Chapter 7, Stronger than love.

Hello, I'm so sorry for being offline for so long. But someone very dear to me passed away in november:( (RIP Isa3) but I've finally done writing this chapter and I will try to be faster. Hope you enjoy and take care!/Lieflik

"This world has come to an end" A sad smile covered the man's face as he moved his queen on the black checkerboard "Check". "Oh, don't be foolish darling, the Zweilt Guardian still got a chance" The woman on the opposite side said while she skilfully moved her king "Your turn". The man faced the women with a concern expression "I hope you're not up to something…" The woman just smiled back and put one of the man's rooks playfully in her mouth. "No… I will not allow this! Promise not to interfere, no one can change destiny" "Just sit back and watch" The woman said and moved her night. "Checkmate".

"What are we going to do?" Hotsuma panted as they ran through the forest. "Hey, Takashiro answer me for God's sake!" As Hotsuma and Shusei followed Takashiro they saw the sky switch colour from light blue to dark purple and felt the atmosphere change from goodness to sorrow and panic. Suddenly Takashiro halted and without wasting a second he shouted "We have to find Luka and that's now! He will not run off by himself!" "Takashiro what is happening?" Shusei started at Takashiro's tense back. "Yuki's gone." "WHAT?!" "No time for grieving, for making this situation bearable we have to find Luka! Also…" Takashiro got interrupted by a heart-breaking scream, making the birds panicky flee from their trees. "Luka" Shusei whispered. "Come on" Takashiro shouted and began to run through the dark forest.

The silence was unbearable in the Twilight Mansion. Takashiro walked back and forward, Hosuma rested his head on Shusei's lap while the others sat on the sofa with blank faces. "So, there's no hope for Luka?" Fuyutoki broke the silence with a low pinched voice. "No" Takashiro covered his eyes with a hand of his, while he tried to think through the panic. "No, there's probably nothing left of him now" Fuyutoki sighed and looked around, the red stairs with the brown handrail matched so well with the green wallpaper with gold details on. He had lived in this mansion for such a long time, he wasn't ready mentally to leave it. He studied the faces of the people he hold dear, will they stand this journey that waits before them? He straightened his big hat and returned to his deep thoughts.

The silence broke off when footsteps tramped outside the massive door to the Twilight Mansion. Takashiro turned around and observed the faces of sorrow behind him, before he deeply inhaled and prepared himself for the upcoming hell.

Toko and Tsukumo entered the door without a clue what's hiding behind. "We're home!" Toko laughed and almost danced into the hall where the rest was waiting. Toko's smile disappeared when she saw the face of Takashiro "What's… What's wrong?" She looked around. "Where is Yuki?" Takashiro stared at the ground and tried to figure out something to say. Tsukumo stood questioning behind his stressed sister while Takashiro cleared his throat. "Yuki is… gone" "Gone?" Toko opened her mouth in surprise. "Gone where?" Tsukumo took one step foreward. "Reiga has him" Toko sank to the floor and stared at Takashiro with tearful eyes. "How…?" "Reiga must have tricked him, we're not entirely sure" "And Luka?" "He has gone after Reiga, there is no hope for him, and the fate is up to us to decide" "No" Tears began to drop from Toko's cheeks. "No, this can't be happening!" Tsukumo held his sister against his chest and caressed her hair "We'll figure something out right Takashiro" Takashiro met Tsukumo's eyes before he once again covered his face with his hand and sighed in disbelief.

"So you're here" Reiga smiled. "Where is he?" A dark voice demanded. "Take it easy, let us talk for a while" "I'm not interested" Reiga tilted his head in order to look his opponent straight in the eyes. "You're a fool coming here alone" The other man's fury made the air thick and hard to breath "Tell me where he is" The darkness of the room covered most of the man's face, but left a glint open for his silver cold eyes. "It was long time ago since I've seen such fury in your eyes, Zess"

"Quit the sweet-talk, where have you taken him?" "Oh, don't worry his in safe hands" Reiga's grin became even more evil as he spoke. Luka stepped out of the shadows and drew his sword "My patient isn't remarkable today, so I insist that to you tell me" "Listen carefully Zess, behind those doors there's hundreds of Duras waiting for my command so don't even think about threatening me" Luka sank his sword. "Then tell me where he his" "I can set him free" Reiga spoke with a psychopathic smile glued on his face "What's the catch?" "You'll have to fulfil your contract with me" Luka closed his silver eyes.

"If you turn down this offer, I will torture Yuki until he wishes for the grave, and if you know him well you know that it will take a while." The only source of sound was small gasping's from Luka's mouth. "Or don't you love him enough to offer your life for his." "You promise to set him free?" "Promise" Luka looked up and with a face full of sorrow he spoke "Then I will fulfil this deal of yours" Reiga began to laugh hysterical as he let his Duras led Luka out of the room. "What a fool, what a fool" Eegy entered the room and watched her master "You're not going to release him, are you?" "Of course not, for the time of being there's not a chance that the Giou Clan will win this war" "Well played Reiga-sama" "Now, leave me" Reiga uttered and giggled "Soon will this world be mine!"