Hi again, before this story went on hiatus I wrote half of this chapter, and wanted it to be longer, but didn't know what to write, I tried multiple times but didn't like any of my ideas. Then my laptop broke, so now I'm using my bro's desktop pc, and I finally have a better idea of where I want this story to go. I'm also working on a new one, but I only have a chapter of that done. What I'll try to do is update at least once a week, first with "He's Just Too Good To Be True" and then this one. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and let me know what you think. Thank you to all of you who have reviewed and are still reading this, and thank you to anyone who reads this at all :)

Chapter 4 Part 2 Plan B

As he finally reaches the last step he feels a chain touch the side of his face, he takes it in his hand and pulls down making a light turn on. Blaine felt his jaw drop at the sight before him. Pictures of him and Kurt together at various places a couple weeks before he was taken lined one of the walls. On another wall were pictures of a small sickly looking person, but with the most special beautiful eyes, and then Blaine appallingly realizes that it's Kurt in those pictures. He feels nauseous and can barely look at all the images that litter the walls, and the only reason he does is, it's Kurt.

He sees that each picture has dates on them, they start on one wall and then go in order from earliest to most recent. And the most recent one is of Kurt from yesterday looking deathly thin, dirty, matted hair, bruises and gashes covering his skin, and big fearful eyes. Blaine's heart shatters even more seeing the state Kurt is in.

His eyes wander over the pictures again, looking at all the different types of conditions he's been in. Then he hears Chandler moving around upstairs so Blaine takes one last quick glance at the many pictures of Kurt. Then he rushes to the stairs and turns out the light. He makes his way swiftly and stealthily to the top and shuts the door silently behind him. Blaine dashes back to the music room, and about twelve seconds later Chandler comes in.

"Hey Blaine, I finally found you, where'd you go?" he asks suspiciously.

"I uh just went to the bathroom then went out to my car to make sure that I didn't leave my keys in there because I didn't want anyone driving off in it. Sorry I made you worried or whatever." Blaine said, he tries his hardest not to show any signs of what he discovered, and also not to just lunge at him now and demand for answers. Instead he decides to stay as calm as he can, at least on the outside.

"Oh, well I just wanted to find you because I have to leave earlier than expected, so I need you to go now. It was nice having you over, maybe you can again sometime." Chandler said back to his over chattery self.

"Yes, of course." Blaine said politely. His thoughts were zooming around all those horrifying pictures, and how to get Kurt back. He now knows that Chandler definitely has a big part in getting Kurt back. Blaine says his goodbyes and lets out a sigh of relief when he makes it to his car. He pulls out and drives to the Hummel-Hudson home.

When he's able to stop and think, it's hard for him not to let the tears fall again. But he knows he has to stay strong and try to be smart about this, and go on to the next part of his plan.

After thirty minutes of sitting there, he finally collected his thoughts, and walked to the door. The door swung open revealing Burt. "Hi Burt, I found something out about Kurt." At first he just stared at Blaine as if he had said the most impossible, yet hoped for thing ever, and then he hugged him.

"Come in and tell me what you found out." Burt said. Blaine followed him into the living room, and sat on the couch, and he sat on his recliner.

"I got a few of the guys from glee club to help me with the search for Kurt. I know I've been a zombie for a while, but something finally snapped me back to the cold hard reality. And I formed a plan. We split up and went to talk to different people that has come in contact with Kurt or me. Today I went to Chandler's house, a guy that Kurt met at a music store, and wouldn't leave him alone.

"At first I thought that Kurt was into him too, until when he stopped texting him Chandler never seemed to leave him alone, and would always try to split us up somehow. I was talking with him some, and then when he went to get ready to go, I went into his basement. What I saw nearly tore my heart right out of my chest.

"There were pictures of Kurt everywhere. It started with Kurt and I together, and then a picture of him just after he was taken, and then on from there." He knew what he had to say next would probably bring him to tears, so he waited to catch his breath and let his words sink in. "The next thing that I saw is what really tore my heart apart. The ones of him on the last wall looked nothing like him, I could only tell because of one where he was looking right into the camera, and could see his eyes.

"He almost looked like a skeleton, and he had sores all over him. I had finally taken my eyes away from Kurt's pictures to go back up to make sure I didn't get caught. I think we should call the cops and send them there with this information, before he has time to change anything." Burt nodded, and took his phone out of his pocket, and then dialed the detective's phone number that was given to him when Kurt first went missing.

"Hi Roger, it's Burt, we found out some stuff about Kurt." There was a pause and then Burt looked at Blaine. "Kurt's boyfriend went to some kid's house and found pictures of Kurt all over his basement. It started right before he was taken, and then it seems like hundreds after. He said he looked in awful shape." Burt then held back a sob.

He then gave the detective the address of Chandler's house. And the detective told him that they did good work, but try not to get into it too much, that it can be dangerous. Then they got off the phone and the detective went with four other cops to check the place out.

"I hope we get Kurt back soon." Blaine said.

"It should just be a matter of time now." Burt said.

8:10 Outside Chandler's house,

"Did we get a warrant yet?" Officer Tony said.

Detective Roger looks at the warrant that he just ran to the court room to get. "Yes, it didn't take much convincing that we needed one. Especially since Kurt has been missing for over a month." Officer Almeida went to the door and pressed the doorbell about dozen times. A minute passed and no one answered.

"Open up this is the police! We have a warrant to search the premises. We're going to bust in the door now!" One of them said with a megaphone. The door still stayed shut, so the four police men grabbed a battering ram and approached the door. They lifted it up then brought it down hard on the door. When they got the door down they rushed in and split in two groups, the group of three went down into the basement. Roger heard what would be found in there, and this was even worse than he could have imagined.

In the middle of the room on the floor…