John Egbert pushed open the doors to his high school and began walking to his homeroom. I wish Christmas break lasted until summer break, he thought. There's always so much I need to get done, and I never have time to do it all.


He looked over his shoulder to see his principal standing behind him with some pissed-off-looking kid.

"Yes, sir?" he responded.

"I was wondering if you'd be willing to be a new student's 'buddy' for the next few days." He gestured to the angry kid standing next to him. "This is Karkat Vantas. He's a foreign exchange student from Alternia."

Alternia? Where the heck is Alternia? John scratched his neck. "Um… Sure."

The principal smiled. "Great. I'll be sure to check his schedule to make sure you two are in all the same classes."


"I knew I could rely on you, Mr. Egbert."

The principal whispered something to Karkat and walked away.

Karkat rolled his eyes.

"So…" John coughed, trying to start a conversation. "How do you like it here?"

"Don't even talk about it," Karkat growls.

John pushes his glasses up higher on his nose. "Why?"

"Because!" Karkat spits. "I don't even want to fucking be here! My mother decided to be a shithead and sign me up for this stupid-assed program, and by some 'miracle' I got in! And do I look happy? NO!"

"Wow, um…okay." John started walking. Karkat didn't really know what to do so he followed him.

"I don't know if you'll be in my homeroom," John told Karkat. "They do that alphabetically, and my last name starts with E, and yours a…V, I think, but we should have all the same classes."

"Like I care." Karkat looked away.

"Mm, Karkat." He grabbed the exchange student's arm to stop him. "Homeroom's here."


Amazingly, John survived the first half of the day with Karkat. Karkat is one of, if not the strangest person he had ever met, he always seemed to be pissed off at someone or something. He wrote a bunch of curse words on his English handout, he tried to purposely make the test tube explode in chemistry. The most normal thing he ever did was sulk in his seat in history class.

Now it was lunchtime. "Where the fuck's the cafeteria?" Karkat grumbles.

John noticed Karkat is glancing over at one of the other exchange students who happened to be in their history class, …Terezi's her name, he thought?

"Oh, I can show you." John glanced at Terezi. "Could you ask Terezi if she wants to come?"

Karkat doesn't say anything, but rather left John to talk to Terezi.

A few minutes later, Karkat had convinced Terezi to come to lunch with the two of them. The girl always had some kind of smirk on her face, which John found to be kind of scary.

Finally the three came upon the cafeteria. John stopped at the cafeteria doors and sigedh.

"What are you doing?!" Karkat demanded. "I'm fucking starving!"

John sigh again. "Are you ready to face your biggest challenge of the day?"

"And that is?"



So...I seriously did not plan this out. I just said to myself, "I'm gonna write this."

Please tell me if I should continue!

Any fault.

Please review!

*EDIT* Due to the stupid 2nd-person rule on fics, the original, 2nd person version has been moved to Ao3. Please enjoy the 3rd p in all its "glory".