6 months later...

"Tony this is far too many."

"But there are two of them!"

"Yes I am aware. I am the one who pushed them out. But this is too much."

"We only get this day once with them!"

It had been six months since Steve had gone to Europe. He checked in regularly with Tony and Natasha, but he still wasn't having luck finding the scepter. Thor recently caused quite a scene Greenwich to which Tony and Pepper had Stark Industries help clean up the damage. Tony was going to jokingly yell at Thor for making such a mess, but then Thor revealed his mother had died and Loki had died. Knowing his pain, Tony decided against the jokes. Thor was currently in New York with Jane trying to pick up the pieces while his father remained on the throne.

In present day, Tony and Pepper were currently standing in their basement surrounded by around two hundred balloons, half of them blue and half of them pink. They were hosting a small family gathering at their house for the twins' first birthday tomorrow. And because it was their first birthday Tony wanted to go all out.

"Tony, we won't be able to find them in the piles of balloons!" Pepper exclaimed as she began to move them out of the way to move closer to him. Tony shrugged,

"We can barely keep up with them enough as it is. And we aren't even outnumbered!"

Will and Maria definitely took after their father in terms of development. Maria was running all over the place while Will was practically speaking in full sentences. Thankfully, they had JARVIS to help keep track of them. At the moment, Pepper was able to get both of them down for a nap after lunch. Her parents would be arriving this afternoon and she wanted them to save their energy.

"I want this day to be perfect for them and if it means getting two hundred balloons so be it! I can get creative where I put them I promise!"

Pepper rolled her eyes. She knew she wouldn't win this argument so she settled for kissing him before shoving him back onto the couch. She laughed at his reaction and then proceeded to run as he got up to go after her. She made it upstairs to the main living space before she was tackled to the carpet floor. As he pinned her to the ground she looked up at him with a smile.

"Tony," she said in a tone that was oh so familiar to him. It was the I-want-to-ask-something tone but she didn't know the response. "What if we had a small wedding, simple wedding here?"

That was not what Tony was expecting. He helped her sit up and they plopped down on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders so she could lean back into him.

"You don't want the binder wedding anymore? The Disney fairytale?"

Pepper smiled, "Well once upon a time I wanted that, but now with where our lives are I just think a simple, small, intimate one would be more fun rather than having to worry about press hiding in the bushes."

Tony definitely agreed a smaller venue would give them more privacy and that is what they both really wanted. He could probably even put something together here at the house with the help of her mother and sister. He could transform the yard into a small ceremony area with her favorite flowers and then they could transition to the patio and pool area for a small reception. And he could keep the screen doors open so the living room allowed more space.

"Okay but you know what happens now if I am on balloon duty."

Pepper laughed and turned to give him a kiss. "Is Rhodey going to be your best man?"

Tony chuckled and nodded in agreement. "He said only if he doesn't have to wear a ridiculous red suit. But I made no promises about the tie."

"Well my sister certainly won't be wearing a bright red dress so no red tie for Rhodey." she teased. Tony looked at the clock and smirked.

"Say what time are your parents coming?"

Pepper knew that smirk and she rolled her eyes with a smile before getting up and pulling him up. This time they would be sure JARVIS informs them of any visitors and they would be in their own room.

The following morning Pepper woke up to her mother making breakfast in the morning while her father read the paper (that he brought from home just so he would have a paper to read regardless of the date).

"Where are my two adorable one year old grandchildren?" her mother exclaimed when she saw Pepper come downstairs alone. Pepper sighed,

"Good morning to you, too. Tony is dressing them in what I hope are the outfits I picked out for them."

Her father chuckled as he flipped the paper, "That is a lot to ask of him."

If he didn't, Pepper had time to change them before their party. Her sister and brother would arrive sometime later this afternoon while Rhodey and Happy were currently out getting the birthday cake. Pepper took the plate of food her mother was handing her and moved to sit next to her father at the table.

"Will is a little motor mouth this morning going sixty an hour," Pepper said before taking a bite. "Five in the morning and he is spitting out random words."

Meanwhile upstairs...

"No no no Will! We don't say that word! Daddy just said it because he was mad at the base of the dresser!"


"No Will! Mommy doesn't like that word!"


"That boy will be a genius and that little girl will know every sport known to mankind," her mother said with a smile. "Don't get me wrong they will both be smart, but those seem to be their current talents."

Pepper and her father nodded in agreement. Moments later Tony came down the stairs with one twin on each side. Thankfully, they were dressed in what Pepper picked out.

"There are my two loves!" Rebecca said happily. Tony was going to respond, but someone else had another word in mind.
