He returned to his mother, but she was far more interested in watching her magic water portal which was all the same to him. He had to stay away, away from Kagome and every other female. He didn't want to touch another one after touching her. It had been three days, but her blood was still so fresh in his mind.

"You are safe here, for now, son, but you can not move in with your mother."

"I have no intentions of doing such a thing."

She waved at him "Shh!"

She was worst than a gossiping whore,

"Sesshomaru, who is this Kouga fellow?"

He stood and walked over and looked down. Fuck his life, there the group was, talking to Kouga and he was holding Kagome's hand.

"Have an itch son?"

He eyed her,

"They came to seek his aid" She stated with a sly smile.

He turned "It matters not"

"Oh? but they seek him to help Kagome."

He stalled,

"Those scratches you left won't heal on their own dogish son of my or did you forget."

Damn it this female was going to be the death of him or someone else because he was going to kill them.

"The half breed will not allow it."

"Oh but he will, he wishes to impregnate her."

His green whip came out and tapped the water, making his mother step back "Do that again pup, and you will see me quite cross."

"Enough," He told her "I am the alpha male."

"Then start acting like it, now go, I do not wish to see you any longer" She stuck her nose up, and he slowly turned and left.

"Your son is as hard head as you!" She stated to no one, but she knew her dead lover could hear her.

Meanwhile, Kouga cleaned up his den to make room to help, Inuyasha and Kikyo pulled Kagome away to talk to her,

"Inuyasha, are you sure this is ok?" Kagome asked she knew he hated Kouga,

"Yes, I'm sure, Kagome, I, I need to ask you something."


Kikyo was standing next to him,

"I" He stepped closer to her "I want to have a baby."

She blinked "Ok?" She said slowly, unsure of what was going on,

"I mean, with you."

Her lips parted "What?"

"You are my reincarnation; I can not have children, we ask to borrow your womb, lay with Inuyasha, let him fill your womb with his seed and carry our child, made of three it will be beautiful."

Kagome could not believe what she was hearing,

"Kagome, please" He reaches out to touch her tummy, but soon a sword was sticking out of the tree, separating him from her,

"Do not touch her" Sesshomaru came walking up,

"Fucking bastard, what do you want, this has nothing to do with you!"

"Foolish half breed, I thought you would have figured it out by now."

"Figured out what!"

"Her womb can not bill filled by you" He stopped in front of them and with his right hand pulled out his sword, his left hand came to rest on her belly, she gasped "Because it is filled by me, she is already with child."

Inuyasha stepped back, Kikyo grabbed his shirt,

"Sesshomaru?" Came her voice, he looked at her "Leave us."

"Like hell- Sesshomaru's sword came to Inuyasha nose "Leave us, now."

Kikyo tugged him away, he lowered his sword but didn't look back at her "My beast knew before I did, the first scent of your blood."

She stepped away "You knew then, when you said all those things to me?"

Hurt washed over her, and he looked at her "My claws were stained with your blood, blood that cried out that you were with child, I hurt the mother of my child, I was angry with you."

"Your words hurt me far worse than your hands" She turned to walk away, she needed to process this "I need to go to Kouga, he is waiting"

He was blocking her bath "That is an unwise thing to say to the demon male who has impregnated you."

"I don't care about your pride!"

"Do not" He stated as she tried to walk around "Move Sesshomaru."

"Do not go to him."

"He is healing wounds you gave me" She walked around him, and he grabbed her wrist "I will lose control if you go to him."

"You mean you will be hurt?"


She turned to look at him "You mean like when you told me you were going to force me to watch you impregnate someone else."

He pulled her, and she was against him instant "I was angry that you allowed me to harm you and so easily."

"You knew I was pregnant and instead of telling me you set to hurt me more? When were you going to tell me? Or were you not going to and hope something happened?"

He growled, "I would not wish harm to you or our pup!" He snapped a bit loud.

"I'm pregnant" she whispered as it seems to hit her finally,

"Yes," He told her,

"But, but Sango said I didn't need to worry, that you that you could control it."

"You broke my control, your womb called to me, I sought to fill you."

She blushed, heat flooded her,

"Do not go to another; I would kill him for touching what is mine" He bent down, his nose nudges her, and she responded correctly, lifting her face so that he could finally return to kiss she gave.

The next full moon that hung high Sesshomaru laid her down and took her gently, he told her to deny all others, and she agreed only if agreed, he told her she was his only.
So in the heat of the summer, under a July moon, he marked her, and she was his. His mother had been right; she became frisker the more pregnant she got and he craved her just as bad, seeing her naked and pregnant was enough to throw him into many more heats, he was addicted to her belly.

Inuyasha became human, and Kikyo lived again, they never did have children, but they adopted many, they died later in life, in the cold of winter.

Lust came easy, and love came swiftly.

Once the jewel was returned he never had to worry about her leaving him, ever. And so every few years, under the July moon, during a midsummer heat, it would impregnate her, and she would give him many children.

The pull of a midsummer heat never went away, his desire for her never faded, never cooled, never faltered.

Sesshomaru would have it no other way and ever July she would blush and run and he, he would always give chase.

So the story goes, throughout history of how the dark prince fell In love under the July moon of a mid summers heat.

The End.