Post Season 2 Finale. Elena tries to comprehend her life after the loss of Jenna, drawing on Ric for comfort. Elena/Alaric with some Elena/Stefan.

I almost lost Damon tonight. And I have literally lost Stefan.

I have no idea where he could be and how Klaus will make him pay for the cure. Or even if Katherine is telling the truth, especially considering how out of character that would be for her.

As I shut the front door and leaned back on it I slumped in defeat. I have so many emotions rampaging through my head, I just want to stop feeling. I want to make the pain go away and feel nothing. At least if I were a vampire I could flick the switch.

There was something off with the living room, a light on but the house was completely silent. I saw Ric sitting there on the couch, completely moribund staring into the bottom of his glass of bourbon.

This sight brought home for me the utter despair that I have been trying to fight the last few days. Sitting with Damon on his deathbed, confessions and kissing to boot, I realised how selfish I have been. I know now that I love both Stefan and Damon, but this is my family. The man sitting in front of me has lost everything, his wife, his girlfriend and so many of his ideals, that he has finally broken.

Without saying a word I retrieved a glass from the kitchen, poured myself a nip, sliding the ice cubes around in the tumbler. I sat down next to him for just a second, then gave in and burrowed into his side.

He looked down as if realising I was there for the first time and acceptingly put his arm around me. We sat there for hours, going through a full bottle, without ever saying a word.

I felt so relieved to have someone there who understood what I was going through, he didn't need to talk it out either. There was nothing to say.

I had lost my father and my aunt and he had lost his girlfriend, the only family either of us had left but for Jeremy.

I woke up the next morning with my head feeling very fuzzy and a crook in my neck. I started to move to get up before realising I was meeting resistance. There was an arm trapping me. I looked up to see Ric sleeping with his head on the arm rest of my couch, one arm holding me as if he never wanted to let go.

We must have drunk so much that we had just passed out on the couch.

Although Ric and I had never been particularly touchy feely in our relationship, he had always been there for me as a friend and protector. Maybe even more. He has taken on the role of father figure quite well in the last few months, helping Jenna in her futile attempt to raise teenagers.

I poked him in the ribs, albeit softly, quietly saying "Ric, wake up. It's morning already."

He stirred slightly and tightened his hold on me as he stretched.

"Morning. Elena, what are you doing here?" He went to withdraw his arm, but I placed a hand to stop him.

"Don't." He relaxed back into the couch and pulled me in tighter again.

I felt everything he was feeling in that embrace and I didn't want to lose that connection. He understood exactly what I was feeling in that moment as well and we both quietly reflected on all that we had lost, while holding onto the only comfort we had left. I let the silent tears create a damp spot on his t-shirt while my body shook trying to keep it in. When he looked at me I saw his eyes were also red and there were tears that he would never let fall.

Eventually I disentangled myself and stood to face the new day. I turned to the kitchen, looking futilely towards the kitchen as if by some miracle, when I turned around Jenna would be there smiling at me, making coffee at the bench.

My face dropped as I realised that there was no one else there except Jeremy, probably asleep upstairs.

I looked at Ric, his eyes expressing what I was feeling, more than anything words could ever say.