Welcome to next chapter of "More Human than Human"! I do hope you all enjoy this!

Disclaimer: I own no sexy Ninjas...We all wish we did D:

~~~More Human than Human~~~

It was now time for PE and Angel was slightly worried. Oh alright, she was fucking nervous. Why? For not only was this one of the classes that she hated but this was the class the boys would be sharing with her. And since they were trained ninjas, it would be hard for them to hide their talents while they were in this class. She began to chew on her thumbnail, wondering what was going to happen when someone yelled out "BOO!" from behind her.

Shrieking, Angel turned around and swatted at Mikey, who was laughing at her. "MICHELANGELO HAMATO! Don't you DARE do that AGAIN! Do you hear me?!"

A rumbling voice drawled out towards the purple haired girl, "I think Jersey heard you Angel. Damn you got some lungs."

Angel turned her glare to the tallest Hamato, ignoring the laughing Mikey. Standing with his brother were Leo and Don and immediately the girl saw that gym was going to be a major problem. Raph's physique made the standard PE uniform seem like the male was naked due to how it clung to his body. Hell the white t-shirt clung to his body like a second skin and the navy blue shorts rested a couple inches above the knee. Leo was kinda in the same predicament. Only his shirt was slightly baggier than Raph's and his shorts were a tad bit longer.

Mikey and Don's clothes seemed to hide their muscles pretty well, which Angel thanked God for. But before Angel could even begin to complain about their clothes, a girl approached them. She was a couple inches shorter than Angel and her pale blonde hair was curtained around her face. Her soft blue eyes reminded the boys of a warm summer day. But Raph saw something in them that made him frown. Not only did those blue eyes remind him of a bright sky but of a terrified animal. It worried him slightly.

She stood by Angel, eying the Hamato brothers as if they were tigers and she a deer. "G-Good day A-Angel."

The purple haired girl smiled at her. "Hey Allie. How are ya?"

Leo looked at her as the girl replied. Her porcelain skin shone in the light. The girls chit chatted (Well, Angel spoke and Allie stuttered) for a while until the teacher spoke up.

"Good day class! Today we are doing this obstacle course to see which one of you runts will get to participate in the Tri-State Fitness Competition! So," he smacked his clipboard, "First up is Albarn, Zera!"

Said girl groaned and went to do the course, leaving everyone else to watch her or chat with their friends until it was their turn. The boys watched so they could see what they had to do for this challenge. But their peace was broken when Blaze Frost approached them.

"Well, looks like the dweeb and the freak are here too!" he said smugly.

Both Don and Raph glared at him. Angel knew that if looks could kill, then this guy would already be splattered across the ground. The black haired Hamato growled and began to move. Don and Leo grabbed onto their hot head brother, knowing that if Raph ever got a hold of this guy then he would be beyond dead.

Mikey said, "Dude, that has to be the lamest of lame names I've ever heard. How long did it take you to come up with those names?"

Blaze sneered at the shortest Hamato brother before saying, "I wasn't talking to you loser."

Leo narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't talk to my brothers that way!"

The jock raised an eye brow. "Oh, I had no idea that these losers were your brothers."

Now it wasn't just Raph whose temper was near breaking point. But before any of them could do anything, their teacher called out "FROST BLAZE!"

The jock grinned at them before going to the course. Raph shook off his brothers and glared at the other human. "Oh I would love to introduce my fist to his ugly mug."

Don stood next to his immediate older brother, wringing his hands as if his bo was in them. "You and me both Raph but you know we can't."

Allie inched a bit more to Angel, "Y-You have m-met B-B-Blaze before?"

The tallest brother nodded, eyes still trained on Blaze. "Yeah, me and Don got English with that rat faced bastard. Stupid fucker needs to be taught a lesson. With my fists." here he cracked his knuckles.

Allie watched his fists with fear, the only one seeing that was the eldest brother. Leo shook his head, refocusing his attention onto Blaze Frost. "But you know what Father said."

Raph opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted when the coach said "HAMATO! FRONT AND CENTER!"

The brothers looked at each other before they all made their way to the balding man. Leo spoke up for his brothers, wondering what they were called for. "Sir?"

Their teacher looked at them with a strange look on his face. "Which one of youse is Donald?"

The Hamato Brothers sweatdropped and Donnie stepped forward. "It's uh, Donatello sir. And I am."

Coach Moody shrugged and said, "You're up first. Let's see if any one of youse can beat the record."

"What is the record sir?" Leo asked.

Coach Moody said, "2.30 minutes. No one has ever been able to go faster than that. So, Hamato, get ready!"

Donnie scrambled to the starting line, hearing the jocks mock him for not being graceful. If they only knew. He sighed and looked at the so called obstacle course...

~~~More Human than Human~~~

Angel began chewing on her thumbnail, eyes running over Don's form. He was being clumsy on purpose. He knew that there could be spies for the Purple Dragons somewhere in the student body and was forcing himself to be this clumsy. Still, she could tell that it was hard for him to do it. No doubt the others would do it. Angel paused. No, not all of the brothers. Raph wouldn't force himself to be clumsy like that. The purple haired girl ran a hand over her face. Raph would use this as a challenge and begin a war with Blaze Frost. That caused a smirk to appear on Angel's face. The carnage the tallest Hamato would go down in history.

Don regained her attention by making his way to her, exaggerating his shortness of breath. In reality, the ninja had barely done anything. He was just playing up the nerd stereotype. Angel caught his smirk and wink, which sent butterflies to her stomach.

"Aww, looks like the little nerd couldn't handle it!" they heard one of Blaze's lackeys call out. Mikey grabbed Raph's wrist in order to stop his older brother from breaking the poor kid's face in. Leo shook his head and looked at his teacher.

"Who is next sir?" he asked politely.

The man grunted. "Lee?"

The brothers sweatdropped again, knowing that this teacher would be getting their names wrong all year. "Leonardo sir. And that is me."

"Well you are up. Get out there."

Leo stood tall and went to do the course. He managed to do better than Don, only forcing himself to be clumsy a couple of times. Still, he managed to be better than his smartest brother. Mikey smiled at his eldest brother as he approached the group.

"Nice one Leo!You did awesome!"

Leo chuckled and looked at the course. "Well, I tried."

"Mickey! You're up boy!"

That caused grimaces to go around. Mikey grumbled, making his way to the stupid course. He did it, all the while making it so he wasn't as good as Leo but he was better than Don. The blond could hear Blaze and his group laughing in the background and couldn't help but wonder when Raph would finally snap and beat the holy hell out of them.

He finished in less than record time, glad that it was over. Their coach shook his head, clearly not approving of what he saw of the Hamato Brothers thus far. "Alright, time for the last Hamtaro brother. Ralph! You're up boy!"

Everyone in the class sweatdropped then. Allie looked up at Raph and grasped his hand. "G-Good luck R-R-Raph."

The dark haired male lowered his amber gaze to her and smirked, unknowingly making butterflies do the Mambo #5 in her belly. "Thanks. I got this though."

Raph approached the beginning of the course and ignored Blaze's group. When Coach Moody said go, the ninja took off. He moved through the course as if it was child's play, which to him, it was. His focus was on the course, not on his classmates, for if it was, he would see Allie's face.

The girl's water blue eyes were wide as disks and her mouth dropped. A deep blush came over her face as her eyes ran over Raph's moving body. 'He is like a tiger or a panther on how he moves.' was her main thought.

The tallest Hamato easily slid across the finish line of the course, moving like water. A majority of the class stared at him with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Mikey and Donnie were laughing and encouraging their big brother while Leo and Angel were facepalming. Blaze's face was the one that Raph wanted to see. And boy was that one priceless. The boy was doing his best impression of Vernon Dursley aka purple and pissed. Raph smirked and gained the hearts of more than one female as he went over to join his brothers.

"I-ahem- It seems that we have a new record for the course! Congratulations Ralph for making the fastest time be 1.15 minutes!" Coach Moody shouted, a look of disbelief on his face.

The Hamato brothers ignored him and stayed within their group, not knowing of the war that Raph had just begun...

~~~More Human than Human~~~

And end chapter! Yep, gym class took an entire chapter but it was a good chapter! XD Hope you guys enjoyed it! And who do you guys think Allie should be paired with? X3