Summary: A bunch of one shots for the couple Gray and Lucy since they don't have much love as a couple. There are a variety of genres but some might be sad or tragic so there's a fair warning that some of these one shots could be one sided.

I know you might be thinking!"Pika-chan you should be updating Fluffed Up Memories or It's Complicated!" well sorry to inform you but I have writers block and I'm still writing Chapter 9 for FUM and working out the next idea for IC. And then I still have to work on the two new fics; one graylu and the other Sticy but baaahhhhummbauugh.

Please Review and tell me your opinion on the oneshots!:)

Pairing: Gray and Lucy

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail all rights reserved to Hiro Mashima

Do I still have a chance?

Gray's Pov~

It was around seven in the mourning that I felt a slight nudge against my chest. It took a while for me to adjust to the sunlight that was faltering through my window.

I felt a bit groggy as my eyes started to open, slowly remembering what happened last night.

There she was. Lying in my bed. It's so hard to believe.

'Was this really happening?' You might think I'd be used to this sort of thing waking up with women in my bed but this was completely different.

She laid there, complete in the attire that she wore to Natsu's birthday party last night. Her golden blonde hair laying effortlessly against her porcelain skin.

If I weren't comforting her last night I would never have guessed that she was crying up to two a.m., but she did.




This was the first time I ever had a girl sleep on my bed without us doing anything sexual. It was just merely sleeping and I was enjoying this pure bliss of innocence that I wouldn't mind being accustomed to it.

Yet my heart was beating madly and wouldn't stop; it kept racing as I watched her sleep. The way her chest would rise and fall every breath she took.

'What was she dreaming of? Has she ever dreamt of me?' I could feel my temperature rising fast. Was I sick?

'Get it together, this isn't like me.'

"Natsu.." Lucy mumbled in her sleep.




She reminded me again why she couldn't be mine, why I couldn't have her. She was in love with someone else who couldn't love her back. Just thinking about it made me frustrated because it was the same thing with me.




There was a time when she was in love with me believe it or not.


Back in February, she showed up to my place, the night of my birthday. Before she got there she told me earlier in that day that she would be showing up to my house very late in the night and she needed to tell me something important.

She sounded so obviously nervous, I could read her intentions clearly, so being the dick ice-head that I was, I called over some of the girls I hooked up with from Magnolia and one from Fairy Tail and asked them to come over around nine, which was an hour before Lucy would show up.

It was near ten when my doorbell ranged, I was a little bit drunk and partially naked. I opened the door and there she was. Holding a small ice-blue bag, dressed in her pink coat and white beret.

"Sorry it's so late, but I wanted to give this to you in person, and I couldn't give it to you when I saw you earlier," she said holding out the bag to me.

"I kind of wanted to tell you something…umm…is it okay if we talk inside?" she asked nervously.

Before I could answer, Juvia, whom I invited over, came up to the door and pulled Lucy in. She was literally in her bra and panties along with the rest of the few girls who were hanging around in my house. These girls really can't hold their liquor for ten minutes.

Shit, this is not good.

"Ahh~ Lu-hic-cy what brings –hic- you –hic- here?"

"uhh.." Lucy stood there confused. Then Aubrey, another drunk and almost naked girl came up and pushed Lucy away harshly.

Aubrey then told Lucy that she should take her clothes off, but Lucy insisted that she was just coming by to drop her gift off. The girls started to swarm around Lucy.

I took a glass from the counter and gulped it down wishing this was over already. Lucy glanced over at me, she looked disappointed, and while I tried to avoid her stare, I suggested that we play a new game.

Aubrey then came over to me and began to grope my package through my pants.

"C'mon you did invite me and the other girls over for dirty fun remember~?" she slurred

"Wait.. You invited them over? I asked you if you'd be busy, but you said no." Lucy asked me. "You knew there was something important I wanted to tell you." She said with a sad look.

"Lucy, I—," I was cut off again by Aubrey.

"Hey little girl! Pftt did you come her to confess your love to Gray or something?" she began to laugh. Lucy's eyes widened, but she stayed quiet as she gripped the bag in her hands.

"What is this? Are you going to cry?" Lucy didn't answer except glared back at Aubrey. "Don't look at me like that! What is this anyway?" she grabbed the bag from Lucy's grasp.

"Give it back!" Lucy yelled back as she tried to get the bag, but it was out of her reach.

"Hey Aubrey leave her alone and stop being a bitch!" I got irritated. Before I could pull the two apart, Aubrey dropped the bag and all we could hear was a shatter. Big pieces of glass were all over the wooden floor. The room went silent.

"Ahh! I'm sorry…just buy another one. Sorry." Aubrey half-heartedly apologized.

Lucy didn't say anything. She picked up the bag as we all watched her. I bent down to help her pick it up, but she refused. I got up and told the rest of the girls to get out. They all left in silence as they gave dirty looks towards Lucy.

She finished picking up the pieces. I saw her crumple up a piece of paper and place it inside her pocket. She got up and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry about that….they were just drunk and being stupid." I tried to apologize. Instead she stayed silent."…If you're mad at me, you can hit me…or something….please do something."

"No, I'm not mad…just disappointed I guess, but I'm also to blame too." she smiled. "I knew I shouldn't have come here.." she pretended to laugh. I half smiled back. "You said..there was something important you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"ah! it's nothing. I just wanted to give you this," she handed me the bag, "but now it's broken, I can take it back if you don't want it."

"no I'll keep it, thank you," I insisted and placed the bag on the counter behind me.

"well I should go now, sorry for intruding on your party…" she said apologetically.

"you don't have to leave yet, I'll make you something."

"no-no, I think it's best if I leave now…"

"alright, will you be okay getting back home?"


she came closer to me. what was she going to do? she tiptoed as best as she could and kissed my cheek softly. "Happy birthday Gray," she whispered.

"Goodnight." she brushed my cheek with the back of her hand and left me speechless. The place where she touched my face burned instantly. I only hoped it was from the alcohol. I took out the broken glass pieces from the bag and saw that it was a photo frame with a picture of us.

The picture was me and Lucy; laughing while we were at an amusement park. It was one of the first days that we hung out together without Natsu or Erza. I still remember that day, that was when I started to like her as one of my best friends, it was a day that I still call one of my best days. It was so like her. I couldn't help, but smile in amusement.

There was balled up piece of paper lying next to my foot. It was the paper I had seen her crumple earlier.

I picked it up and began to read: "Happy birthday Gray! Hope you like your present. It was really hard to find a good picture of you with just the two of us _ Maybe we can have coffee together on Valentines Day at the corner shop? I really want you to read my latest manuscript and we can just talk! I'll be waiting~ xoxo Lucy

After I read the letter, I felt like shit. I decided I'd see her tomorrow morning and apologize for real. I tried to find her the next day, but she wasn't at her apartment. I went there everyday again and again, but still no Lucy.

The 14th of February came by and I decided to go to the shop just like she mentioned in her letter, but she never showed up. Why should I be surprised? I pretty much made it clear to her that I didn't want a relationship…but why do I want to see her so badly? Was it the sensation she left me with that I craved for? Did I want her to touch me again? Maybe… I wanted to touch her.

I just wanted to explain to her everything…. the reason why I couldn't let her get close to me. I was scared of the fact that someone like her could love a person like me. I've been in relationships before, but they always ended badly because I was never really good at showing my true feelings, but I tried my best. I didn't want to hurt her, anyone but her.

About a month later, we started talking again. I forgot how, but I was just glad we did. We never mentioned what happened as if we both wanted to forget it. There were countless times I've had to resist the urge to talk about it, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship now. We were in a good place…. or so I thought.

A few months later, I could see it in her eyes. All she could see was Natsu. Whenever we talked, she'd find someway to mention him. It made me wonder if she used to throw around my name like that in random conversations with other people.

Did she sparkle whenever she heard my name too? I guess it didn't matter anymore.


I kept watching her sleep in my bed as I recalled the days where I was the only one in her field of vision. Her hand lay next to mine on my sheets. I carefully brought her hand up next to my face as I traced the little indentations in her palm.

I kissed the inside of her hand as softly as I could and intertwined her fingers into my own. It was amazing how perfectly we fit together. I wish I had seen it before. I could tell she was beginning to wake up. I pretended to be asleep while our hands were still grasped together.

A few moments later she was awake. I lay there hoping she didn't know I was awake too.

"Gray…?" she whispered with her voice like velvet. I felt her poke the corners of my mouth. I could tell she was smiling to herself already. I decided to let her have her fun a little longer.

She placed her thumb just below my lip and moved it up and down as she mocked me. "I'm Gray and I love girls and I am the best ice mage ever ho ho ho"

Was I Santa now? I held in my laughter, but she couldn't. It always astonished me at how easily amused she was by the smallest things.

Suddenly I felt her freehand playing with my hair. Then she brushed my cheek just like she had done before in the past.

Fuck, it burns.

She took her index finger and began tracing the outlines of my face. It was like she knew I was awake somehow. As if torturing me for all the wrong I had done before, but I couldn't stop her. She was looking at me right now and that's all I wanted more than anything; for her to look at me. It was silent for a while as she kept tracing my face.

Then she stopped.

I felt our intertwined hands getting tighter. "Thank you," she whispered and kissed my cheek once again. Then to my disappointment, she let go.

No. Stay…stay with me! I shouted in my head. Being the coward I was, I pretended to sleep until she left.

I couldn't wake up now or I'd end up saying something ridiculous that might make her hate me. A few moments later I heard my front door shut. She was gone. I opened my eyes quickly, still smelling the faint scent of her perfume. I got up and walked towards my kitchen smelling coffee?

I looked on the counter and saw a red mug filled with hot coffee mixed with hazel nut; the way I like it. It was set next to the picture frame she gave me for my birthday. I had glued the pieces back together. Some parts were chipped here and there, but it still looked fine. I can see her perfect smiling face fine. Next to the photo was a little note.


Thanks for putting it back together :)xoxo- Lucy.



Was it a double meaning? I wondered. I read the note again and smiled to myself.





Maybe I still have a chance.

The end. Yeah sorry for making Gray a bit of a player and Juvia a somewhat slut _ GOMENSAI But again don't worry:D There will be some happy one shots too!

Please Review and tell me what you think I love hearing everyone's opinion and sorry for any little mistakes. But i ope you like this chapter?

x Pika-Chan