My Angel - My Only

Always by your side Trying so hard to bring you joy Your smile is all I want or need But all my efforts are in vain.
You shout at me And my pain at yours is more than I can bear I watch you go.
My Angel My Only

I wait as time passes Thinking what I'm doing wrong How I wish I knew.
But my mind is not so strong I cannot see what I must do To bring you the joy you deserve.
Perhpas without me, you'd do better, be happier Maybe I'm just in the way My Angel My Only

I see the time I start to worry You've never been gone so long, so late.
I go to find you, to help you Even if it is futile And then I see.
Three beasts from hell descend on you Seeking to tear the feathers from your wings To spill your blood To drag you to hell.
I cannot allow it!
I throw myself in the way Let them take me instead of you My Angel My Only

I feel their blows breaking my body The pain beyond what I could conceive But again they turn to you.
Once more I place myself in their path Once more I spare you the pain By making it my own.
And yet a third time they turn to you They will not leave you alone.
With weapon in hand I stand once more I will send them back to hell before they can take you.
My Angel My Only

The foes dispatched I turn to you Where you fell.
You are unhurt as far as I can tell But I cannot leave you here I must get you home.
Lifting you carefully My weapon now a cane I carry you gently home Put you to bed And lay down where I can Where I won't disturb your slumber.
As the pain of my wounds consumes me And darkness comes to drag me into its depths I fear for my end But my last thoughts are of you.
My Angel My Only

The pain recedes And I open my eyes The pink light of dawn fills my vision.
Is this heaven?
My vision clears It is not dawn I see, but you Leaning over me, your eyes full of worry.
I voice my concern, my caring for you And I see you smile.
Your smile takes away my pain And all I want is to be with you.
If I had a gil, would you sell me a flower?
How much would it take, just for an hour to sit by your side holding your hand To know I am yours, and that you are mine All that I hope for is to be with you.
My Angel My Only Love.