AN: Ah~ I haven't really done anything major and...ugh I still think that they're OOC but okay...

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.


'I see.' was what Akashi replied with. He scowled and leaned back on his chair, the shogi board in front of him. Honestly, he did have confidence in Murasakibara, but he was bound to lose sometime in the future anyway. It wasn't a prediction, it was fate. Anyone in the whole entire world will have to lose at some point. Except for himself of course, he calculated everything and predicted every miniscule move that his teammate could make. He couldn't lose. He won't.

Murasakibara clenched the phone in his hand after he read the short reply from his former captain and thought to himself how unfair everything was. He was dedicated to Akashi, he'd do anything and yet after the separate schools, the other male just seemed so far away and out of reach. Especially with the fact that their school was far away from each other.

He flipped his phone open, and without thinking he wrote a text in reply for Akashi's short one. 'Akachin, can we meet tomorrow?' he texted, his fingers movements were almost automatic. The urge to meet Akashi was too much.

He fidgeted as he sat down on a park bench, waiting for Akashi's reply. His eyes unknowingly trailed to the outdoor basketball court that was only a few meters from where he was sitting and he saw some kids playing basketball there. He remembered that he saw Aomine, Kise and Kuroko practice together once or twice there. His thoughts shattered as his phone vibrated once again.

'Sure.' he suddenly felt the butterflies squirm once again.

Murasakibara showed up an hour earlier and he was anxious to say the least. He kept both of his hands hidden inside the pocket of his pants, his right hand kept gripping his phone almost as if he was waiting for it to vibrate. He seemed nervous and kept glancing left and right, watching, observing and waiting.

His face lit up a bit though, when he saw a familiar tuft of red hair peeked out amongst the series of brown and the ever so common black. Akashi waved slightly, and smiled that mischievous smile of his that makes the butterfly in Murasakibara's stomach flutter each time.

They opted to go and have lunch together for the time being, they walked into the café and they ordered. The silence during the wait for their food was almost unbearable for Murasakibara to handle. However, the smaller male just kept staring out the window, dawdling his thoughts and glancing at Murasakibara who was fidgeting quite in bit in his seat. Akashi was analyzing him.

"Akachin." the bigger male started, and those mismatched eyes snapped to stare right into his. The gaze unreadable and yet he didn't avert it and stare right back. He knew he had to get some normalty back into the situation. Question was, how does the description of 'normal' could come even close to someone like Akashi Seijuuro of all people.

"Yes, Atsushi?" the familiar name that came out of Akashi's mouth gave a sense of calmness to him and he relaxed in his seat. His permanent half-lidded eyes gazed at the miss-matched pair that was directly across from his.

"Can we go buy snacks after this?" he asked, and Akashi just stared right back, eyes widening a bit. There was a second or two of the startled atmosphere, but then Akashi smiled and chuckled so quietly that Murasakibara could've missed it if he hadn't looked straight at him.

"Sure Atsushi. Anything for you." mumbled Akashi, and he showed that special smile of his. Murasakibara wasn't sure if the smile was reserved only for him though, but he would like to think so. He would like to imagine that Akashi would only smile like that for him, because it makes him feel good inside.

Their quiet and short conversation stopped as the waitress came back carrying two plates containing their lunch. Murasakibara eyed Akashi's plate and felt his mouth start to salivate. Akashi's choice of food had always interest the tall man anyway, and yet he never understood why he didn't order it from the beginning.

"Do you want some Atsushi?" Akashi commented, grabbing his fork. Murasakibara started and looked at his formed captain. This was definitely not the first time the captain asked the exact same question to him. Almost every single time they ate together, the smaller boy would ask that since Murasakibara would stare into his meal.

The purple haired boy nodded happily, or as happy as he could look given the circumstances. He opened his mouth and Akashi twisted an amount of pasta onto his fork and lifted it to Murasakibara's awaiting mouth. He chewed slowly, swallowed it, and gave a look of satisfaction in which only Akashi would noticed of course.

After the food was finished, Akashi ordered some coffee while Murasakibara ordered some strawberry ice cream. As the smaller boy sipped his coffee happily, the other scooped up a bit of the ice cream and a piece of strawberry on his spoon, then brought it close to Akashi's face. The latter blinked up at him, and opened his mouth reflexively.

Murasakibara smiled a bit, in satisfaction, and Akashi chewed the fruit with a look of pure concentration. The ex-captain swallowed and licked the excess juice from the strawberry from his lips. Murasakibara then felt his heart started to beat against his rib cage.

They left the café together and made their way to the grocery store that was only around the corner. Murasakibara made a bee line towards the snack aisle and Akashi made the courtesy to grab a shopping kart and then followed after the larger boy.

When he got there, as expected, Murasakibara was staring at the assortments of snacks and was probably conflicted about buying everything that was on the shelf in front of him. Akashi cleared his throat and that successfully gained Murasakibara's attention.

"Grab what you want Atsushi." he said in his usual demeanor, and the larger male did just that. While the other were placing things in the cart, Akashi's eyes were fixated on the cans and bottles of beers that were aligned on the shelf up front. He grabbed two cans of the most expensive brand and placed it on the cart, next to Murasakibara's snacks.

"Atsushi, you brought the change of clothes right?" Akashi asked, flicking his gaze to the backpack that was resting on Murasakibara's shoulder. The taller man nodded enthusiastically, and gripped the plastic bags that rested on both of his hands tightly.

"Good." Akashi replied, carrying one bag himself. They walked to the nearest station to get to their destination.

The train was not crowded at all, it was actually quite vacant and it surprised Akashi actually. He kind of suspected that the train would be crowded since it was at around two in the afternoon. While Murasakibara opened a bag of potato chips, Akashi gazed outside and found calmness in the view that he was seeing from inside the train.

"Akachin." he heard Murasakibara called and focused his attention to the larger male.

"Yes Atsushi?" he replied, and crossed his legs. The other didn't answer though, only stared back at him with those wanting gaze that no one else ever noticed but himself. Akashi cocked his eyes to side a bit, showing signs of confusions before averting his gaze and he unconsciously started to stare at the platform underneath his shoes.

The overwhelming heat was coming back, and he was sure if he kept staring at Murasakibara longer, the other would eventually notice. Akashi's thoughts were brewing inside his head and he didn't even look up when the train stopped.

"Akachin, we're here." Murasakibara said, and only then Akashi would stand up and walk out of the train.

AN: Thanks for reading and reviewing~ I didn't really expect people to review so I'm pretty happy :)