(Percy's POV 12:10 PM Central Park, New York)

Hera, of all the god or goddess it had to be the queen of the gods. She stared at us, her eyes moving from our wings to us and back.

"Hestia, what are you doing with that outcast? You are forbidden to see him. You should be with your fiancé, Hercules And what is with those wings?" Hestia slipped her arm around mine and her fingers intertwined with mine.

"Hera im not with an outcast and im certainly not going to marry that immature, perverted, arrogant child. I love Perseus, So I'm leaving to be with him. You are in no position argue. You are too weak after the first two wars." Hestia was glowing with a powerful inferno in her eyes. Her wings burst into flames. She kept her tight grip on my arm, I returned her grip signaling that she has my support. I always love her fireside.

"You will do no such thing. My husband is king, therefore you cannot go against him. You will come to love him, he is the greatest hero after all, even if he has a few kink to work out, minor goddess" She crossed her arms, her eyes glowing gold in return. The air began to tence with energy.

"Hercules is nothing more than a pathetic spawn of Zues, I'm surprised on how you compliment him when he is the result of the affair." I retorded, my voice acting as a warning. Several storms were coming together. I stretched my wings out to there full 34 ft. wing span. The plants aound me began to age and die.

Hera, believing her husband was starting the storm took a step forward. "Why do you have wings?"

Hestia decided to speak up now. "Because we are the new titans, with kronos gone Perseus has the rite of passage to take his place. I'm leaving my place at the hearth on olympus to take my place as queen of the titans, along side my beloved. The fates say a war is to come and the council will get to decide your fate." I smiled to hestia obviously proud and turned back to hera. She was trembling with rage, I smirked.

"Now go on, tell Zues what you have heard." I spoke in a powerful voice and wiped my hand in the air removing the clouds and revealing the shining sun. "Hestia its time we return home, my love. The council awaits your arrival." She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me. I picked her up bridal style. We flashed or teleport or whatever its called.

As we flashed out, Hera gave us a death glare and turned away. I cant wait to face Zeus. I mean who wouldnt on that exit.

(Hestia's POV Next Day 12:30 PM Carthspire, Alaska)

To say that Hera was stunned was an understatement. No one ever went against her because she cried to my brother.

When we reached the city, we met braires at the gate. "Who wishes to enter my lord's domain?"

"Just me braires, and the new queen" Percy chuckled, obviously remembering some funny confrontation. Braires laughed and opened the gates.

"As you wish my Lord and Lady." Percy stretched out his wings and took off over the city.

"You know I can fly to." He chuckled again.

"I know, I'm just making a cliche entrance." I gave him a quick punch on his shoulder, only recieving another chuckle.

When we arrived at the palace gates, we were greeted by the palace guards. Every guard was dressed as late Roman Areani. Not my favorite troop because of they're dark past and even darker looks. But they're fine troops.

"So where are we going first?" I asked clinging to his arm and eyeing a few handmaiden's who were watching us.

"To the Main Hall. You have to meet with the Council to officialy take your place as my queen. I dont know for sure, its theseus' idea." He scratched his head trying to remember everything. I shook my head thinking that im going to end up like hera. My brother was the same way when he first started.

We walked into the council room which is similar to the olympian throne room. The only real difference was that the thrones and the people werent argueing like my family. They laughed and poked fun at one another. I sensed tension in between Zoe and Orion.

We stopped in the middle and he walked off to the thround in the center. All the Sentients were mortal sized and there wings ranged from gray to silver to white. Charle's was made of metal instead of normal feathers.

"My brothers and sisters, The time has come to make the council of eight reach it's title. By the end of this week We shall have our final to members', one being my wife Hestia and the other soon. All opposed to this movement?" No one raised there hand. They all sent me a smile and a thrown appeared by Perseus'.

I took my seat by the king and looked around, the council needed one more person. When I took my seat the hearth that was dark in the middle of the room, brightened up intensley. I seen percys eyes begin to sparkle when the hearth brighten up.

"Orion, Zoe how is the recruitment of out two newest titans going?" He lounged back and closed his eyes. I watched him intentley. I wanted to understand hera's point of view when it came to being queen. I guess i'd have to wait and see if he had an affair or not. But I still didnt know his titles besides time.

"The boy will come, brother." Orion looked towards us. I could see his father's features in Orion's face.

"The girl I am unsure of. After having her heart broken by that Hermes boy she has less attachment to the camp. Speaking of which, when will our camp be prepared?" Zoe added in.

"The earthborn are almost finished but we still needed a camp director, any possible canidates?" Charles spoke up first.

"Chiron?" Percy pondered this.

Theseus chirped in "I believe that Zues will become suspicious at this idea, but what about the new war titaness and achillies, between the two, should be more than enough to train any future."

"Why should I, why not you." Achillies cut in.

"Because im preparing war strategies fo..." Achillies interupted.

"Or flirting with athena, I saw you with her today."

"And you having some fun with Aphrodite wasnt counter-productive. Plus you have the most expirience with weaponry. " He caught achillies and grinned victoriously. I noticed shivers run down the mens back at thee metion of the idea. Percy stayed stoic on the matter.

The meeting went on like this i noticed the way some of them were dressed.

Theseus had a suit on and hair like tony stark from the ironman movie. His wings were a mixture of grey and white feathers, like a owl or grey bird.

Orion had a pair of loose camo pants and a dark shirt. His wings were dragon like.

Zoe wore a black school uniform skirt with stockings and a white jacket, a symbol, which im guessing is her symbol, was sitting just left and down from where the collar is. Her wings were sparkling white, like an angel.

Achillies wore a ACU Uniform without the blouse (The jacket soldiers were over there shirts, military school student here.). His wings were dessert brown.

Charlie wore the old fashioned forgers' clothing. His metal wings were celestial bronze.

Percy wore a worn pair of blue jeans and a colored shirt. He had my veil still around his neck like a scarf. His jet black wings stretched out casually.

"Is that all?" I tuned in at percy's voice. Everyone nodded.

"Good we willl all meet in TGI Fridays in new york in two hours." Everyone cheered and started to leave.

"Zoe and Orion, go pick up the half-bloods in two days. The hunters will be there so no slip ups, Artemis must not detect you, Understood?" Percy's voice was dead serious.

"Yes, my king." They smiled and left to get ready.

"Well arnt you all serious and kingly." I chuckled, kissing his cheek.

"Just when i need to be, wanna see our room now?" He stood up and stretch.

"Yes please, and why are we going out to eat together... Wait no palaces?" I ask curiously.

"Well the Council of eight stays in the Sentient. The minors have places around Carthspire, depending on there desire, from homie to extravegant. we thought hanging out together would prevent us from growing apart like the olympians. Plus its always fun for us, you'll like it if you wanna come along." We walked out and flew down to our balcony. Apparentley only the eight have wings and its easier to fly than to climb up dozens of stairs. The council room is the top of the highest towers in the middle of the sentient. There were eight lower towers, symbolizing the rooms of each of the eight. The city was circular. A few temples, mansions, mideval castles, and funny looking houses. There were bazarrs, markets, malls, botiques, and park all over.

"Earth to Hestia, go get ready dove." I smiled and walked off to the shower. I heard a thump and knew he threw himself on the bed.

While i was in the shower I began to wonder what my old family was doing. I wonder if Athena or Hera told my brother of what is happening.

I bet...

Yay done, sorry it took so long iv been bust and stumped. I will post soon and will post on my fairy tail story to.

I dont own anything that can be copyrighted or whatever.