Okay, this is my disclaimer. I don't own Harry Potter or any characters from the books/movies. Or anything affiliated with the Harry Potter franchise. (even though I would love to) Only the story is mine. Enjoy! And I wouldn't say no to some reviews either. I'd like to know what's good and what could be improved. Just don't be a jerk about it. Constructive criticism is one thing, being rude is something else entirely. Thanks :)

Chapter 1

This has to be the worst day of my life! Ginny thought as she rushed towards Professor Slughorn's dinner party. Wasn't it bad enough that she was struggling to keep up with her homework? But then to have Dean break up with her. And on top of all that, to be twenty minutes late to the Slug Club dinner! This is just what I need! Ginny scoffed to herself.

She pulled the door open and stumbled clumsily inside. The room quieted and she heard Professor Slughorn say her name. "Sorry," she mumbled, "I'm not usually late." Ginny moved to sit down, not quite hearing Slughorn's joke. Her eyes were focused on Harry, who stood quickly as she approached the table. Ginny blushed and sat quietly, watching Harry sit from the corner of her eye. A smile curved her soft lips.

Ginny forgot about being sad as the dinner party progressed. Her thoughts turned more and more towards Harry. She couldn't help bu notice that Harry was finally paying the more attention to her. Her night became more bearable with this realization and she hardly noticed how slowly the dinner had dragged on until they were dismissed at last. Ginny made her way back to Gyffindor tower with Harry and Hermione.

Ginny took her seat at breakfast across from Harry the next morning. She ate nervously until Colin Creevey took the vacant seat to her left. Mercifully, Neville had already been seated when she arrived at the Great Hall. She had been so worried that Colin would not make it to breakfast before Dean. She couldn't bare the thought of him sitting beside her today.

He always does this. Ginny thought to herself with annoyance. Which was why she wasn't at all suprised to see a large brown owl drop a package in her hands when the post arrived. Nor was she suprised to see Dean's handwriting scribbled on the small card she plucked off the box. For the sake of appearances she read it.


I'm sorry about last night.

You know I hate fighting

with you. I miss you.

Forgive me?


Ginny unwrapped the box with little enthusiasm to find a box of chocolates. She sighed. I don't even like chocolates that much. How could he not know that after all this time? Ginny shook her head and picked up the box. "Ron, do you want these? I don't like them." She said, holding the box out to her brother.

"Sure!" Ron said, grabbing the box from her. "Er, thanks Gin."

Ginny smiled at her bother. She felt Harry's eyes on her but she couldn't bring herself to look at him right now. Just then, Colin poked her in the side and she turned to look at him, eyebrow raised.

"Who sent it?" he asked and she could feel Harry's attention on them.

"You know who sent them, Colin." She tried to forget Harry sitting not five feet away.

His eyes were sympathetic. "You okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. I've never felt better, actually." Her lips twitched then gave way to an all out smile. "But I'm going to head back to the common room. I've got a free period before potions and I really need to go over my notes."

Colin scoffed at her. "Come off it Gin. Potions is your best class, even when Snape was teaching."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yes and I only do so well because I study for the tests." She stood as she said it, as if to make her point. "I'll see you guys later."

Ginny came down the stairs from the girls' dorm with her books and froze. Dean was sitting on the couch, most likely waiting for her. He turned when he heard her enter the common room. She held her books tighter to her and took a deep breathe. There was no way she was going to be able to study here. She began to make her way to the portrait when he called out.

"Hey, Ginny. Hold on." Dean called to her. She sighed and stopped. He came to stand in front of her, "Gin, did you get my gift?"

"Yes. I got it."

"And?" He pressed on.

"And nothing, Dean. I got it." She sighed. "I've got to go now Dean."

Without waiting for a reply, Ginny was out of the hole and into the corridor. Once the portrait closed behind her, she let out a breathe she hadn't realized she had been holding. Great, she thought, now I have to study in the library.

The Library was crowded, too crowded for Ginny's comfort. After five minutes of trying in vain to study, she picked up her books and left the library. What am I going to do now? Where's a quiet room when you need it... Ginny froze as it hit her. The Room of Requirements! Of course!

Ginny took off to the place where she knew the door would appear. She paced, concentrating on the door. When it appeared, she rushed through it. Finally. She looked around the room. It was crowded full of stuff. Ginny found a chair and, clearing of the seat, sat down with her books.

She was sitting with her legs propped up on a pile of junk. Her potions book was laying across her legs and her notes were all around her. Ginny was in the middle of a paragraph when she heard it. The soft chirping of a bird. She quickly shoved her book and notes into her bag and went in search of the source.

He was halfway though the obstacle of junk when he heard it. He froze, inching by slowly. The voice was very alluring, mesmerizing even. It was so soft and gentle that he had barely heard it. He peered around the corner of junk and saw her, red hair and all.

Draco Malfoy stood, staring at the young red-haired girl as she sang quietly with the small yellow bird. The bird he had brought here. There was no way he could continue his work on the cabinet today. Not with the girl in here. The blonde Slytherin watched the girl for a moment longer before turning and walking briskly from the room. Damn, he thought, I need every day I can manage for this. Father won't be happy if I mess this up.

Draco ran his hand through his hair, which was always kept in immaculate style, messing it up. His platnium blonde hair was nearly to his shoulders now, making it hell to control. He would have to so something about it soon, he thought absently. Draco knew there was nothing to be done at the moment. He cursed under his breathe and made his way to the dungeons to retrieve his books for Transfiguation.

Ginny left Defense Against the Dark Arts feeling particularly pleased with herself. She was sure that every question on her exam was answered correctly. She was also the first to finish, which she was sure pissed Snape off. A Gryffindor finishing before any of those stuck-up Slytherins. Let alone a Weasley! Ginny gave a snort of laughter as she walked out of the room.

Today was turning out great, despite her awkward run in with Dean this morning. Her studying had gone over well and she was sure she had passed her potions exam. Professor Slughorn hadn't been the least bit suprised that she was one of the first to turn in her exam. Then she had done a little extra cramming during lunch for Dark Arts, which seemed to have paid off as well. Her smile was ever present as she walked down the hallway thinking of Snape's shame in his house.

But Snape had never shown any great dislike to the youngest Weasley. Contrary to what Ginny thought, Professor Snape had a great respect for the young red head. Of course he would respect any student who showed so much dedication to Potions but she showed a dedication to all of her classes. It was that which set her above the others. No other student showed so much dedication. Well, almost none. He conceded thinking of Granger, with a grimace.

Snape was bent over his desk, reviewing the exams handed to him after his fifth year students had left. He was shaking his head over the latest reply. That Creevey boy needs to spend less time snapping pictures and more time studying. Perhaps then, he wouldn't be in danger of failing this class.

Snape was still pondering this train of thought when his door opened. His next class wasn't due for another fifteen minutes. He looked up and was surprised to see Draco walking towards him. Curiousity peaked. The boy had barely said more than what was neccessary to him all year.

"Mr. Malfoy. Good of you to drop by and see your godfather. To what do I owe this honor?" The black haired wizard asked, his gaze intently following Draco's ever step forward.

"Stuff it, Severus!" Draco barked at him, sneering.

Snape stood, his demeanor cool. "I would like to remind you, Mr. Malfoy," He began, "that inside these walls, I am your superior and as such, am to be respected." Then he smirked, a smirk that would do any Malfoy proud. "Unless you should find it more appealing to delay the Drak Lord's orders by reporting here to detention?" His eyebrow raised.

Draco grimaced at the mention of the Dark Lord. "No, sir." He sneered. "As it happens, however, that is precisely the reason I am here. It would seem that another student has stumbled across my work area."

"A student, you say?" Professor Snape quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes, sir. A younger student, I think. I'm sure I haven't seen her in any of myclasses before." The young Slytherin explained.

"And what was this young woman doing?"

Draco's eyes clouded slightly, remembering her voice. The action didn't go unnoticed by the older wizard. "Singing, sir." Then he looked up and his eyes were cold once more. "She was singing."

Snape only looked at him silently.

"I'm sure I don't know who she is, sir. Only that she has red hair. Brilliant red hair. Like fire."

"And what do you intend to do about this, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco looked puzzled, but it was quickly hidden. "Nothing. I intend to do nothing. At least for now. With any luck, it may have been a one time thing."

"Very well, Mr. Malfoy. Then perhaps you would like to tell me why you have come?"

"Only to inform you of my progress."

Snape nodded and motioned for the young man to take a seat .

As the weeks passed, Draco returned each day to the Room of Requirements to find it empty every time. He had been right to assume that the witch's appearance had been a one time thing. His progress on the cabinet was coming along slowly. The nervousness about what was to come rose in his chest again. Draco quickly squashed the feeling. Malfoys don't get nervous. He told himself.

He was meant to do this job. The Dark Lord gave him this job because he believed Draco could do it. His parents were counting on him, expecting him to fulfill the Drak Lord's wishes. He had to kill Dumbledore and get the Death Eaters into the castle. His pale hand closed around the handle to the Room of Requirements.

The Slytherin weaved his way through the piles of junk, making his way towards the Vanishing Cabinet. The soft voice, which so often plagued his dreams, stopped him. He moved slowly towards the now-familiar female voice that surrounded him. He peered around the corner to see the girl with the brilliant, fiery red hair. She came back again. Her voice is so soft.

Draco allowed himself to be captivated by the sound of her voice. The platnium haired boy sank slowly to the floor and closed his eyes, listening to her sing. It was lovely. Like the music Mother played for me as a child. His knees came up to his chest and he raised his hands to run through his hair. He grimaced as his sleeves fell back and he glimpsed the Dark Mark hidden under them, seared into his forearm. He quickly lowered his arms again.

He sat there as the angelic voice surrounded him. He let it sooth him. When it finally stopped, Draco realized how long he must have been sitting there and stood quickly. The girl was gathering her books when he rushed quickly and quietly from the room.