.:*~ Connection ~*:.
LukaMiku Fanfic
(Disclaimer; I do not own Vocaloid)
{{Warning; this fic you are going to be reading contains Yuri .Girls Love. And Shoujo-ai. If you are homophobic and/or do not like Yuri, please do not read on.}}

She's the only thing I like about this city.

Wherever there was Miku,
There was Luka.

"You never notice anything!"

She cried out and with that, burst into tears and disappeared. I sat in a daze. Angry at myself. The fall breeze seemed colder than ever, without her here.

But I do. I wanted to tell her.

I notice everything. More than I should, every single detail.
But if I tell you that,

You wouldn't love me anymore.

I can't bear that.

So, I'll keep this a secret.

"Lukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~"

I lifted my head to the sound of the usual, familiar voice of her. I couldn't resist a wry smile, "What is it this time?"

The girl tackled me over with a hug and showed her paper-cut finger. I frown. She frowns too. Then, we both smile.

"Jeez, you need to be more careful you know." I sigh as I held her hand before standing on my toes to reach for the first-aid kit. She pouts and grimaces.

"I couldn't help it that Kikumura was egging me on, he said I was too slow and in the rush I just dropped the book." Her voice was innocent and annoyed, wincing as I padded the disinfectant on with a cotton ball. My heart sank when I saw the ring on her finger. My throat was dry and I struggled to speak.

"That's why you shouldn't listen to him. He's just got a bad temper."

She growled frustrated, "He's such a douche. Douchebag."

I laugh in response and she fires up again, "Seriously. Such a sleaze. That old perverted man always runs into the girls purposely. You've seen him do it too-"

"Shh." I hushed her, not wanting her sudden outburst getting us into trouble. She puffed out her cheeks and waited patiently as I wrapped the band-aid around her finger.

It's another guy now…


The soft voice of Gumi caught my attention, in the blur I had completely forgotten that she was still here. She was sitting on the bed uncomfortably as she lowered her eyes.

"It's a 'no' then, right?" Her voice was soft and gentle, so quiet I had to silent Miku to catch it. My stomach churned.

"You're mistaking that feeling for attraction." I repeated the words I've heard before, "It's a phase. You'll grow out of it."

I saw her eyes flash with anger.

The same anger I remember seeing in myself.

It's for the best. I reminded myself.

She picked herself up and stormed out the room, slamming the door behind her. I felt Miku jump and cling closer to me in fright. The smell of the infirmary was chokingly strong. In the silence, the bell could be heard, signalling the start of the lesson.

I turn to Miku, "You going to class?"

She shook her head. "Don't wanna see that meatball."

I smile weakly, "C'mon, You're gonna see him sooner or later anyway."

Miku hesitates then shakes her head, her pale turquoise hair bouncing from her shoulders. Placing the kit down, I hear Miku's voice again, this time softer.

"What was that about?"

"what?" I feigned ignorance.

"That. With the girl before." She explains patiently.

"Oh. That." I speak slowly, purposely trying to avoid the question. She knew and she sighed. Knowing it was almost impossible to squeeze things out of me. Ever since middle school, I've always been the friend to tell secrets to. Especially as I never told a soul. Miku released my arm and slipped out the infirmary,

"See you then." She calls happily.

"I hope I don't see you again!"

"That's terrible!"

"I don't want to see you come because you're sick."

"So any other time is fine?"She poked her head through the doorway,

"Yeah." I respond with a smile.

"Seeya afterschool then!" She returns the smile before powerwalking down the hall.

I suck in a deep breath of infirmary air and shut the door, falling into the leather spinny chair.

"Sensei. I think I might be a lesbian."

I sighed in annoyance.

Then I had wanted someone to give me directions, not strap me down with my responsibilities. What had I done for her? I've only repeated what I've heard.
The words that have made me sick.

"You'll grow out of it."
"it's only a phase."
"You can't be serious!"

Oh, I was serious then.
Very serious.

This 'phase', I should have grown out of long ago, I still exist in. Probably.

I don't even know.

I was just Luka.

And she was just Miku.

That was all there was to it.

What's so wrong about that?


Oh god. Pretty crappy for a first chapter. But I thought, 'hey better get some writing done', so I did. Well, look forward to it I guess?

The only stuff I don't like about Yuri and all that jazz is because they almost always have sad-endings. Y'know. Makes me sad too.

R&R please~