A/N: Hello! it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry, but soooo caught up in school. Well, because it's the weekend i decided to write! Well, this is the last chapter to Talent, isn't it sad? Im tearing up... So anyways, now that i'm done, I hope you enjoy this last chapter, because Lord knows I had fun writing it. Oh, and i just had a birthday! soooo, whoever can guess my age right first, I will right a oneshot of their desire! Just no slash!

Disclaimer: They mock me...

"Dick!" "Robin!" came a chorus of yells. They ran over to the ledge where Dick jumped off of, but with the storm and ocean raging they couldn't see a thing. "Someone has to go after him!" Wally yelled. Anyone that could fly flew all around in hopes of finding Richard, and Aqualad jumped into the ocean to see if he could find his friend. Eveyone else went to search on land.

After hours of searching all they all they found was his jacket and guitar.

Some dropped to their knees, the burden being to much. Others couldn't even move. No one could believe it, they couldn't find him and if he hadn't drowned he would have died from hipothermia. He was gone. The first side-kick and last surviving member of the Flying Graysons was dead. No one, not even Batman, could stop the tears that spilled from their eyes. It was their fault, all of theirs. If they would have just paid attention to him more, made him see that they cared about him, made him feel he was loved none of this would have ever happened.

Everyone could say he jumped by his own choice, but to them it felt like they were the ones who pushed him.

They still searched even after 3 months of nothing. Not in hopes of finding him alive because they new that he wasn't, but because they still coldn't believe it. They now searched to truly know. They just had to.

They had yet to tell anyone that he was gone. Bruce had told the world that he had gone on a journey around the world like he had done, it was a good excuse but he knew it would not hold up for long. He would have to tell the world soon that his son was gone. But how could he tell the world that when even he couldn't believe it himself? So that is why they searched.

Bruce knew that he would have to tell Haly about what had happened. He was pratically the boys grandfather and the circus was his first family. If anyone should know first it would be them. They were his family after all.

So when the circus stopped in Gotham he was there.

He walked along the circus grounds remembering the first time he had come here. It was the first day he had met Dick over eight years ago. Had it really been that long? It seemed like just yesterday he was that eight year old swinging off the chandelier nearly giving Alfred a heart attack while he was laughing in the backround. God, how he missed that kid. He kept on thinking whenever he would come home that Dick would be waiting there laughing at how he actually thought he was dead. And right now he would give anything to see his son again.

"Woah!" came a surprised yelp as someone collided with him causing him to stumble back while the other fell to the floor. He looked down to see a boy around 16 with unruly dirty blonde hair and dark grayish-green eyes. The kid looked at him with panick but quickly covered it, almost fast enough for him to miss it. Almost.

He stuck a hand out to help the kid up which he took. "Thanks" he mumbled. He looked slightly embarrased "Sorry, about running into you. I was kinda in a hurry; wasn't really paying attention."

Bruce smiled politely "Don't worry about it. I should be saying sorry, I wasn't really paying attention either." The kid smiled at him, though he could tell it was a little strained. "So are you here to see the show? Because if you are you're a little early." he said indicating with his hands the partially empty fair grounds, only the circus people getting ready for the show.

His face turned serious at the thought of why he was here "Actually I was hoping I could talk to Mr. Haly. I have some important... news to tell him."

"Oh, ok. That was actually why I was in a hurry. You can come with me if you would like." Bruce nodded and they started walking in an uncomfortable silence. For some reason the boy seemed familiar, like he should know him but he didn't remember ever seeing the kid in his life. He look at the kid from the corner of his eye to see the slight nervousness in his face. In order to brake the awkward silence he decided to talk to the boy.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Bruce Wayne." He stuck his hand out for a handshake. The boy shook it with a small smile on his face "Logan." Bruce smiled "So, I'm guessing you work here?" Logan nodded "Yah, I'm the circus' trapeze artist." Bruce looked impressed "Really, well maybe I'll have to stay and watch." Logan smiled a little, though it looked uncertain. "Yah, that woud be... great." he said uneasily.

"Logan!" both looked over to see Mr. Haly rounding the corner "Ah, there you are!" he said when he saw him. "Did you get all the animals prepared for the show?" he asked. Logan nodded "Yes, sir." "Good, now why don't you go and practice on the trapeze for a bit." Logan nodded and ran off towards the big-top. Mr. Haly turned to look at Bruce. "Ah, Mr. Wayne what a pleasant surprise!" he stuck his hand out for a handshake which he took. "Are you hear to see the show?" Bruce looked slightly nervous. He really didn't want to tell him this. "No, Mr. Haly that's not why I'm here. It's about Richard." Mr. Haly lost his smile. "What's the matter? Is he alright?" his asked worriedly.

"Well, you see. There was an... accident about 3 months ago-" "But you said that he was journeing around the world?" he cut in. "Yes, well that wasn't the truth." he stopped, not sure how to say this. "You see Richard... Richard h-he..." He sighed willing himself to not break down. "He's gone Mr. Haly."

"W-what do you mean he's gone?" he asked. Bruce took a deep breath, this was going to be hard. "You see... Richard... he went out to the cliffs in Gotham... and-well...he-he slipped..." he said not sure how to say it.

"Your lying." Bruce looked at him surprised. "Richard is a professional performer. He's been on the highwire since he was born. He didn't slip." he looked at him with deep saddness "He jumped didn't he?" he whispered, heartbroken.

"Yes." he whispered just as heartbroken. This was all his fault. If only he had loved the boy more; kept his promise to him that he would always be there, then he would still be alive, laughing and smiling like he was known for. But, they didn't really know the real him now did they?

"Thank you Mr. Wayne, for telling me." Mr. Haly looked at him with deep sadness in his eyes, they were glistening with tears. Bruce just nodded his head. He shouldn't have been thanking him, he was the reason he was gone, but he kept his mouth shut.

"I should go tell the rest of the circus. They need to know as well." Mr. Haly looked at him. "You should stay for the show. It's going to be in tribute to Richard. He deserves it. For all he's done, whether it be in the day or night." Bruce was surprised, how did he know? He shook it off. He should have guessed he would have known it was him. He has known the boy since he was born. "I think I will." he promised.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight's show we tribute it to someone very special to us. He has given this circus a brightness that could not be matched, and now we will honour him in tonights show!" The circus was absolutely amazing that night; all of the performers worked better than they ever had before. All in honour to the boy the saw as one of their own. The crowd was going absolutely balistic.

Then came the last act of the night. The Trapeze.

"And now we give you the act you have all been waiting for. Young Logan here will be doing a very special tribute to the Flying Graysons, who had insprired him to begin his life on the trapeze." The music started playing, while he leaped off of the trapeze. The crowd was absolutley mezmerized. The ooo'd and awww'd as he preformed death defying stunts, and gasped as he did the impossible. He moved with grace and beauty that wasn't even human. It was as if he was defying gravity itself; like he was flying.

Bruce was stunned. He had only seen one person move like that, and that was Richard, but he was gone, right? Well... they didn't find his body, but... he was gone.

Besides he didn't even look like Richard. He kept on telling himself. But then why did it seem like he knew him? Why did he move just like him?

It was at this time that Logan was getting ready to perform his special move. A quadruplet flip, the hardest move to perform. The crowd gasped when he performed it, and broke into a loud roar of applause when he performed it perfectly. He made it seem like it was as easy as breathing.

Now Bruce was speachless. Only three people could ever perform such a move, and that was the late Mary, John, and Richard Grayson. His eyes started to glisten with tears. Was it really him?

No. That was not him. His mind kept telling him, but then why did his heart say it was?

Bruce walked out of the circue tent in a slight daze, his mind working a mile a minute. He kept throwing theories around about how that wasn't him, but he just kept on coming to the same thing. So there was only one thing to do. Ask. So he decided to find him.

It took him a good ten minutes but he finally found him. He was playing with a enormous gray elephant. It kept on grabbing him with its long trunk and throwing him up in air only to catch him at the last second. Logan was laughing so much his face was turning red. Though whether it was because he was being held upside down or because he was laughing so hard he would never know. He didn't feel like ruining his fun so he stood by the entrance. His laugh reminded him of Richards, though it sounded much happier. It was such a carefree sound.

Logan finaly took notice of his presence. "Ok, Sitcka put me down!" He laughed. The elephant did so though it seemed begrudgingly. Once he was done laughing he walked over to him. "Hello, Mr. Wayne is there anything I can do for you?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions. If you don't mind?" Bruce asked, for some reason he was nervous. Logan looked a little confused but agreed. "Shoot." he said.

"Well you see I was wondering, have you ever met Richard Grayson?" Bruce asked. He decided he would start with something simple.

"You mean Richard Grayson of the Flying Graysons? Your ward?" Logan asked confused. Bruce felt a paing in his chest. He was not his ward, he was his son.

"Yes. You see you and Richard have the same type of style while performing, and you're both around the same age, so I was wondering if you and him ever met." Bruce asked, he was trying to make this sound believable though he didn't know why. He was always so good at this, yet for some reason he just couldn't seem to get it right. Just like how he could never lie to Richard.

Logan shook his head. "No, I'm sorry Mr. Wayne, but I've never met him before. Why do you ask?" Logan looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly in curiosity.

"I was just wondering if you were an old friend of his." Bruce said. Logan gave him a sad smile "I'm sorry Mr. Wayne. It would have been a pleasure to meet him, but I'm afraid I haven't." Seeing that talking about this made him seem sad, Logan decided to change the subject. "So, did you enjoy the show?"

Bruce, glad they were off the subject, responded "Yes, it was quite the show. I was very impressed with your skill on the trapeze."

Logan smiled, a true happy smile, "Thank you Mr. Wayne. Going on the trapeze isn't even a job to me. It's my life. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't do this." he looked around fondly.

"How long have you been at it?" Bruce asked genuily curious.

"Well, I've been doing acrobatics since forever, but being on the trapeze, I've been doing it for around... 8 years or so." Logan said, in deep thought.

Bruce was shocked. 8 years? He had never even heard of the kid, and with his skill he could very well be the greatest trapezeist in the world. "But you've never even been talked about on the news or anything. And with your skill I would have thought the media would be all over you."

Richard looked at him "Well I haven't always been in the circus. I would travel around with a small group of people and we would set up for a day and be gone before any one could get a thing about us. We didn't really like the spot light."

Bruce nodded in understanding. He didn't like to be in the spot light either. "Well, I should be getting back now. Got to help with shutting down." Logan said. Bruce nodded and stuck his hand out for a handshake. "I should be heading back home also." Logan shook his hand, and smiled, a true, happy smile. "It was nice meeting you." Bruce smiled "You too."

Bruce walked out of the tent and to his car. For some reason talking to Logan brought him... peace. Like a huge burden was taken off of his heart. The burden that came when Richard had left. It was strange to say the least. It felt like he had known him for years yet had only met him for minutes. He had this weird urge to just tell him everything. For some reason he trusted him. Something that people didn't come across easily. Having his trust. Then it hit him.

And for the first time in a long time he laughed. A true and happy laugh. Not a fake one, but the ones that only Richard could bring out.

And only Richard.

Logan got back to his own personal room clearly exhausted. He didn't need to sleep much, but when you go for 4 days with only 5 hours of sleep you tend to get a little tired. First though he needed a shower. He walked into his small bathroom, and took off his clothes till he had nothing on but his boxers and...

... his glamour charm.

He looked at the face of Logan in the mirror. He had a muscular yet lean build that came from years of training either from acrobatics... or other activites. He had unruly dirty blonde hair that fell into his dark grayish-green eyes. They held a lightness that hadn't been there in a long time. He was happy again being back here with the people he had known for the first eight and a half years of his life. They were his family. His parents may not be there but that was ok wit him now. He finaly figuered out how foolish he had been to hate them and blame them for his misery. He had been angry at them for leaving him, but he knew now that it was not there choice. They had loved him, and to think that they didn't care for him had been idiotic.

Then he thought about them. Bruce, Diana, Dinah, Oliver, Barry, Clark, Kaldur, Artemis, Meagan, Connor, and Wally. He was not angry at them anymore, but he also didn't regret doing what he did. Sure, there were times where he caught himself day dreaming about days he had spent with them, but then he remembered how happy he was here. This was the happiest he had been in such a long time, so long that he was scared the first time when he had felt it. Then he had met Bruce again. He could tell how deeply sad Bruce was, I mean he thought his son had committed suicide and was dead. Who wouldn't be? And then he must feel guilty, thinking that the reason he had jumped was because of him. It was, but only partially. He hadn't jumped to die, he jumped because he just didn't want to be there anymore. And being here, he realized how good of a descision it had been.

Was it cruel? Yes, but he didn't care anymore. Was it also cruel that he hadn't told the circus who he really was? Yes, but he would. He just needed the perfect moment to do so. Bruce telling Haly and Haly telling most of the circus (the ones that had known him) that he was dead brought the date of telling them closer, but it would have to do.

And maybe, one day, he would tell Bruce, Diana, Dinah, Oliver, Barry, Clark, Kaldur, Artemis, Meagan, Connor, and Wally that he was still alive; that he was the happiest he had ever been being back in the circus. That he didn't blame them; that he wasn't angry either. That he forgave them.

One day, but not today.

Because today Dick Grayson was dead, and Logan had taken his place, but he wouldn't change a thing.

He would take all that heartache, tears, and pain again if it got him here. Because now he was truly at peace, and he was letting his true talent know.

He was finally flying again.

A/N: I did It! I hope you all have liked this story. It brought me happiness writing it and getting reviews. I know, he didn't turn into Nightwing, but I liked this idea much better, and I hope you guys did too. Oh and PLEASE listen to You Are by Colton Dixon becuase it gives you so much feels for this chapter, and it was how I got insperation for writing this last chapter.

Anyways, PEACE!