Hey guys! Blackwind137 and MG6673 would like to present a FACE family Fanfic! In later chapters, different characters will pop up, and we hope you guys have as much fun with the story as we do. Hope y'all like it!

(Warning: Rated T for Iggy's and, later on, Romano's mouth)

His little blue eyes scanned the store. He found a little girl at the can isle. His mouth widens into a grin as he turns to his brother, excitement ringing in his tone. "Hey, Mattie! There's a girl over there! Let's say hi!"

"O-okay," was the only word that came out of Matthew's mouth before Alfred whisked him away.

As he made his way up to the girl, Alfred beamed saying, "Hi! I'm Alfred! And this is my brother, Mathew!"

The girl peered into his bright blue orbs with her brown ones as she cracked a smile, giggling,

"Hi! I'm Anna!" Her smile soon faded as she looked at Matthew, boring into his violet eyes.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Matthew," he said, hurt apparent in his voice. "He just told you."

"Don't worry, Mattie! She'll remember sometime!" Alfred assured to his younger brother.

Matthew looked around before turning to his brother, asking, "Al? Where's daddy and papa?"

Alfred looked at his brother, smile fading off his face. "I don't know." he sounded slightly worried.

~On the other side of the store!~

"Francis, where are the kids?" Arthur questioned, finally noticing the lack of sound coming from the two boys.

"I don't know Angleterre," Francis responded, his voice sounding slightly concerned.

"How do you not know!?" England yelled. He couldn't believe it. At the store for ten minutes and already they ran off! "You were supposed to be watching them!"

"Oh, but it's not my job, mon cher." France told him. Not like he was lying.

"Well? Go find them! It's your turn!" Arthur commanded, his anger and annoyance building and his..."lover's" resistance.

"But, mon cher, you know you can't cook. So why would it be fair for you to pick the food if

you're not the one to cook it?" Francis tried to reason. He was not about to let himself or his children get sick...again.

"What are you talking about? Of course I can cook! Remember Tuesday night?" Arthur asked, trying to convince Francis he was wrong.

"Please! You gave both of the kids food poisoning! They even had to get their stomachs pumped!" France contradicted.

"Just, go get them, will you?" Arthur asked, exasperated.

"Fine. Just, don't touch anything," He begged as he turned to find the kids.

"Have you seen our dad or papa?" Mathew asked the little girl. She stared at him with a blank expression.

"Who are you again?" She questioned.

"I'm Matthew!" he responded, a little annoyed. Why was it so easy to forget him?

"Oh mes chéris! Where are you?" Francis called. The two children brightened at the sound of their papa.

"Pa!" America yelled as he ran to his papa's arms, Mathew following soon after.

"There you kids are!" he spoke throwing Alfred then Matthew in the air, earning squeals of delight from the two. "Now," he started, setting them down. "Let's go back to daddy before he poisons you two again."

"Oh, there you two are! Where'd you run off to?" Arthur asked as the twins ran up, his face harsh and his tone stern.

"We were talked with a girl!" Alfred beamed, proud of his ability to talk to others easily.

"We were talking," Arthur corrected. It amazed him how horrible Alfred's grammar was.

"We talked with a girl," Matthew responded.

"Yes, well don't run off again." Arthur scolded.

"So, what did you grab?" Francis intervened, worry written on his face. He was hoping that it was an ingredient that he could use to make something...edible.

"Don't worry. I just got Mathew's Maple Syrup-"

"Yay!" Mathew said with glee.

"And I got their cereal along with pancake mix," Arthur responded.

"Alright, well, at least I know that you can't screw that up. Just, put them in the cart," Francis stated while waving to the shopping cart.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Arthur fumed.

"Angleterre, we went over this. You can't tell me that you have never given the boys or me food poisoning," Francis explained.

"But-!" Arthur started.

"Why do you think Mathew always drowns your cooking in maple syrup?" Francis questioned. Surely Arthur didn't turn a blind eye with Mathews little obsession.

"But Alfred loves my cooking," Arthur stated, crossing his arms.

"Yes, well unfortunately he has your horrible sense of taste," Francis said with a wave of his hands.

"I do not have a horrible sense of taste you bloody frog!" Arthur snapped, his tone sharp.

Francis got into Arthur's face asking, "And what shall you do about it, black sheep?"

Arthur was about to utter a few choice words he found very true in the moment, but stopped at the sound of two little voices. Francis took notice and looked behind himself to see the two boys whispering. Mathew held his polar bear close to his chest with one arm as his other hand had grasped Alfreds. Both were speaking in hushed tones, yet the two parents heard their soft words.

"Are papa and daddy fighting again?" Matthew whispered into Alfreds ear. Alfred turned his head to face his brother, looking into the big purple eyes that showed plenty of worry.

Seeing as how Matthew was getting upset, Alfred quietly reassured him. "Don't worry Mattie, they aren't really mad at each other... At least, I don't think they are." Alfred's voice trailed off at the end of the sentence as he lightly squeezed the twins hand. They both knew how serious their parents fights could get, some resulting with one on the couch in the living area. They both usually waited up past their bedtime, huddled into one bed as they listened to the parents "disagreement", as Arthur and Francis referred to it as.

Arthur and Francis stared at the two little children before them, surprised and saddened that the children had to hear their arguments and were even a little afraid of them when in this mode. They both stopped and looked to each other, giving a slight nod and glance that both knew meant to drop it. Arthur bent over and spoke softly to the young boys, saying, "Boys, we're not fighting. We just have a few differences that-," Arthur pause for a second, rethinking his approach. He sent a look to Francis, a simple ask for help.

Francis knelt down and looked into both sapphire and violet eyes speaking lowely. "You know, we can talk about this later. How about we go and finish this shopping, then we can take you two down to the park to play. How does that sound?"

Both boys' faces lit up and they both cheered.

They finished up the shopping with no more arguments and headed back home. Once they placed the groceries away and ate, they took the boys to the park to play. Francis and Arthur sat on the park bench as their two boys ran around playing their pirate game.

"Their so adorable, non?" Francis asked turning to his companion.

Arthur turned and looked at Francis, showing a smile as he responded, "Yes, they are." They made small talk until they heard a child yell. They both popped up from their seats and ran to where the boys were to see Alfred kneeling next to Matthew who sat on the ground clutching his knee.

"Are you ok Mattie? Let me see it," Alfred pleaded. Matthew gazed up at his twin and caught sight of their parents coming over.

"Boys, what happened?" Arthur asked in concern. Francis knelt down next to Matthew and removed his hands from his knee. There was a scrap creating blood that trickled down his leg. It was a circular cut, and luckily didn't look too deep.

Alfred turned to Arthur who crouched in front of him. "We were playing pirates and we fell out of the tree," Alfred explained. Arthur took Alfred's hands to see they were dirty and held cuts that also had trickled blood.

"Well, how about we get you two home and cleaned up," Arthur proposed. Francis scooped Matthew into his arms as Arthur picked up Alfred and they carried them back to the car.

Once they made their way back to the car, Francis searched the glove compartment to find the first aid kit. He took out some bandages and wipes and handed some to Arthur to use on Alfred.

"Alright, this might hurt," Arthur warned them. Both boys hissed in pain when the alcohol wipes were applied to the cuts. Once they were done cleaning the boys hands and placing the bandages, they climbed in the front and started to drive away.

Everyone was silent, which was unusual considering the boys would usually speak to each other. Arthur looked in the rearview mirror and watched them. They both stared out the windows, looking at the scenery.

They drove they passed a few shops whichcause Alfred to blurt out, "Can we get ice cream?!"

Arthur looked back at Alfred and replied, "No, you can't have sweets this late. You'll stay up all night if you do. Not to mention how late it is."

"Aw!" The boys said in unison.

Francis stayed quiet, contemplating the events of the day. "You know, mon cher, I think they should have some. It might make them a little bit happier than they are now," he reasoned.

Arthur turned back to Francis and snapped saying, "There's no bloody way they are going to get ice cream!"

Francis then thought and responded with, "Well, if you get the boys ice cream, I could give you my special "gift"..."

Arthur sat quietly for a few moments, then muttered to himself as he pulled into the ice cream parlor.

The boys licked their ice cream all the way home, and fell asleep around 9:30, much to Arthur's surprise.

"I didn't think it would take less to nothing to get them to fall asleep." Arthur muttered, walking into the living room and plopping down on the couch next to his French companion.

"You know what this mean, right, mon amour?" France practically purred, while leaning over to kiss Arthur's cheek, making him blush.

"F-Fine, just make it quick, frog!" Arthur hissed.

Blackwind137: Hey guys! Hope you liked our start for the story! Please, give us your thoughts! Thanks for reading!

MG: Yay! I love this chapter! I hope you guys like it too. We'll be sure to write more soon. R&R.