she just ask where Fred was? How she did not know by now was so absurd. George sat frozen but he knew he had to tell her. Faye registered George's almost fearful expression "what is it?" she demanded but softly and gently placed her hand on his arm as if to encourage him to talk. She felt deep down something was wrong but nothing in the world could have her prepared for the awful truth that was about to be revealed. "Faye I hate to be the one to tell you this but my brother, Fred is" his voice cracked on the last word, one which made the horror he lived every day much too real "d..Dead" he hung his head.

It was if the world had begun to spin wildly on it's axis with no explanation and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She felt suddenly dizzy and had an over powering urge to throwup all of a sudden.

Faye had pictured the twin in 's in an identical hospital bed to Darrelle's with some sort of fatal war injury but never this. There was no possible way he could be dead! And without her knowing, with that one word her heart felt like it was breaking , for Fred, for herself and the loss she'd feel of a friend but mostly for George. She now knew what had so drastically changed him, the death of his brother, twin , partner and best friend, something he'd never overcome. She felt over whelmed and burst into uncontrollable tears. "I'm soooo sorry G..George" she whimpered in between sobs "I c..Cant believe it" The salty tears cascaded down her face which was now drained of all colour it once had. " Me neither" choked out George but put his arms comfortingly around her letting her cry into his broad muscular chest until she was finished. Eventually Faye had dug deep and found the last bit of self control inside her willing herself to stop the bawling even if it took 10minutes or so. She rested her head on his shoulder, something that felt as natural as breathing, coughed, clearing her throat. "I apologise for my reaction, it must be so unfair for me to unload all this on you when it's affecting you the most, I just feel so bad for you it's so upsetting yet I can't imagine how you must feel" He stroked the back of her hair, tenderly "course you can, you lost your brother too" He reasoned to her, being much more composed than he should be. It was kind of, well, reassuring to be the one doing the comforting for a change, he was so used to the family trying to console him but now it felt good to be the one in control of his emotions for once. He'd cried too many times in the last year to last a lifetime. "he wasn't my twin though and that was ages ago" she spoke softly lifting her head up and staring into his eyes "but thanks" and she sincerely meant that thank you and with that, loosing all sense of thought , reason and control even she tilted her pointed chin upwards and gently pressed her lips to his. It was a gesture they both should've been used to by now but due to the new circumstances George hadn't expected it. His mouth remained hard against her own, his eyes wide. Faye broke away almost instantly taking his reaction as shock and distaste rather than pleasantly surprised, which he was. She could hardly believe her own nerve. She hastily got to her feet with a quick apologetic glance at him "I'm sorry, I should go" she couldn't believe she did that, in a moment of fleeting grief it was hardly fair on the poor boy dumping all her own emotions on him when he clearly had enough on his plate. She turned for the door "I'll see you around George" and so she ventured back into the bitter night.