a/n: I posted this once and for some reason it's not loading. I'm posting again. Hopefully it works for you this time. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. :(

prologue - part one

a/n: The prologue will be two parts before we jump right into present day! Enjoy. :)

"You want me to what?" Christian practically roared.

Ana suddenly wished she could shrink back into the couch cushions; it had taken every ounce of courage she had to even broach the subject! "Well…you don't have to say it like that."

"Like what?" he demanded.

"Like it's the most disgusting thing you've ever heard!" she informed him. "I'm not asking you to drown a puppy. I'm asking you to take my virginity!"

Christian sighed, and the tormented look she sometimes saw in his eyes emerged. "Anastasia, I don't know how many times I have to tell you that you're too good for me."

"And I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I'm not, but that's hardly the point. I'm not asking you to date me, Christian, just sleep with me." It hadn't escaped her attention that he hadn't yet said no.

"You don't know what you're asking," he said, his voice low.

She scooted closer to him on the couch and reached for his chest, but as usual, he intercepted her touch by linking his fingers through hers and resting their joined hands on her knee. "Everyone tells me that…my first time should be…with someone I care about. There's no one I care about more than you, Christian," she admitted softly.

"I could hurt you," he whispered.

"You wouldn't," she said wholeheartedly. Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on the side of his neck and then his jaw. She placed her fingertips on the cheek furthest from her and then kissed the corner of his lips.

"Ana!" he scolded, jumping up as a loud crack of thunder shook the house.

She sighed as she fell back against the sofa. "You're mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you," he said, though his tone conveyed otherwise.

"Yes, you are!" she argued. "And I'm not sure why. You're my best friend—"

"Exactly!" he hissed. "What would it say about me if I took advantage of you?" he asked.

Disbelieving laughter made its way up Ana's throat. "Christian, I'm practically begging you to have sex with me. I think it says more about you that you're trying to resist." She took a deep breath and went on with the next phase of her argument. "I'm leaving for college in two weeks, and I plan on experimenting with alcohol and—"

Christian laughed. "No, you don't," he remarked. "You just think that'll make me mad enough to sleep with you."

Ana felt her cheeks heat at his assessment. Damn him for knowing her so well! She shrugged. "Maybe," she conceded. "Or maybe not. I mean…if I got drunk enough, I suppose anyone would do."

She heard Christian growl—actually growl—before he raked a hand through his hair. "I have to get out of here," he said, his voice thick with something she couldn't quite identify. He stalked toward the door, leaving her no choice but to follow him, and he grabbed his coat off the hook. "Make sure to lock it behind me," he ordered before slamming it behind him.

Ana sighed as she turned the lock. She sagged against the door as her head fell to her chest; the sound of heavy rain and her breathing were the only noises in the house. Her mind was racing. Had she just lost her best friend? She knew asking him to take her virginity was a big risk, but there was no one else she trusted.

She was leaving for her freshman year of college in just a few weeks, and she was the only virgin left among her friends. She'd probably be the only one on her dormitory floor, too! The thought had been too overwhelming, and she'd devised this plan to solve her problem.

Another clap of thunder made her jump, and she rubbed her palms against her jeans as she straightened. She started again at the knock on the door and quickly spun around. She pulled the curtain back, and Christian was standing there.

She pulled the door open and he immediately stepped inside. Little droplets of rain water were falling from his hair, he was breathing heavily, and his gray eyes were darker than she'd ever seen them.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Instead of speaking, he reached for her hand and gave it a tug, pulling her against his solid chest. His wet jacket soaked her thin cotton shirt, but she didn't notice. His eyes had locked on hers, and Ana's heartbeat accelerated as Christian lowered his head; it seemed like an eternity before their lips finally met. His kiss was soft and gentle. His tongue brushed over the seam of her lips, and the exchange made her shiver. When her mouth opened with a whimper, his tongue instantly swept inside. The whimper turned to a gasp as she got her first taste of him. His hold tightened, flattening her breasts against his chest, and her hands lifted to tangle in his hair. His tongue stroked hers and her grip tightened, jerking his head to the side. His low chuckle reverberated in her mouth with an unfamiliar but delicious sensation and Ana felt her toes curl.

She winced when he pulled away. "Does this mean…?"

"Is your father going to be home tomorrow night?" he asked as he studied her face.

Ana shook her head back and forth as she bit her lower lip. He was looking at her like…like…like he wanted her! He'd never looked at her like that before.

"Tomorrow night, then," he confirmed.

"I have to work," she said miserably.

"How late?"

"Until eight," she answered in a faint whisper.

He nodded. "After, then." He lifted his hand to her cheek and gazed tenderly at her. "Good bye, Anastasia."

Once again, Ana locked the door behind him. She made her way dazedly into the living room and collapsed onto the couch. Had Christian really just kissed her? Sure, she'd been kissed before, but it had never felt like that!

She ran a fingertip over her lower lip as her heart leapt in her chest. If he could kiss like that...there was no telling what tomorrow night was going to bring.