November 1st, 1981

"Meddling old man!" The first demon hissed. She stood in the body of an thirteen year old girl, living just down the streets. She stared hatefully at the old man and his companions as they continue to wove wards over the new residence of her baby. Standing in the shadows across the street from #4 Privet Drive, she watched her old headmaster cast spells upon spells that will keep her away from her child. She had meant to leave Earth, to give up the things she love most before she damned them to hell. She had only meant to see her child one last time but what she found infuriates her.

But she was helpless under the onslaught of the approaching Armageddon. She could feel it in the air, tightening around her throat like a noose as every second passed but it has to be done. Her death will free her master and bring victory to her brothers…or perhaps…

"Lilith." Her eyes snapped open, an eerie green, a reminder of her human host, as her second-in-command appeared behind her. While she trusted him not to betray her, she knew he cared more about his own petty existence than her powers.

"Finished? Little Crowley?"

Her eyes flashed a milk white, never turning away from the basket that held her blood, the blood of the Old.

"Of course," Crowley said, affronted that she even need to ask. "Shall we go?"

"No, not yet," Lilith said, turning her gaze back to the house just as the headmaster and his two companions apparated away. However, the shields were in place and within demon gaze, shone a bright gold, its links spanned out in threads, wrapping around her child and feeding off his powers. "That baby, get me that baby. I want him, Crowley, get him for me."

"As you wish," Crowley muttered before reappearing at the doorsteps of #4 Privet Drive.

Lilith tilted her head as Crowley bent to pick up the small baby boy in the basket. The wards probably have not taken hold yet since her baby was not inside the house. Crowley reappeared in front of her and Lilith burst out into a small crow of joy, snatching the baby in Crowley's arms with her own. "Oh he's beautiful! Crowley, promise me you'll protect him and take care of him."

The demon hesitated. Magic, both of Hecate and Lucifer's First swirled around them as Lilith willed it to bind Crowley to her will. "Promise me Crowley."

It tightened around his throat, brushing at his skin. "I promise," he ground out, his skin burning as the contract was carved into his skin.

"Lovely," Lilith laughed, strange and beautiful as she gazed down at her beloved child.

Chapter One

Lily Evans died on June 2nd, 1973 while playing on swing set in the backyard, purposely ignoring her sister's rude glare as she talked to her best friend Severus Snape. He lives next door and came over everyday. Lily knew Severus did not like it at home so she invited him over every day. They were both thirteen, likes charms and potions, has magical powers, and lived in a secret world no one else knew about. And if they do, they certainly can't talk about it.

It was just a two feet fall, from the swing set to the ground beneath but she landed wrong and her neck was broken. Petunia screamed while Severus quickly called for help. While Lily lays dying, a young girl appeared before her, with milky white eyes and beautiful blonde hair, touching her cheek gingerly with a small, pitying smile on her face.

That day, Lily became Lilith.

Granted, demons were not allowed to inhabit magical creatures but Lilith was different. She was the Alpha, Lucifer's First and Right-hand demon. No one crosses her. And in life, she was also a witch but she never sold her soul. She followed Lucifer out of love because her own god, Hecate, had abandoned her. She forgave him for changing her because all he did was made her immortal and allergic to all things holy. Pity.

Like all demons, however, she needed some down time between her massacres and tortures and in the decade of 1970, she decided to take a holiday. This time, quite literally. She warded the entire country of Old England where her village used to be from all demons and found herself a human girl with the blood of the Old Folk to inhabit. And there she was, with red hair flying and green eyes bright in joy. The girl was perfect. So she snapped her neck, took over her body and handed her soul to Death. If anyone expel her, this body will die. If she can't have it, no one else should either.

But she didn't torture, or kill, at least not leave any trace of it. To the Wizarding World, her kind, she was beautiful, charming Lily Evans and on September 1st, 1973, Lilith fell in love. Now demons were not supposed to fall in love but she wasn't all demons. She consoled herself with the fact that at least he was not a weak, pathetic worm called human. He was a wizard, one of the Old, a strong, handsome wizard that loved her and in that love, she gave him a child.

James picked her child's first name while she picked his second. Harry James Potter, the child with the blood of the First Demon and Hecate's flowing through him. "A beautiful name for a beautiful boy," Lilith whispered as she rocked the baby in her arms as she strode out of the stone chamber Crowley had crafted. She was soaked in blood, her beautiful white dress now crimson against her lily-white skin. The baby was untouched, even the red scar that had stained his forehead now gone. She handed him to Crowley as she slipped off the dress and began humming.

The castle was beautiful, a perfect place for her child to grow up. Oh and she'll teach him many, many wonderful things. How to make people scream with delight or horror, to seduce and torture even the highest of angels, oh so many things to teach him before she dies. So many wonderful things, so little time.

"May I ask what you did?" Crowley inquired, staring down at the baby in wonder.

Lilith continued to hum as she pulled on a new dress before skipping through the dark halls of her castle. When Crowley caught up to her, she smiled sweetly at him. "Something good." The castle lit as the three moved through the halls until they reached the master bedroom where Lilith laid little Harry down on the bed and banished Crowley. She looked around the room with satisfaction. "This is your new home now baby," she said in a sweet, sing-song voice before leaning down and kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, love," she whispered.


A few thousand miles away in an obscure castle of Scotland, all thought to be abandoned, Minerva McGonagall let out a gasped as the clock made in Harry Potter's name glowed: 'Dead.'


#4 Privet Drive went up in flames within seconds before the arrival of Albus Dumbledore.


Floating somewhere over Little Hangleton, England, Voldemort's last soul piece was consumed by a tall man wearing a black suit, holding a cane in one hand and a silver ring adorned his other.

So, what do ya think?