Sleeping With Ghosts

- Chapter One -

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

On the first year anniversary of Atem's death, Anzu showed up on Kaiba's doorstep with some flowers and an awkward smile.

He looked at her as if she had sprouted a second head.

"I know you miss him too." She said, cracking a grin. "Let's celebrate his death."

He requested that she take her madness elsewhere before he calls security.

"Aw, Seto." She smiled, genuinely this time. "The flowers are for you. I've missed seeing you also." Before he could speak further, she pushed the marigolds into his hands and slipped past him to enter the mansion.

As he closed the door to lead her up to his bedroom, Kaiba had the fleeting thought that either madness is contagious or he needs to revisit his psychiatrist.

Anzu popped herself down onto Kaiba's impossibly large and comfortable bed, whilst the other had no choice but to sit on a chair. He threatened to kick her out if she didn't behave.

She sat up and told him to stop being a sore rectum.

They talked about Atem. Their conversations always revolved around Atem, of course. Kaiba would spit, scratch and claw, in a metaphorical sense, at the pharaoh's cowardliness, hypocriticalness, and general jackassness, and Anzu would laughingly say that he is just sour because he didn't get a chance to buy his love interest an open casket. Kaiba would then move on to demean Yugi for habit's sake, and Anzu, as protective as she is of her best friend, didn't have the heart to not forgive Kaiba, when she was the only one who could make out the flash of pain in his eyes as he lingered his gaze on Yugi for a tad too long.

She would try to lift Kaiba's spirits by listing his positive attributes. He would return her compliments with a snarl.

They were a hopeless pair, really.

In a way, Atem was Kaiba's sustenance. With him gone, Kaiba looked starved, probably was, and it made Anzu want to cry. She couldn't help but notice the bottle of antidepressants on his nightstand.

They were only grieving, and struggling to make their lives meaningful again.

"You are a very, very attractive man." Anzu slurred, a few hours later.

"Everyone is, after three glasses of wine."

"No, you don't understand. You stand out from the rest of them, like a peacock from chickens."

Kaiba pinched the bridge of his nose. "You've had too much to drink, I'm driving you home."

"Seto…" She wrapped her arms around his neck, "you have many likable characteristics."

"Really?" He tried to steady her. "I am interested. What characteristics of mine remind you of-"

She silenced him with a kiss. "Don't be cruel."

"Why do you have a thing for cocky bastards? Are you that masochistic?"

"Please… I can only afford to be like this when I'm with you."

He held her to make sure that she was comfortable, as she continued to explore his mouth. Her hands roamed over his body and he stood perfectly still. It hurt so much and felt so good that he wanted to take her then and there.

He didn't move an inch. It was his turn to stay sane tonight.

As they stumbled downstairs to drink water for their sore heads, Anzu grabbed handfuls of salt and pepper and sprinkled them over Kaiba's hair.

He glowered. "Do you have a death wish?"

"Diamond dust for my beautiful host." She peered at him under what she presumed were full, heavy lashes.

Grimacing, he brought the glass to her lips and helped her drink. She spluttered and complained about the tastelessness of water. He massaged the back of her head until she took it all in.

She leaned against him, laughing a throaty laugh. He didn't understand the joke, didn't understand the way she fitted so perfectly into his arms.

She pressed her lips into his for the second time, moaning in protest as he gently steered her away.

"Make me feel, Seto." She pleaded. "Make me feel and forget."

When he didn't answer, she lunged at him and kissed him with all her might. He closed his eyes, hormones racing and the effects of alcohol taking over. She felt him through the fabric of his jeans, as he held helplessly onto her. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe, as she guided his hands up her thighs, over her chest. There was nothing he could do to bring this ridiculous tryst to an end.

"Anzu, stop…"

"It's only sex. Think of it as pain relief, if you must."

He spun her around and pinned her against the cupboard door. "Please stop seducing me." He demanded, head heavy and breathing laboured. "If you make me lose control, I will not be responsible for my actions thereafter."

"That's exactly what I want, for you to fuck me through the mattress so that every trace of Atem is removed from me."

He gave a bitter smile. "As tempting as that sounds, I refuse."

"Gods, only you'd have enough blood in the brain to turn down that offer."

"I know." He whispered, running his thumb along her bottom lip. "I'm a gentleman like that."

"Atem is like Narcissus, don't you think?" Anzu asked, sprawling on Kaiba's bed as the other sat carefully at the edge. "All the boys and girls were in love with him, but he was too in love with himself to notice."

"That, or he was in love with death." Kaiba snorted.