Here is the sequel The Fight For Love. I hope you all enjoy it as much as the original!

3 years later. June 28th 2016.


It had been just over three years since Ezra and I said 'I do' on the beach in California. I had graduated from UCLA with high Honors at the end of May. Ever since that day back in the apartment when we decided we were going to live in New York near his family so we, as well as our kids would always be surrounded by loved ones, we started saving all the money we could. Ezra and I had talked about it and realized that in order for us to have the perfect house; we would need to build it instead of buying one. So one night we ordered Chinese, got two note pads and started making a list of all the things we wanted the house to have as well as what it should look like. We had the house designed perfectly in our heads. Because of all the things we both wanted the house to have we knew we were going to need to cut back on our expenses in order to afford everything. I picked up as many hours that I could handle at the coffee shop when I wasn't busy with school work. We made sure to save as much as possible and spend the least amount possible. We kept an eye out for places that were close to his parent's house that would also be in a private and secluded area. Finally after months and months of looking during my senior year of college, we found the perfect lot for the house to be built on. The land was in an amazing location, very big with plenty of acreage. The best part about it was the price; it was surprisingly thankfully, it was exactly what we wanted.

Once we got the location taken care of, we needed to start on the house. David told us he was friends with a guy named Bill who has his own construction company that he would recommend build our house for us. Long story short, we meet up with Bill. He said he and his construction crew would have no problem building it for us. They got to work right then and gave us a finishing date of June to early July. The only problem with that was Ezra and I had to be out of our apartment in California by June 1st so technically we're homeless because we can't live in our house yet. However Isabella and David being the amazing and wonderful people they are, offered to let us stay with them in Ezra's room until the house was done so when it was time to leave California we had a place to go. As the progress of the house went on and got closer to being finished, Ezra and I had our furniture sent to the house from our apartment in Cali. Well everything except the stuff from our bedroom, that way when it had been time for us to leave California we didn't have too much stuff to deal with when the actual moving day came.

I was currently in our newly finished kitchen at the house putting away all of the pots and pans amongst everything else that belongs in the kitchen. Ezra had disappeared somewhere, probably went to talk with Bill or one of the many other contractors in the house. So far the house looks perfect. It is almost completely done; the only thing left to finish is the upstairs. I don't know how much work is left up there because Ezra won't let me step foot upstairs. No matter how many times I beg and plea he says no. Hell even when I tried to seduce it out of him, which always works, he still said no! Everyday Ezra and I have been coming over here to get things in order and put all of the furniture in place for the rooms that were done and ready to go. Once I finish putting away the stuff in the kitchen, I scurry to the stairs so I can try and get a look at the upstairs since Ezra isn't around to find out. Just as I was halfway up the stairs I feel two arms wrap around my waist, pulling me off the stairs to stand on the bottom of the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going young lady?" Ezra growls playfully in my ear while holding me tight against his body.

I twist around so I am now face to face with him. "Just going to check out the rest of the house." I say innocently.

"Well you know you can't go up there yet until the house is all done. It is a surprise baby."

"Really? I thought you said last night when we were in your room after your parents when to bed that I could see the upstairs?" I run my hand down to the top of his jeans to remind him of how I seduced him last night.

Ezra chuckled and shook his head at me. "No, no I am positive you didn't get me to say you could see it early."

"Please Ezra." I pout playfully to him.

"Not going to work this time. Besides it is almost finished, then you will get a full tour of the entire house."

"Fine." I sigh and give in.

"How about we head back to my parent's house now? It is already 7:15 and mom said dinner would be ready at 8. I already told Bill we were leaving so they all know."

"Sounds good to me babe."

Ezra leans down to kiss me before scooping my up in his arms bridal style and carrying me out to the car, causing me to giggle.


Things have truly been amazing for Aria and I ever since we got married three years ago. We saved as much as possible so we would have our dream house and it is finally paying off. The house is basically done, both with being built and decorated. I had a surprise for Aria so I'm not letting her go upstairs to see it. But of course Aria being Aria, has been doing everything she can from trying to sneak up there to seducing me to let her see it. We had slowly moved the furniture out of our apartment to the house so the house would be ready as soon as possible. One of my surprises for Aria was a very spacious and beautiful library upstairs. I found some amazing glass sliding doors that have black trim around the frosted glass that had swirl designs on it. The inside of the room is decorated with this deep red, almost maroon color but not quite, for the walls. There was also floor to ceiling bookcases with smooth, soft black wood. The room was on the back side of the house so I had the contractors put floor to ceiling windows all along that wall to let in light. I also had a couple of other surprises for her that I can't wait for her to see. The house truly is our dream home with everything we wanted and had hoped for. Even though we saved all the money possible and did everything we could to pay for all the amenities for the house but it wasn't enough. Aria doesn't know this yet, but my parents gave us money for the house because they wanted us to have everything we wanted for the house. I hadn't even told them about the money shortage when they had told me what they were planning to do. I tried to tell them no, that we don't need to take their money and that I wouldn't feel right about it but they didn't take that for an answer. They gave us a pretty vast amount that I put toward the whole upstairs. Last night after we had dinner with my parents I told them that the house was finished so we would be out of their house today. Aria doesn't know that it's done yet but as soon as she wakes up we're going to head over to the house and I'll finally let her see the upstairs. I had just finished putting the rest of mine and Aria's belongings that we had at my parent's house into suit cases then carried them out to the car so we can unpack them at the house. I had left a couple of Aria's outfits in the bedroom so she could pick out what she wanted to wear. As if on cue she came bouncing down the stairs in a pair of dark wash short shorts and a light blue baby doll top and her hair down in curls. Overall she looks gorgeous as always. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her body, smiling along with her.

"Good morning baby. How'd you sleep?" I gaze down at her, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear and kiss her lips gently.

"Good morning yourself, I slept like a baby; I just wish I woke up in your arms. Hey where are all our clothes, I noticed everything was gone?"

"Well it just so happens that our house is completely finished and ready for us to live in for the rest of our lives so I packed everything up and put it into the car."

"It's done! When do we get to go see it? I want to finally see what the surprise is upstairs!" Her eyes were full of excitement and she was nearly jumping up and down with glee.

"As soon as you're ready we'll head out. Do you want to eat before-"

Aria cut me off by kissing me deeply before grabbing both my hands to interlock with hers. "No I want to go right now if you're ready, please?" She begs with her eyes full of excitement.

"I'm ready whenever you are sweetheart." I couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement as she pulls me toward the front door. I yell goodbye to my parents as we walk out the door before heading to the car with Aria.


I was so thrilled when I woke up this morning and Ezra told me the house is finally complete. I cannot wait any longer to see what the surprise that Ezra has for me is. The 30 minute drive from his parent's house to ours felt like eternity because of how excited I am. As we pull into the long driveway up to the house, I can't help but smile as I look at the house the whole way. Even though I have seen the house everyday all day since we moved to New York I can't help but stare at how beautiful and perfect it is, especially knowing it is complete. Ezra parked the car then came to open my door for me before hurrying into the house. Just as I was about to bolt up the stairs Ezra wraps his arms around my waist to hold me still.

"Ezra, I thought you said I get to see the upstairs now?" I pout.

"Yes I did say that, but there is a certain order I want to show you the rooms." He grins at me before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me up the stairs.

I couldn't help but giggle when he sat me down in front of these two beautiful sliding glass doors. Ezra gestures for me to open the doors so I slowly slide them open and step inside. My jaw drops as I see the bookshelves full of all the marvelous classics and the amazing floor to ceiling windows. I look down at the ground and see the new, shiny hardwood floors that had a very pretty black rug with a loop and swirl design on it. There was a leather couch and two leather chairs as well, with a coffee table in the center of the room.

"It's amazing, Ezra. I can't wait to just sit in here all day and read To Kill A Mockingbird for the millionth time as we cuddle together on the couch." I kiss him deeply to further show my appreciation.

"Okay come on I have a few more rooms for you."

Ezra grabbed my hand to lead me down the hall where there was a door on each side of the hall. They were currently set up as guest rooms but were for our kids; we said we wanted two kids someday so these rooms would be perfect. Next he led me down to the other side of the hall. Straight at the end of the hall were these gorgeous white French double doors that had glass panels on it, silver handles and white curtains on the inside of the door so you can't actually see into the room, therefore our bedroom had complete privacy. I can't hold my excitement as I open the doors and look around in pure awe. Saying our bedroom was huge would be an immense understatement. The walls were painted my favorite shade of light blue that contrasts perfectly with the deep colors of our furniture. The bed was in the center of the wall across from the wall in front of the doors with the TV mounted on the wall above the TV cabinet that is perfectly aligned with the center of the bed. There was a window on each side of the bed, above the nightstand. To my right is another set of French double doors, I hurry over to them and open them to see the big balcony that has an amazing view of the entire backyard that had the pool, a big beautiful pond a ways back and where I hope to start a garden. Ezra comes up behind me, bringing me into an embrace as he kisses up my shoulder to my ear.

"Do you like it?" He whispers into my ear.

"I love it so much. It is all perfect, thank you so much Ezra." I turn around in his arms to kiss him lovingly.

"Come on, you haven't even seen the bathroom or closet."

I can't help but smile as I walk to the other side of the room and see the huge bathroom. There was a big whirlpool that is more than big enough for both Ezra and I to be in together. A beautifully tiled shower with glass doors and two separate his and hers sinks. The floor also had a nice smooth tile that I loved; just like everything else in the house. Then there was the closet. Ezra laughed loudly as I squealed when I saw how big it was. If the vastness of the closet wasn't enough, in the back was enough shelving to fit literally all of my shoes! I spun around and kissed Ezra deeply, however Ezra broke the kiss shortly after.

"Come on baby, there is one more room for me to show you."

Before I could ask what could possibly be left he escorted me out of our bedroom to a door half way between our room and the library that I hadn't even noticed earlier. Ezra opened the door for me then stepped back so I could walk in first. The first thing I noticed when we walked on that there was a balcony to the outside; just like in our bedroom. On that same wall, there were windows with long windowsills under them that had black cushions on them as well as soft, fluffy pillows. The only thing I see in the room is multiple sizes of blank canvases. The walls were also a bare white. I turn to Ezra confused.

"What is this room?"

"This my dear, is your art room. I know how much you have always loved to paint but never had anywhere to paint or a place to hang your paintings so I thought an art room would be perfect."

"Are you serious?" My jaw drops and I don't know what to say.

"I would never lie to you baby. And something I also remember is something you said to me back when we were still living in Rosewood. One night when you and I were having a date night in my apartment, we were watching The Notebook and you said when we get married and move into a house you would want an art room. Also f it was possible you would want it to have a big balcony on it so you would be able to sit outside and paint completely naked if you wanted to while enjoying the sun; just like Ally in the movie. I figured it would be best to leave the walls completely bare because another thing I remember you once saying was that you wanted to do some wall murals but never had a place where you could paint one that would live with you for a lifetime."

"I can't even- I don't know what to say. This is truly perfect; you are perfect Ezra. I don't know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful and astonishing as you."

Tears filled my eyes and I ran to the doorway where Ezra was standing. I jumped up into his arms, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist and my arms around his neck. I kissed him with so much passion, love and lust that it was one of the most earth shattering kisses we have ever shared. Ezra held my body tightly to his. I wanted nothing more than to take him right here and now; which is exactly what I plan to do.

"Let's go to the bedroom." I mumble against his mouth before attacking his lips with mine again. I immediately felt Ezra walking us to the bedroom then him tossing me onto our king sized bed. In an instant Ezra climbed onto the bed and we were both naked making love for the very first time in our dream home.

Okay so I have some future chapters written for this story because one night I thought of the perfect way to write a story line. For the most part I have this story written out in my head but have been way too swamped with school to sit down and type for hours on end of all the ideas in my head. With that being said it will be a couple of weeks until I will be able to write and post chapter 2 but I have had a lot of people wanting me to post this story so I finally gave in and decided to post even though I don't have a lot of chapters to hold you over until I'm free like I had planned.

Please review and let me know your thoughts. I'm very excited to write this story and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!