Beach, Arena.

Finnick's POV

I take the weird tube sponsors sent us as Katniss gives Peeta her bow and arrow. I guess she really trusts me if she doesn't mind being weaponless, especially after what happened earlier. I frown to myself.

I shouldn't have said that thing of asking Haymitch the next time we see him. Sometimes I just forget Katniss doesn't know about the rebellion and the rescue from the Arena. I sigh. I just hope the gamemakers don't find out and try stop us. When Katniss is ready, I begin to walk into the water, she walking close next to me. I should tell her... I should tell her about the rebellion and the rescue mission... She could help much more if she knew.

"I'll tell you." I whisper in her ear. She looks carefully at me and then nods. This girl is pretty smart. I can't believe I thought she wouldn't suspect anything. Katniss starts to walk faster, so I catch up. She's eager to know what I'm going to say. Well, I guess I would be too if I was her...

And I should've thought about this before, shouldn't I? How the hell am I going to tell her that there is going to be a rebellion and that we are getting out of the Arena?! There are cameras everywhere, there's no way I can tell her with the Capitol and all the Districts watching. Well, maybe the cameras aren't on us... Who am I kidding? Of course they are! I bet Katniss and I are what every single person of the Capitol is talking about, the gamemakers won't put the cameras on other people when we are both alone, especially after watching our kisses this morning... I smile. Those were pretty nice kisses. I love kissing her. I wonder when I'll be able to kiss her again.

"Where are you going?" Katniss asks. I stop moving forward as I realize I've been swimming for a while now; the water is so deep I can't stand. I shake my head to myself. I really need to focus on what I'm doing...

"The best fish are in deep water." I say and swim underwater, with my trident in my hand and the little useless tube in the other. Water, somehow, always manages to relax me. Maybe I'll be able to think better while being down here. I open my eyes and look over the bottom, and there they are. Those big red fish... Everywhere! I would sigh if there was air. I don't think the sponsors' gift is for fishing... These fish are pretty easy to catch already, they don't move, basically. Why would they make it even easier for us to catch them? This does not make any sense.

I swim back up to the surface and look at Katniss as I breathe deeply. I should really stop staying so long underwater. "So?" Katniss asks.

I shake my head. "I don't know. I didn't try anything. I just think the tube is not for fishing." I reply, breathlessly.

"You didn't even try?" I shake my head as a response. She sighs and takes the tube from my hand before going underwater.

I swim under after her and watch her as she swims to the bottom and tries to stab one fish with the tube, with no success. The damn tube can't even pierce the fish! Well, whatever... At least I get to see Katniss, being pretty as always, but underwater this time... You don't always get the chance to see the Girl on Fire underwater... I bet Peeta hasn't seen her like this. Uhm, but maybe that friend of hers, or cousin or whatever, Gale, has. Anyway, I don't care, at least he can't see her now. And now that I think about it, nobody can see her now except for me. There can't be cameras down here! That's perfect! I can tell her about the rescue!

Katniss swims to the surface and I swim after her. "It doesn't work." She says as she gives me the tube back. "It's not sharp enough."

"Yeah, okay." I say, not really caring. "Follow me." I take a deep breath and swim to the bottom, without waiting for her answer. I begin to get all the little shells I can find while Katniss just watches me, confused I guess. We swim to the surface to get air every once in a while. Katniss takes my trident, starts to catch fish and takes them to the shore. Once I gather all the shells I believe are enough, I start to put them one next to another in the sand of the bottom. I might have taken hours, or maybe just minutes, but I finally manage to get the shells to read 'R.E.S.C.U.E.'

I get Katniss to stop catching fish, taking my trident back because, well, it is my trident. I lead her to the shells and she reads what I wrote. She looks at me confused, and then back at the shells; this time she widens her eyes, finally understanding its meaning. She apparently attempts to say something, but ends up swallowing water and choking. I take her up to the surface and she coughs out the water in her lungs. I can't help but chuckle, recalling my own reaction when Peeta said Katniss was pregnant. And now that I remembered, Katniss should act like she's pregnant. I'll remind her later.

When she finally finishes coughing, we swim to the shore. Peeta is there with many fish and shrimps. At least we got food now, though I still have no idea what the damn tube is for.

"Are you okay, Katniss?" Peeta asks her and Katniss takes her bow and arrow. "I heard you coughing." He says.

"Yes, I'm fine." She answers. "I just swallowed a bit of water." She says and sits down on the sand. She is still in shock for the news, I suppose.

I shrug it off and give Peeta the tube. "It isn't for fishing either. So I give up. You do whatever you want with it." I say before getting a fish and sitting next to Katniss. I begin to eat it raw. Both Katniss and Peeta look at me. "What? I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry too." A voice really familiar sounds. I grin and turn to see her walking over.