I disappeared on you guys. Sorry :( But I'll try to stop doing that, okay? Forgive me (especially for this chapter?) Please?


Kendall tensed up when the girl took a seat next to him. An odd look was on her face.

"Wh-why are you even doing this?" Kendall asked the teenage girl with him. Oddly enough, she was tending to the wounds on his back.

The girl smiled. "Dad doesn't want you dying on us yet," she answered truthfully. The sadistic look on her face gave Kendall the chills.

Kendall swallowed. "But that's exactly what he wants," he responded. "He wants me to die." Kendall couldn't tell where exactly he was going with this conversation. He wasn't asking for death, which is probably what it sounded like he was doing. He just wanted answers.

Clarissa nodded. "Yes, he does. So do I," she replied. "But he doesn't want you to just die. He wants to see you break first. He wants to make sure that you're dead and nothing will stop him."

Kendall couldn't respond before Clarissa touched his back, and pain shot through his body.

Clarissa smiled before allowing the hurt blonde to recover.

"You want me dead too," Kendall stated. "Why?"

Clarissa sighed. "You know, it's funny," she began, a smile still on her face. "My dad always told me how it was your father's fault for everything that happened to our family. But every time your father was blamed, you would also be blamed as well. Your equally to blame for what happened to us. That day your father was killed..." Clarissa chuckled. "Let's just say you're lucky you weren't home."

Kendall swallowed at Clarissa's last statement. Kendall was only seven when Gavin's life apparently fell apart. How was any of that his fault? What damage could he have possibly done that could ruin a grown man's life.

"Wh-what did I do?" Kendall asked out of curiosity.

Clarissa didn't answer, just continued tending to Kendall's back, ignoring every hiss of pain that escaped the blonde's lips.

"How long do I have left?" Kendall asked. He still had a lot of questions, and he was willing to go down the list until Clarissa said something.

Clarissa finished caring for his back. "You'll get your answers," she said. "But be careful what you wish for."

Kendall watched as she left the room, pondering the warning she gave and desperately trying to figure out what it meant.

Logan, Carlos, Katie, and Jennifer Knight sat around Jame's bed. It felt like they couldn't move. Their eyes were stuck on James' shockingly still body, afraid that if they took their eyes off of him for just a second, they'd lose him for good.

Katie and her mother were completely broken up. If someone could do a thing like this to James, what would they be willing to do with Kendall? Was Kendall even alive anymore? They hated themselves for allowing those thoughts to cross their minds, but at the same time, they knew that they had to be realistic. The police promised they would do everything in their power to bring Kendall back. But in all honesty, it seemed that the police had absolutely no hope of finding Kendall, and that the only help they could possibly receive would be from James.

Carlos released a sigh. He couldn't tell how long he'd been sitting in here, but it felt like ages. He just wanted James to wake up.

"I wish you boys had tole me this," Jennifer muttered, referring to the threats Kendall had been receiving. Her and Katie were the last know about them, only being told a few hours after Carlos had gotten off the phone with his dad.

It was Logan's turn to sigh. "We wanted to," he responded truthfully. "But Kendall specifically asked us not to tell you two. We weren't supposed to know about them either! We found out on accident."

"That's not an excuse, Logan," Katie argued. "This is my brother we're talking about. If someone was threatening him then we should have known too."

"Whoever threatened Kendall also threatened the two of you," Carlos informed them. "Don't you think that Kendall was thinking about that? He didn't want anyone to know about this. He...he did it to protect you."

"Kendall's stalker warned that if the two of you found out," Logan began. "Bad things would happen. He couldn't let that happen and neither could we!"

Katie and Jennifer didn't respond. Katie looked down to the ground and Jennifer let tears form in her eyes once again.

"Right now," Logan said after a moment of thick silence in the hospital room. "The best thing that he can do is let the police do their job while we wait for James to wake up. I'm sure once he does, we'll have several questions answered."

Jennifer sighed.

Robert Green knew his time was coming. He was looking forward to his retirement, though he would miss working for this company. He spent a large majority of his life at this company, his dedication driving him to climb up the ladder.

The dinner he threw was wonderful. It was amazing and a great chance for him to narrow down who would be a great candidate to replace him. He had ideas flowing through his mind, and it was hard for him to choose. All his employees were very hard working and dedicated. He felt like he had been blessed. Not many companies get the kind of workers he had.

When he threw the dinner, he hadn't expected for anything to go wrong.

When William Knight had called to say that his son was in the hospital for a bad case of food poisoning, Mr Green felt really sorry for the kid. Kendall Knight was such a sweet kid. When William said it had become serious, with the little boy being unconscious most of the time, Robert's heartstrings were pulled. Not only was Kendall a great kid who didn't deserve to have gotten sick in the first place, William was a great worker who still has a new baby at home to take care of. Surely, Kendall's sickness was a steer from their direction of perfect bliss.

Robert Green sighed before turning back to focus on the work on his desk. He had a decision to make.

Everyone at the hospital had eventually fallen asleep.

Carlos, though, had woken up several times during the night. He didn't know exactly why, but it also didn't surprise him. There was no way his mind and body could relax after everything that had been going on.

Usually, when Carlos would wake up, he'd shift a bit, release a loud sigh, close his eyes and sleep.

But this time it was different.

The last time he woke up, he saw something. He swore it was a figment of his imagination. He rubbed at his eyes. Suddenly, it happened again

"James!" Carlos yelled.

*sigh* okay. There it is...I'll make it up to you guys, okay? ;)