Hey guys! It has been a while hasn't it? Well this chapter is long over due.

P.S. Sorry if this isn't up to normal standards because I havn't wrote in forever! So anyways, enjoy.

P.S.S. Don't read if you don't like cussing (Not like cussing as in "Oh my god or gods! I can't believe he just said that! I'm gonna tell the teacher and, and, and my parents and everyone!" Basically if your that person at school who tell on every single thing and can't take a joke. If not you just wasted time reading this!) It's not like every sentence but it's in here so beware alright because I don't want to deal with the internet peoples, m'kay?


We arrived at the lunchroom with my hand in Percy's. Some stared, but most didn't think much of it or were too busy to notice. For now sadly.

Percy and I got our food that was most likely frozen for the gods know how long and made with a whole bunch of chemicals and then sat down with all my friends. Most us us just poked at our food, but barely at anything. Except for the guys. Seth and Percy said they don't care how bad it tastes, they were hungry.

Percy, Nick, Seth, Sadie, Jenna, and I we sitting at a round table off to the side of the cafeteria. Thiswas where we met at first (not Percy but you knew that). It was either sit here, on the floor, or sit by people who were like really wierd. Like not the normal High School 'wierd', like playing with action figures, read books that were in Japanese and were read backwards from our normal. I had no problem with them. Like they were wierd enough to be monsters and I was warry with them.

I looked around and sawpeople were staring at Percy like he was a freakshow with like two heads or double arms. Which arn't that wierd in the Greek world. Others were staring him with a dreamy or lusty look ing their eyes. I naturally scooted closer. I saw Ashely get up from her table of annoying cheerleaders and start to head this way.

Oh great, I thought.

Alright. So the real reason that I did this chapter is NEW TRAILER OF THE SEA OF MONSTER. If you can't telm I'm excited for it. It didn't look exactly like the book, but you can tell by the trailer that it will be closer to the book than the last movie which was an embaressment (sp?) to all movies ever.